Wednesday, September 30, 2020

I've lost 67 pounds and my breasts haven't gotten any smaller!

I, 50F 5'7 SW 273 CW 206 GW 130, started my weight loss journey 3 years ago and have really started to do better since changing my meds. I've lost 18 pounds since the end of June. I'm feeling really frustrated because my breasts aren't getting smaller. In fact, I carry all my weight from my lower abdomen to my shoulders. I'm not one of those people who carry their weight proportionally. I'm size 42D and my breasts weighed 22 pounds each at my diagnostic mammogram when I was at 240 and I'm still wearing the same bras. I expect to have a lot of saggy skin but it really doesn't feel like anything is getting smaller. I had a breast reduction when I weighed 140 fifteen years ago. From what I read most women have the opposite problem. Has anyone had the same experience? Can I do anything to minimize my breast size?

Edit: Also, my upper arms are huge!

submitted by /u/lolalolagirl
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How I beat a 6 month plateau and actually started to work out

(F, mid-20s, 6')

I'm going to preface this by saying 1) long post and 2) I've been on this weight loss journey for well over a year now.

I was feeling really down recently: even though I look better than I did last year, my weight still hasn't gone down under 200lbs. I know the number on the scale isn't everything (especially with a 6' frame, I carry the weight well). I don't look it, but after losing 45 pounds (fairly) rapidly, my weight had plateaued around 212-215 for about 6 months.

I knew the next step was working out. I knew it had to be. I already had a pretty physical job. I'd been doing intermittent fasting, completely changed my eating habits, close to zero processed food, drank water instead of sugary drinks, even started taking the stairs and such. I had done everything I could except working out. I knew it was the only thing left to do, and the only other new thing that I could do.

But I hate any kind of physical activity. It's not even a laziness thing, I'm not a lazy person. I'm one of the most productive and determined people you'll ever meet...... just not in any physical activity.

I tried everything. I have tried every single physical activity under the sun. I am not exaggerating. I crowdsourced ideas for unusual workout ideas. Every (and I mean every) sport, yoga, all different kinds of martial arts, poledancing, bouldering, rock climbing, running, jogging, walking, hiking, biking, skateboarding, rollerblading, roller derby, swimming (competitively and non-competitively), plain ol' stretching. Nah.

When people get stoned at parties, and say "Let's go for a walk!" I will 100% of the time decline. I just.... don't like moving too much. I’d rather relax. Nothing, and I mean nothing, can make me enjoy working out.

So what's with all this complaining? I know I probably sound annoying at this point. What could I possibly be ramping up to? To show you exactly how much of a whiner I am. I need to express this to you, fully. When it comes to working out, I’m a huge whiner.

And that's when it hit me: if I can't find anything I like, then I'm never going to like it anyway. I am always going to be a whiner when it comes to exercise. And I'm just gonna have to suck it up and do it anyway.

So I downloaded the 7 minute workout app. If I was going to work out, I wanted to start out as small as possible. All of a sudden, I went from forcing myself to go to a gym or a club or a park or whatever.... to not even having to leave my house. It's a small commitment. I can do it in my living room. It's 7 minutes. You never do any particular exercise for more than 30 seconds. Thirty. Seconds. I can handle that, right? And if I can't, well..... then I'll whine for 30 seconds instead of 30 minutes.

And the results? AMAZING. I'm closer to Onederland than I've ever been in my adult life. I've only been using the app for 3 weeks, and I'm only working out 3x a week. That's 9 workouts. That's 7 minutes a workout. That's 63 minutes TOTAL. And I've lost 10 pounds already.

Sometimes your body just needs a kick. If you're completely or nearly sedentary, like me, then 7 minutes can he like an hour to your body, especially at the beginning. If your baseline is 0, then even a 1 is progress. Start as small as you need to. Work your way up. I promise it's worth it.

Who knows, maybe I'll even end up enjoying it.

TL;DR: If you hate working out, suck it up. Even taking the stairs is better than nothing. Everyone’s gotta be active, somehow. And if you’re not active normally, then working out is a must. Not just for weight loss, but for your health.

submitted by /u/NovemberSaline
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Fun Run Challenge – October Running Calendar Free Printable

Fun Run Challenge! This month’s Running Calendar is all about how to make Running FUN again.  Everyday there is a simple photo prompt, tip or mini-challenge to do on the run.  Do it, take a pic and share your photo on Instagram with the hashtag #RunEatRepeat to connect with other runners! This will be the ... Read More about Fun Run Challenge – October Running Calendar Free Printable

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from Run Eat Repeat

365 binge free & down 15 lbs!

Sorry y’all, this is gonna be a little long. I struggle with talking about weight loss and BED with people in my life -- so I'm here. I needed a place to put all of this. I'm so proud of myself, but it's been such a fucking journey.

I’m officially one year out from my last planned binge. I’ve overeaten in the time since then and accidentally scarfed down half a bag of tortilla chips. But it’s been 365 days since my last proper binge. It was a rock bottom for me, though in the depths of my eating disorder, I didn't see it that way. I was temporarily living with my parents. They left the house, and I realized I could binge while they were out. I ordered two sundaes. Ate them in quick succession. After I was done, I saved the trash in my backpack to dispose of it by job as I was scared my dad would see the containers and know it was me. I literally travelled on the subway to work one morning a year ago with rancid, days old ice cream trash in my bag.

To set the stage for my history of eating issues: Growing up in a Latino household, I was always celebrated as “thick” or “curvy"; however, I relatively fit and athletic since I was a dancer. In college, I developed a persistent H pylori infection and the treatments fucked up my eating habits and gut flora. I lost a lot of weight quickly. I developed anxiety and IBS. Food went from something I didn't think of much, to something I obsessed over -- would this food make me sick? Would I get H pylori again?

Then I went to law school. My first year of law school was the first time I lived completely on my own. I discovered that this meant I could eat whatever and no one would know. I gained 15 lbs my first year. The summer between the first and second years, I found this sub and downloaded MFP. It was a revelation. Most days I ate around 1200 calories. I LOVED it. I felt so in control. My IBS was gone. I lost the weight and then some. Still curvy but snatched.

Two years ago, my relationship with my mother went haywire. I came to the realization that she wasn’t a strict parent with quirks, but an emotionally abusive narcissist. I started seeing a new therapist. And then .... came the binging. It’s not that therapy is the reason. My therapist is incredible, and I am still seeing her 2 years later. But therapy brings up all the stuff you buried. I craved comfort. Binging... it felt like my insides were giving me a hug. I needed that hug so badly. It became a nightly ritual. I gained approximately 35 lbs.

A month after my last binge, I moved in with my partner. I had nowhere to binge privately anymore. The urges began to go away as I had quit cold turkey, though I still craved the sensation. At the start of quarantine, my partner and I were discussing how I’d gained weight and was unhappy. Idk what came over me, but I told him about it all. The binging. The nightly two pints of ice cream. That my weight gain wasn’t some diet issue. That it was an eating disorder.

Weirdly, talking about it for the first time alleviated the lingering cravings. I suddenly had so much clarity. The shame and secrecy lessened. I finally came clean to my therapist.

In early June, I felt ready to lose some of this weight. I re-downloaded MFP. I started checking this sub again. I set a very moderate caloric limit, calculated using the methods of Jordan Syatt (video here). The weight is slowly inching off. I’ve lost about 15 lbs since June 6th. Do I wish it were quicker? Fuck yeah. Nothing beats the weight loss of a 1200 calorie limit. Sometimes I get discouraged and wonder if I should restrict more. But I am pretty lucky to be where I’m at. It’s a gift to do this so slowly, to heal my ED. And in reality, I'm like 1/3 of the way to my goal!!! I can eat some ice cream without polishing off the whole pint or pack of bars!!! I'm not singularly focused on the destination -- I'm trying to enjoy the journey.

submitted by /u/ellemonte
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Family calling me ugly after weight loss. I don't give a fuck about what they think but it's extremely annoying

So I have lost about 18 kgs of weight while I wasn't in my hometown, now that I'm back their feedback is extremely annoying. Telling me that my face shrinking is rather ugly now, or that my haircut is annoying and looks like a wig.

It just made me remember how all these comments and this attitude has screwed up my self-esteem growing up. While the emotional eating is something I've learned from them (my dad's side of family). I'm feeling more confident than ever and I honestly don't give a fig what these losers think!! but it just makes me feel such a grudge against them, as I know they are the reason I have the many problems that I have now.

Just felt like venting about this side of weight loss when the feedback is cruel.

submitted by /u/Representative-Cost8
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Biggest achievement yet and it has nothing to do with the scale

SW 220 CW 170-175. So I honestly havent really been pumped about my weight loss because... well? because i'm still fat!!! So i lost like 50 lb. who cares. i still am not cute. (i'm only 5'3 btw) BUUUUUUT I got to enjoy it anyway. I work with k-6 graders and we are in a gym for like 2 hours a day or outside on a field and today i got to RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN. I got home and my smart watch told me I was walking/running for 3.5 mi. Before covid, when i started dieting, i could have NEVER done ANY of this! The kids were so happpy and my new supervisor saw me and i'm just assuming was glad that I was getting in there and interacting. There is just no joy like knowing i lost enough weight to tag a kindergardener. So, no I am not happy with my weight but I love with it allows me to do and how I can play soccer without worrying my belly is going to go above my pants!!!!!! I hope this helped somebody

submitted by /u/elopedscallop
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Down 24kgs (53lbs) in 11 weeks! Thank you r/loseit

This is my first post here so I'll give a bit of backstory to how I started my weight loss journey.

I've always been the fat kid, like... the fattest kid. I grew up putting weight on gradually just based off my family's diet but when I was 10 I had some family issues which saw me move in with my mum. For the next two years I would have take away every night, if not every second. As you can imagine, I ballooned in size (I wish I had some numbers for you, but I didn't care enough to actually weigh myself, all I know is that I was putting on weight fast).

After these couple of years the family issues sorted themselves out and I'd now live some days with dad and some days with mum. I went back to the gradual weight gain again from the diet I was given.

In year 9, I liked this girl but didn't feel confident asking her out because of my weight, so I started a diet which saw me lose 10kgs (from 120kgs to 110kgs) but later that year she moved schools and I now didn't have my motivation to continue my weight loss.

Where I am located we have had two separate stints of lockdown. During the first stint I was doing minimal exercise and eating a lot more due to boredom and more free time. This was another ballooning period for me and after that initial lockdown ended I went to my dad's house and he mentioned what I already knew. I was morbidly obese. I am a 17yo, 6'3", weighing in at over 180kg.

I now vowed to make a change, and for no other reason than for myself. It wasn't because I wanted to feel more confident asking a girl out, it was for me, only me!

In the second stint of lockdown I got started on a food service which plans out every meal for your whole week. It's an Australian company so I don't think a lot of you will know it, but it's called Lite n Easy. For the first 6ish weeks I was eating just what they gave me and was losing about 1.5kgs a week, but I didn't do a whole lot of exercise during this period.

Since then I have fixed my bike and have been able to go for rides which helps not only my physical health but also my mental health. I am feeling on top of the world and the crazy thing is that I'm not even anywhere close to my goal weight yet I still feel so much better. I cannot imagine how I will feel when I eventually hit my goal weight.

I have so many aspirations for the future and I have a better outlook on life.

submitted by /u/FreeVegetable
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from loseit - Lose the Fat