Wednesday, January 30, 2019

DEXA Scan results showing me major progress!

I started this year following macros very religiously along with CrossFit 5x per week. I wasn't losing weight very fast and was getting discouraged. Even my measurements weren't showing anything.

I took a DEXA scan last August when I weighed 212 lbs, and continued to gain weight for the rest of the year until I was 216 at the end of December.

I've been perfect with macros all year, and my CrossFit workouts are slowing reaching a point where they're a little enjoyable instead of total misery for 45 mins. :) I hadn't been noticing much of a change, but the DEXA scan was so great for me.

Here are the results between my two scans:

  • ARMS: - 1.12 lbs of fat, + .72 lbs of muscle
  • LEGS: - 2.71 lbs of fat, + .81 lbs of muscle
  • TRUNK: - 4.63 lbs of fat, + 1.67 lbs of muscle
  • ANDROID (abdominal area): - .95 lbs of fat, + .41 lbs of muscle
  • GYNOID (hips and butt): - 1.65 lbs of fat, + 1.12 lbs of muscle
  • TOTAL: - 8.64 lbs of fat, + 2.75 lbs of muscle

I'm just sharing this to show that even if weight loss is going slow, you can still be making huge changes in your body composition. I'm shocked that I lost almost 5 pounds of fat in my trunk area, and added almost 2 pounds of muscle.

I'm still at 31% body fat, and my goal is to get below 20% by the end of the year. I started the year out at around 35%, and I'm excited to keep working.

submitted by /u/Practical_Condition
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I can finally tell that I'm losing weight.

So I've tried to lose weight multiple times in my life but would always lose motivation after about a month and go back to my old eating habits. At the most I only ever lost about 10 pounds from previous attempts, which I could never physically tell a difference from so it would always start to feel like there was no point. In the past year I've really tried to change my mindset around food and health and have taken steps to make lifelong changes rather than temporary ones. At this point I've lost just under 30 lbs and I'm finally able to see some differences in my body that I wanted to share!

  • My rings are all loose now, I think I've gone down a full ring size and have had to move them from my ring finger to my middle finger
  • I put on a pair of shoes the other day and they were incredibly loose, it felt like someone had replaced them with a larger size as a joke. Didn't necessarily expect to experience a lot of foot weight loss but I'll take it!
  • There's this jacket in my closet, which I bought because I liked it a lot but I could just barely fit into it and my arms were incredibly restricted while wearing it. I tried it on recently and it fits perfectly now and I have total arm movement!
  • I needed to wear something more formal for a presentation recently so I picked out this gorgeous skirt from my closet that I would always wear at my waist line. All day I found myself having to tug this skirt up, it just kept slipping down and I realized that I must not have as much fat around my waist to hold it up anymore.

The entire time I've been losing weight, I've had trouble actually seeing it because when I look in the mirror, I feel like I look the same, despite the number on the scale changing. Having these physical reminders has done a lot to keep me motivated and shown me that my work is actually paying off. I have a closet full of clothes that have been pushed to the back because they stopped fitting. I usually look at them and feel bad but for once I'm excited to go home (I'm away at college) and try everything on to see if there's something I can bring back into rotation!

Feel free to share if you've noticed any differences like this, I'd love to hear what other people have noticed about their bodies after losing weight.

submitted by /u/Agile_Spy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

gained 70 lbs in a year due to depression, time to shift it

Hi all I'm finally coming out of the other end of a really rough year, in which (amongst other things) I finally went to a doctors and was diagnosed with depression, and am now suitably medicated and trying to deal with things in a more constructive way.

I got on the scales for the first time in a long time and ive gained more than 70 lbs in about a year, but now im going to try to lose weight and work on being happy with my body, as ive kind of got my mind sorted out.

I have done weight loss before (lost 50 lbs ish with slimming world) but I stopped going to the classes when they started introducing games into the mix (not my thing). So I know I can do it, so I am hoping with the encouragement of the community that I can get sorted again.

thanks for listening/reading

submitted by /u/potteddeskplant
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Why did I gain when I ate at my TDEE?

So I'll start out saying that I know that it's not good to weigh yourself every day. I'm doing a weight loss competition where we weigh in every week so I do it so I know if I'm at least heading in the right direction.

I try to eat around 1200-1300 calories a day (i'm female, 5'5", 159 lbs). Yesterday I ate around 1700 calories. Nothing super high in sodium, just more than I usually do. I stepped on the scale this morning and was over two pounds heavier than yesterday.

I know that it's not fat and probably water weight, but it seems like eating at about my TDEE shouldn't make it spike like that. Any thoughts? This has happened a few other times to me and it takes almost a week for it to go back down (screwing up my weekly weigh in). I weigh all my food and am meticulous in my tracking.

submitted by /u/outlandishpara
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Body chemistry is a sloppy little shit.

Even when you are strictly adhering to a calorie count significantly below your TDEE, weight loss is one hell of a ride. A roller coaster with some ups as well as (the far preferred) downs.

On the microscale (if I was going the route of daily measurements....which I am not), I can only imagine how rough the graph of my journey would look. Even on the weekly weigh in scale, I oscillate up and down (last week I gained 3 pounds, and I fully expect to drop 5 or 6 in the next week).

Overall progress, taking the long view, I am doing quite well. Any of those ups is followed by reclaiming that increase and (usually but not always) losing another pound or two besides.

Which brings us to the topic of this post. Body chemistry is a sloppy little shit. So do not be hard on yourself when on the journey if your weight does a quick aeronautical stunt, looping up a bit for a time. Stay the course and keep your eye on the long view, not the short term (what happened since last weigh in).

Of course if you are seemingly on a rocket heading towards heavier weight for a significant period of time, it is time to reexamine what you are eating (and more importantly how much). What is a significant period of time? For me, weighing in weekly, I would say if I got a measurable increase three weeks in a row (when I am trying to lose 1.5 pounds a week on my present caloric input), then I would be concerned.

What to take away from this? Do not be discouraged by the little Nazi (you step on the scale and it snaps to attention... the description is particularly valid for those scales at the doctor's office. HEIL!) on the week to week basis. Keep it up, you can do this, and remember the long view!

submitted by /u/ArenYashar
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

New to the community, well acquainted with struggles

So this is my first ever post on this community, I’ve been following it for a while but this is the first time doing anything except upvoting existing posts so here goes

I’m M, 21 5ft 10 SW 218lb (98kg) CW 177lb (80.2kg)

I started this weight loss journey 3 years ago, and I’ve always had a terrible relationship with food, I would binge eat constantly, make excuses for myself and I’d never hold myself accountable, so usually something going wrong in my life would result in over eating and more excuses. This time was different because I got a wake up call. I had to wear a suit that I’d had in my closet for a couple years and had only worn it when I first bought it, but I could barely fit my arms through the sleeve. It sucked when i realised what I’d done to myself. I started on CICO from the start and saw great results, I got down from 218lb to 191lb in half a year, then 177lb a year after that. I hit a bump and got stuck at around 177 for about a year. It was super disheartening but I didn’t stop trying . I managed to drop down to 165lb around October time in 2018. Then Christmas rolled round... I went back to my folks place and fell back into old habits, eating too much, needing tastes to be satisfied, and making excuses. I’m now back up to 177 and want to get back to the healthy life. I’m not expecting this post to reach many people, I just want it to be out there so I can be held accountable and be part of a community that will help motivate rather than provide myself with excuses.

Glad to be part of the loser community!

submitted by /u/JKenneford
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[Challenge] SIGN UP for the European Accountability Challenge: February 2019 edition

Hi and welcome to the February 2019 edition of the European Accountability Challenge! The perfect way to stay on track for your weight-related and other goals. This is a month long challenge, with a daily post that goes up in the morning hours of European time zones. The aim is to set goals and keep track of your progress on them. Be accountable, get support and have a chat with friendly people. Anyone and everyone is welcome!


Here’s what to do if you'd like to participate: choose some goals, introduce yourself and let us know what you'll be working on! Most people set goals for the month but you can also set daily or weekly goals if that works better for you.

Some tips for success:

  • Think about how you will achieve your goal and how you will measure success. You may find it helpful to set more specific goals (for example, ‘eat x number of calories per day’ vs. ‘lose weight’); I do but YMMV. Take a look at these guidelines for defining SMART goals.

  • Post on here regularly, we will cheer you on! And please do the same for everyone else, this challenge depends on you to make it fun :)

  • Ask for help if you’re struggling or need some motivation, people on here have quite possibly gone through the same thing and usually have good ideas and encouraging words


So what are your goals for the coming month? Besides straight up weight loss or maintenance goals, we see all sorts of things on this challenge. Goals related to fitness, logging, nutrition, sleep, mental health, learning, happiness, productivity, dogs...anything you can come up with! It’s completely up to you and no goal is too small. If you’re in, tell us some more about your goals in a comment here.

Wishing you all a great month! We got this!!

submitted by /u/HadeanEarthWorm
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from loseit - Lose the Fat