Tuesday, January 29, 2019

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Wednesday, 30 January 2019

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

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submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2S7wNqb

Joining the gym again after over a year off

Hi there, everyone! I'm new to this community. To shorten my weight loss story, I've been bouncing back from a healthy weight to a unhealthy (overweight to obese) all of my life. I've spent most of my life on the overweight side.

My most recent ex-boyfriend was a body builder aspiring to be a model. He was also my personal trainer and helped me to lose probably about 10 or 20lbs. He was an ass.

He used criticism and negativity to try to push me to my limits. He was disappointed in me when I ate something I "wasn't supposed to". I refused to eat even a single piece of chocolate for the longest time. When I took a short break from the gym, he was so disappointed that I couldn't squat as much as I used to. I wanted him to be proud of me for coming back. For trying again. I hated him and hated that he couldn't accept me for who I was. I also started hating the gym.

I left him. I still had my gym membership and went a few times post breakup. However, I never returned to the same routine. I eventually quit the gym, mostly because I moved to a new state.

Since the breakup, I've gained a rough total of 80lbs. This is the heaviest I had ever been.

With the guide of a nurse practitioner at my University, I have lost 13lbs since December. It's not where I'd like to be at the end of January, but I am making progress.

Anyways, long story short, I am joining a gym again tomorrow! I'm finally ready to go back. I'm ready to get stronger again and lose the weight hopefully for the last time.

TLDR; I've been thin before but now I'm obese. After being scared to return to the gym from an extremely negative relationship, I'm joining one tomorrow!

submitted by /u/CatWonderball
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2WtLQtt

I am so proud of us all! Emotional ramblings x

Yes, maybe its 2:30AM and yes, I might be getting a bit emotional, BUT -

There’s something so admirable about thousands of us here together trying to better ourselves and become more healthy. It’s easy to feel like you’re alone particularly if you’re the chubby friend in a sea of thin friends and it’s easy to feel that nobody understands just how hard it is. Here, we all get it. We don’t judge.

I’m only 19 and yet this is the third or fourth time i’ve tried to lose this weight and this seriously has to be the last time. I refuse to spend my twenties as a fat girl when I have already experienced this throughout my teens. I know that it only gets harder the longer you let yourself go. Something feels different about this time. I’m finding that 1200 really is plenty. I love doing OMAD because I am a huge volume eater and I always feel so full! I’m on week 2 of couch to 5K and smashing it! I really feel like I can do this.

I know that every single one of us can do this and I think you are all phenomenal. Let’s get this done!

So apparently there’s not enough content in this! So I’ll just have a rant! It’s been my time of the month for two weeks ... TWO WEEKS. This has significantly slowed down my weight loss very early on in the process which is so so frustrating. I know scientifically there’s no way that I can’t lose weight on a deficit but damn it’s so annoying!

submitted by /u/beccva
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2B8whys

Not much in scale gains, but HUGE health gains!

Just a bit about myself first:

Height 6' 4"

Age 23

SW 401.2

CW 385.1

I started my weight loss journey a month and some change ago, and at first I lost 20 pounds very quickly. Unfortunately I relapsed, and had to essentially start again when I shot back up to 390.

When I went to the doctor's office today for something unrelated, my weight was 385.1 . At first I was dissuaded, as that is 6 pounds more than what I recorded on my scale at home. But when they checked my blood pressure, it was 122/81. I had have high blood pressure for a huge part of my life (due to eating ofc), and my numbers last time I was in were 155/93.

So while I lost must less weight than I was hoping due to my stumble in the middle, I have made incredible health gains, dropping around 40 points total! I am still high for someone my age, but at-least my health seems to be improving fairly dramatically!

submitted by /u/SameerKhanna
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2GblJC0

Losing it alone

Hey guys! I’m looking for an online accountability buddy! Right now I feel so alone with the whole starting weight loss and it’s keeping me from fully committing to it. Going to the gym alone is intimidating, but I recently moved and don’t really know anyone who lives by me... and grocery shopping leads to me treating myself to junk food I shouldn’t be eating (an entire bag of flaming hot Cheetos in a day? Not healthy.)... I feel like if I just had someone to check in with daily— did we both make healthy choices— I would make a lot of improvement. I don’t want to ask friends or family to be my accountability buddy because I know they’re going to respond with “because all your diets in the past have worked out so well...” and well, I’m really trying to make a change this time! I have a really important photo shoot in October and I want to feel beautiful and right now I just don’t with all the extra pounds I drag around.

I’m 25F and am 210 pounds at 5 feet tall. I don’t care if your man/woman/non-binary, as long as you’re looking to motivate and be motivated!

Thanks, y’all!

submitted by /u/mask2bird
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2UtIaWW

30 Day Accountability Challenge - February Sign Ups

Hello lovely losers,

Another month is about to happen upon us! That means a new Daily Accountability Challenge.

To reiterate, there will be a daily post for you to check in on goals you set for yourself. You can also read everyone else's progress & commiserate, congratulate & whatever else needs ating. Your goals can be weight loss or general health related, creative, self care or whatever else you need to focus your mental energy on. We try to foster a supportive place to chat about your successes & failures & what you've learned from both.

I'll start us off with my goals for February!

Weight by end of the month 268 - 265:

Stay in calorie goal (net): I’m thinking 1400-1500 is a good goal for the month ahead. X/28

Exercise 5 days a week: This is habitual but I like accountability! X/28

Self-care journaling once a week & love journals once a month: Once a week I need to sit down & journal about the things bothering me or that require some mulling over. Love journals are journals I keep for the people in my life to write down memories, thoughts & all that lovely dovey grossness haha.

Self-care treat once a week: I've got a lot of face masks waiting.

Practice drawing everyday: I've been enjoying it as a creative outlet & way to expel some stress. The next Bob Ross I am not but it's fun! X/28

Don't be shy, chime in with your goals! And feel free to jump on the January posts if you want to get a head start.

submitted by /u/Mountainlioness404d
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2RUGqcm

Ho, hum.. sister troubles

My sister and I are BFF's and until I moved across Canada last year, we were always encouraging each other to eat healthy and we made sure we got our work outs in together. After I moved, I put on about 15lbs and I blame it on stress and mourning the death of my Grandmother.

Anyway since I moved I would say my sis completely gave up on her goals. She put on probably 30+lbs and stopped exercising completely because she has no one to motivate her, she says. Her life is super hectic with 3 little kids and she struggled with the loss of our Grandmother, as well as my family and I moving away.

Anyway, she has been mentioning to me sometimes that she is ready to get her act together and bunker down, drop the weight! I said that was awesome and asked her what her plan is.

She said she is going to focus on eating 3 square meals and adding exercise back in. I told her that is solid and I will do meal prep Sunday with her over video chat so it will be like old times.

I mentioned to her that when I started weighing my food I couldn't believe how much I was overeating and I was literally SHOCKED at how my idea of a healthy portion was waaaaay off. She knows I weigh my food and it annoys her. She said it is too much work and she is too far gone (obviously she's not) to worry about calories and macros, she just needs to stick to the basics but I know she is taking in too many cals because imo it is simple math, an eye opener, yes, but essential to success. I mentioned IF and she got mad and told me I am stressing her out and we ended the call right after that.

If she asks me again, how can I make these suggestions to her that she won't feel overwhelmed? What is a good starting place for people who feel hopeless? She refuses to download any apps because she won't clear her phone, ugh she is just setting up so many road blocks for herself.

Tl;dr my sister asks me for support with her weight loss journey but gets mad whenever I suggest calorie counting/weighing foods and basically anything else. What should I suggest that I haven't already tried?

submitted by /u/mtlsv
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from loseit - Lose the Fat http://bit.ly/2B5CUkL