Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Best country to travel to for liposuction?

Hello I’m a 31 yo female, H163cm, W75kg. I’m in Australia and have been successfully losing weight slowly over the years but have now become stagnant. I am interested in doing liposuction for the final stubborn KGs that I’m struggling to lose in my weight loss journey. I’d like to travel abroad since lipo is so expensive in Australia.

Does anyone have any recommendations of the safest, cost effective country to travel to for lipo? Also would love to hear any stories if you’ve done this yourself and had good/bad experiences. Am also interested to know how long the procedure and recovery is?

And if you have specific recommendations to a particular doctor or clinic I’d love some advise there too!

submitted by /u/charliechapli
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/d25iKne

Why have I started to lose weight since I stopped drinking coffee?

I was a three to four cup of coffee type person every day but I got sick and since then haven’t been in the mood for coffee. I have insulin resistance so I was eating low carb and fasting but weight loss has been extremely hard for me. During December I was definitely not eating low carb and was scared to step on the scale but low and behold I actually lost weight. The only difference was I wasn’t drinking coffee so anyone have any reasons on why I would lose weight by not drinking coffee? For reference I only drink it with a tablespoon of heavy cream and no sugar or sweeteners.

submitted by /u/amm_4
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/ANFw7Qr

Weight Loss, Self Compassion, or both?

Ive struggled for a long time with restriction that ultimately leads into spouts of binging/ overeating. Im finally eating three normal sized meals and all thoughts of food/binging are gone. The problem is the scale has jumped higher and is staying there, so its clear Im in a surplus. Im worried if I work on my goal weight Ill be right back to obsessive restriction and ultimately binges. What is the middle ground here- do I get to live in “peace” without food chatter/ restriction or do I keep attempting to lose weight which I seem to bomb each time. Is weight loss with compassion for my history with restriction possible? Does anyone have any advice on this? It feels so good to not think so much about food lately and feel fed/ satisfied, but im worried Im going to keep ballooning. Stuck!

submitted by /u/kiltenns
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/Y86Fklr

A novel way to visualise daily weight loss?

I've been quite steadily plodding along with weight loss this year. I started at 73.3kg and have lost around 12.5kg. This is not a big number compared to a lot of people on this sub but I've come up with a neat (gross?!) way to visualise it for myself.

As I said, I've lost around 12.5kg and I did this over the last 365 days. That means I have lost about 35g per day, this is about equivalent to one rasher of bacon per day. Imagine peeling one rasher of bacon off your body every day. Crazy!

There have also been some nice NSVs along the way: - you know that stretch you do at the gym, where you pull your foot towards your buttock to stretch the thigh, well there was a revelation for me when my foot actually touched my bum. Usually my big thighs would stop it bending back all the way! - a pair of trousers I bought second hand online which didn't even fit over my hips now fit comfortably - my running is back on track. It's no longer an effort to convince myself to do it, instead I plan and look forward to my Sunday run all week.

I'm going for another 6kg (171 bacon rashers) and then I'm going to see how I feel.

By the way, I'm from the UK and I'm thinking of British bacon. Bacon might be a different size elsewhere.

submitted by /u/MossyDinosaur
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/PvTDkt5

Monday, December 26, 2022

Meal Delivery Services

I'm sorry in advance as I'm sure this has been covered ad nauseum here but I've only been on this sub since I started my weight loss journey a couple month ago (down 20 lbs so far!).

I haven't tried a meal delivery service since the early days of those kind of services. I think my wife and I used to use something called Nutrisystem or something like that. I'm only really familiar with Blue Apron and Hello Fresh out of the current services.

Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!

submitted by /u/FoxInBusinessSocks
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/mPLEFiD

i need some support regarding my weight loss journey, i feel like i wasted an entire year and all i wanna do today is eat my comfort food and lay in my bed,

so i lost 20kgs last year, and i hit the 93 mark in jan 2022. since then, ive been yoyo'ing, but i still hit the gym and do my workouts which resulted me gaining 4kgs of muscle and losing around 6kgs of fat, i do look different, but not as much as id like in a year.

now its december, im so upset at my progress and what i couldve had or shouldve done, ive lost alot of people and i feel like im spiralling. i genuinely feel like going to the supermarket now instead of the gym, buying some of my favorite comfort food and laying in bed today. and from tomorrow, i want to increase my calorie intake, eat 2000 (i currently do 1800 and its working) until the 1st of jan, i go back to 1800 and stick it out until my birthday, which is the 24th, have some cake, still stick to my plan after the 24th.

does that sound like a good plan? lol, i feel like i need to know someone is going through this too.

submitted by /u/Reckless_96
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/H6bPRgz

Learning to stay hungry

24M, 282lbs.

Hi, I am new here and I have recently made weight loss my priority. I am already pre-diabetic with cholesterol off the charts and very low self esteem. 5-6 years ago, I was around 200lbs and did not have any of the current problems esp with confidence. Now I am at my peak and look really bad and heavy. I have all the obesity problems now with a bmi of 38.6.

I apologise in advance for not having gone through all the posting guidelines and wiki, since it is so much. So I came directly here. But I have a basic idea of weight loss now after years of doing research.

I have tried lots and lots of diets, keto, paleo, worked with nutritionists (5-6 small meals in a day), gym and all. But I have pinned down my biggest problem to be my appetite. I eat so much in one sitting. I never feel full even with one good meal meant for one person. I usually eat for 2 people in one sitting. So I am thinking the key for me is to eat less and learn to live with having little food in my stomach. Just wondering if it is possible to lose weight like this and looking for some motivation I guess. Thanks.

submitted by /u/StateSimple4231
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/bcx43WV