Wednesday, October 31, 2018

[NSV] Went to the gym after the Halloween Party last night! Screw you, pizza!

Last night my company threw a Halloween party, complete with candy, popcorn, the works. I vowed to only have one thin slice of pizza, then finish off my dinner with a salad. Unfortunately pizza is my #1 weakness. No matter how much I think I can only have just one, I've never done it. I ended up having three small slices at the party and had a wonderful time.

Of course I had surpassed my daily calorie goal. By the time the party ended and cleanup was done, it was 6:30 PM and I had an hour drive home ahead of me. Every bone in my body was saying "just go home and crawl into bed. You haven't seen your boyfriend all day. You have Red Dead Redemption II to play."

NOPE. My common sense kicked in. I was not about to slip into old habits. I asked myself "how bad do you really want this? If you don't want to go to the gym you don't want it that badly."

I do. I do want this badly. I've struggled with weight loss all my life. This is MY TIME. So I showed up to the gym, finished Week 3 Day 3 of C25K, hopped on the stationary bike for a bit, and kissed those pizza calories goodbye. I felt amazing. I'm still feeling amazing from a workout I finished 14 hours ago.

If there's anything you can take away from this, let it be this: do the workout even when you don't want to. You will never finish a workout and say "ugh...I wish I hadn't done that." It's okay to give in to your indulgences once in a while. Just stay accountable and don't stop working. Thanks for reading, everyone!

submitted by /u/melodycat
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Do you have an item of clothing you use a the measure of your GW?

I've just recently started losing weight. Got sick of my boobs being in the way constantly and waistline starting to vanish.

I was thinking maybe it'd be motivating to have a pair of jeans of something I want to fit into when I reach my goal weight/size (I'm more about the cm and inches than kg and pounds), and try it on once a month to see the progress, but I was wondering what you guys, the weight loss gurus of the world, thought of that idea?

I should probably lose around 25 kg (55 lbs) to get a healthy BMI, so it'll take me a few months and I just want something to help me visualise where I'm heading.

submitted by /u/herrejemini
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

calories and weight training?

This may be better suited for another sub so if that's the case, I apologize. I'm confused about the amount of calories I should be eating on days I'm strength training. Typically, I will stick to around 1200 if I'm sedentary. If I do a good amount of cardio, I'll probably eat 1400-1500. On days I lift, however, I am lost. I know I need sufficient calories for building muscle, so I'm not sure if I should just eat at maintenance and slow my weight loss in the hopes of growing some gainzzzz or remain in a deficit and lose weight but risk doing a whole bunch of weight work for nothing. I've generally been doing the maintenance days and have seen no weight change (I am new to lifting so I've heard this could be water retention, but I'm not sure). Anyone experienced in anything like this?

submitted by /u/jiggyhal
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Ideas for a research project on weight loss effects

Hello everybody. I have been a longtime lurker of this sub and have lost the extra 40-45 lbs I had lying around so-to-speak.

I am currently a senior in college and am doing a small study on my friend’s weight loss attempt of his own that I got him into a few months back. I am going to be asking him to complete a small survey each day for a week asking him about his mental state, anxiety, what he ate, if he exercised, how much sleep he got, etc. in order to see how being on a diet affects him as a college student.

I am posting this to see if any of you have ideas about what else I could ask him in terms of these effects of weight loss and to get some additional feedback on the topic in terms of anything you all have experienced during your journey. Any help is greatly appreciated, thank you so much in advance.

submitted by /u/Obsessive_Tendencies
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Halloween is Here. Let's Share Some Progress!

Who is up to share some weight loss progress, Halloween style?

Maybe you have some comparison pictures from a previous Halloween to post up to visually show off your efforts so far? Full costume isn't required, but certainly encouraged!

Any plans for this today? Are you heading to a party and worried about all those snacks, or do you totally have this under control? Maybe you have noticed some differences in how all that readily available candy is calling your name? Are you are dressing up and super proud of how you are rocking that costume? Or are you feeling like you want to rant a bit to get your Halloween angst under control? Whatever it is weight loss and Halloween themed this is the place to be.

I'll kick it off with some before and after pics. I was probably 190ish here (not my heaviest, but reasonably close). My after is from last year. At my 5 year old daughter's request I dressed as Starfire from Teen Titans (no pic with the wig, sorry!). This year I'm going to be Poison Ivy (again by request). If I can ever get my costume finished maybe I'll update with a picture of that too. :)

For today I plan on going for an epic trick-or-treat walk with the kids. Last year I got in about 17k steps doing that - in those heels no less! I'm hoping I can beat that record this year with more comfortable footwear. My biggest concern is staying warm. Maybe I'll bring a hot chocolate along with me so that I can have some chocolate and stay warm at the same time.

submitted by /u/fluffstermcmuffin
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Finally, some success!

I recommitted to fitness this year, and fell in love with weight lifting and going to the gym. However, my work schedule was crazy and it was nearly impossible to feed myself in a way that led me towards weight loss. It was an extreme amount of work and, since I can't meal prep, I actually couldn't do a whole lot. I was working out, but not losing weight.

In fact, my schedule was so crazy that I was turned down by two nutritionists when I asked for meal planning and prep help.

So I caved and bought an all-natural, organic meal replacement shake called Bertrand. I drink two of those a day and have some ham or a veggie omelet or something in the morning.

And it's honestly a godsend. I've finally started losing weight. I have more energy. I don't need to worry about food now because I know I'm well fed and nutrition'd. AND it tastes good!

Honestly, I'm so freaking relieved and relaxed by this now. After a year of struggling, I feel like I'm finally working towards my goal in a manageable and HEALTHY way.

Honestly, I feel like it was the missing piece of the puzzle and everything here on out will be smoother sailing until I switch to maintenance mode. Just wanted to share my tiny bit of success. :)

submitted by /u/ReginaAmazonum
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Does anyone know a good way to prevent the loose skin problem?

28M, 6’7”, 310 lbs. my weight has been up and down my whole life. I first committed to losing weight when I was 19 and about 320 lbs. I got down to 220 in about 12-18 months. I thought I was still fat but I look back at old pics and I was SUPER thin. Still though, I remember having a flabby body but I think it was just loose skin.

Over the next few years, I gained it all back and then some. I peaked at 350, lost 20 in 3 months for a family wedding then dropped another 40 in about 5 months for another family wedding. I’ve since gone back from 290 to 310.

I really want to start taking this serious and get back down to 250. I’m a little worried though that I’ll never have a decent looking body because I’ll always have that loose skin problem. Anybody know a good way to prevent that as much as possible in weight loss?

submitted by /u/shnmchl61
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from loseit - Lose the Fat