Sunday, September 27, 2020

Stuck in desperation and lack of progress

(5'5", 62kg, 16yrs old, M)So to make this quick, I started to exercise during quarantine and started to do a bunch of different exercise plans with the intent of just looking fit, I'm more in the fat side around 20 percent body fat but with lots of strength and some muscle, I went from 76kg to 62kg and made myself look leaner on the shoulder, neck and arms however right now I'm stuck at a plateau.

Currently this is my routine: Daily at 5am I jog for 1hr and do approximately 9km and after that 30 mins of bodyweight cardio. After that at night I do a dumbbell routine (right now using 20lb dumbbells). Then lastly just rest Saturday and Sunday. I really don´t have any diet set in stone because my parents fear of me being too skinny so I just control not to eat a lot and prioritize not eating junk. But I haven't seen any fat loss and I'm actually scared that I might lose the muscle gains I was having at the beginning because I see all these vids and stories about people getting amazing results in less time than what I've been doing. Am I doing this wrong? Am I being counterproductive with my combination of cardio and weight lifting? If so what would be the best way to prioritize fat and weight loss without losing the muscle I have or maybe even gain more with time? If everything is about diet, any concrete plan or somewhere I can get a good nutritional plan?

Bodyweight cardio:

submitted by /u/RedM1st89
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Free-fat mass (FFM) was 50% of my total weight loss last month--is this normal?

I am 5'7 F and I have been working out consistently (Burn Boot Camp classes) and eating a caloric deficit for about 2 months. My stats for the first month were great and I lost 8.6 lbs of FAT and 10.2 lbs overall (84% fat loss) with 1.6 lb FFM loss (16%) :
Month 1
Weight: 192.2 -->182.0 lb
Fat %: 40.8%-->38.3 %
Fat Mass: 78.4-->69.8 lb
FFM: 113.8-->112.2 lb
Total body water (%)82.0 *42.7%) --> 80.6 lb (44.3 %)
BMI: 30.1-->28.5

I lost almost the same amount of weight in Month 2, but notably much more free fat mass was lost than last time. I only lost 5 lbs of FAT and 9.2 lb overall (54% fat loss) with 4.2 lb FFM loss (46%):
Month 2
Weight: 182.0-->172.8 lb
Fat %: 38.3 %-->37.5 %
Fat Mass: 69.8-->64.8 lb
FFM: 112.2 lb--> 108.0 lb
Total body water (%): 80.6 lb (44.3 %)--> 77.2 lb (44.7%)
BMI: 28.5-->27.1

Can someone explain if this is normal and why this occurred? Should I be concerned? I try to workout in a fasted state because I read that you burn more fat this way--is that a problem? I feel like my muscles got visibly bigger and I feel stronger, but it appears that I have lost muscle mass over the past month.

submitted by /u/pharmkitten
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I started losing weight towards the end of June, and so far I’ve lost 41.7 pounds. The biggest change so far is something I don’t see anybody else really talk about on here.

I’m a 6’ 1” 27 year old man. I’ve went from 323.2 pounds to 281.5 pounds since the end of June. I didn’t log the date that I started, but 323.2 was my weight on June 7th. I know I didn’t start until a couple weeks later.

I messed up at the start by not taking progress pics. I don’t really feel different. I don’t think I look very different. I still have a big belly and man titties that haven’t seemed to change. It’s gotten easier to run, but I can only run a half mile at a time still because all the fat bouncing around hurts the muscles around my sides/under the stomach. At that point I have to switch to walking at an incline. I work out pretty sporadically though. Most of my weight loss is because I cut my caloric intake in half and I also fast. Usually 18 hours a day with 1-2 24 hour fasts a week. It’s gotten easy for me to do that now. I fasted for 24 hours today without even thinking about it. I’ve been doing IF for years though since even at my fattest I skipped breakfast and didn’t really snack. I just ate massive 2-3k calorie meals. I don’t have urges to binge like that anymore though and I don’t miss how I used to live at all. It’s like something clicked in my brain and I felt disgusting about how gluttonous I’ve been since childhood.

However, when I was at my fattest weight I had this bad issue with drooling in my sleep. Even if I took a nap I’d wake up with drool. If I slept on my back, the sides of my mouth and my beard would be wet. I’d have to sleep with tissues next to the bed to wipe my face off multiple times a night when I’d wake up randomly. My fiancée said she’d wake up in the middle of the night and she said it sounded like I was snoring with a mouth full of water. Lovely.

I didn’t even notice until today that I don’t drool at all in my sleep anymore. I don’t know how I didn’t notice because I’d gotten so used to it. I can wake up without having to flip my pillow because it’s soaked. I don’t need to buy tissues regularly. My fiancée doesn’t have to deal with the weird gurgling noises and she says my snoring isn’t as loud in general.

I’m not sure if anyone else here ever dealt with this issue, but it’s the best change I’ve noticed so far. I’ll never be morbidly obese again.

submitted by /u/-----Nice-----
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Discouraged and kind of angry

I’ve read so much in the last months in this sub and others, and in the internet in general. I’ve tried IF, CICO, paleo diet, keto, and what I realize is that I’m developing an obsessive and ill relationship with food (trying to diet during the day-binging at night). I don’t have a massive amount of weight to lose, but I think I’m somewhat discouraged and also angry. Three months ago I started walking daily for one hour and I cut sugar, flour and all “whites” completely from my diet (not during weekends). I felt great, mainly mentally, and physically in terms of strength, but I didn’t lose weight. Then I started to try all the things mentioned above, and they’ve all made me either obsess over food, or resent the lack of visible improvement. So I ended up almost all of the days I tried any of those, eating a load of food I’m not supposed to eat. I know weight loss is a mental and personal journey, I’ve done it before. And I want to look my best, but I think I’m just resisting everything too much. I don’t want to obsess over this whole thing and give myself an ED. Apologies if my post is extremely sour and discouraging, I’m just talking about myself. I do think I’m just resisting against my will to change, and I guess that’s a mental and emotional decision to make.

submitted by /u/cumbierbass
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Im actually losing weight successfully and healthily and im so excited!

Ive (F24) always been average weight, mid range BMI, nothing extreme, but last year I lost weight suddenly due to a traumatic event and realised how much of a difference a few kilos made. Then I fell into a disordered cycle of binge/restrict that made me gain about 10kg and put me at the top end of BMI. Since then, I've struggled to maintain or lose weight safely.

But! I just got a new job that's physical and im working in the middle of nowhere where they feed me so Im forced to only eat 3 meals and not snack. I don't own scales, but I took progress pics for the first time and I can see a difference in the pictures! That's never happened before and I feel really successful. Got about 10kg to lose before ill be happy but I'm feeling really positive and motivated to keep doing what im doing and im not going to rush it.

I don't have anyone to share it with in real life because im embarassed to mention weight loss because i put on weight over corona and have hidden away.

But im so excited! It's working in a healthy way and I still have energy to do things and exercise whilst losing weight!

submitted by /u/Drinkthecyanide
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Awkward weight loss pattern

Been a while since I’ve been on a weight loss journey (SW 234.5, CW 223, GW 150). One thing I forgot is that the fat does not come off evenly or where you want it to, necessarily. I dropped about 11 pounds through 20:4 IF but I haven’t lost so much as a centimeter from my waistline and my clothes fit weird. I didn’t understand and then I looked in the mirror and realized my face is leaner and I’ve lost fat around my neck and collar. Typically I lose and gain weight from the top down. I know it’s only temporary and that the rest will catch up but I look like an upside down lightbulb in the interim.

submitted by /u/Jasmotron3k
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

An update to my 3 year old post.

3 years ago, I made a post on Loseit in a desperate attempt to find advice on how to lose weight. I was in the 360's at that point and about to meet up with my then online boyfriend for the first time in real life. despite the post, I didn't manage to lose a SINGLE pound up until I met him. We met, and he loved me regardless of my size. I upgraded him to HUSBAND in 2019!

It's been quite awhile and I forgot I had this account since it was meant to be a throwaway, however, after rediscovering the account, I thought I would post an update!!!

It took me 2 years after posting to get myself together and really try to lose weight. My highest was 375lbs. I actually used much of the advice given to me on my post to start trying again. It's been a year since I have started my weight loss journey and I've lost 106lbs. I'm currently 269lbs.

It's thanks to this community that I was able to push myself in the right direction. I went from helpless to hopeful, and even if it took 2 years for the advice to stick in my head, it was still the advice from THIS community that got me to where I am today. I'm thankful for this community and the kind, wonderful people who are a part of it...and even though my journey isn't done yet and I have a long way to go, I just want to say THANK YOU LOSEIT!

submitted by /u/TurtleDesperation
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from loseit - Lose the Fat