Thursday, February 28, 2019


Hi team:

I've been hard at work trying to figure out exactly what I should be eating to take my weight loss more seriously and finally shed some fat and weight. I've yo-yo dieted without consistency for some time and I worried about possible metabolic damage.

I found a TDEE spreadsheet posted on this sub, where you consistently track calories eaten and body weight each day.

Based on the spreadsheet, it's reporting a TDEE of 1500. I'm a 6ft, 234 pound 28 year old guy. Have I really fucked things up so bad that this is where I am metabolically?

Part of me is wondering if I should keep doing what I'm doing: eating around 1400 calories and doing LISS to lose some weight. Or should I say fuck it and just start lifting? Losing weight seems so much harder now than it did when I lost 80 pounds several years ago.

I appreciate the help!

For the record: not trying to say I'm a unique or special snowflake. Nor am I saying I'm hopeless. I'm just trying to figure out wtf to do next.

submitted by /u/Saperoth
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I can fit on a bus now! :)

Little background about me, I am currently at 250, male, 5'7 and 31 years old. Was at 270 to begin the year and very happy to drop those 20 pounds. For me, i feel like i wouldnt be comfortable with my weight untill I hit about 190, with my ultimate goal being 155 to feel like i have a rockin body.

Anyhow, I am a bus driver and one of the things we have to do after every shift is walk up and down the isle of the bus to make sure there are no kids left behind or nobody left a backpack or anything. For those of you who havent been on a bus in years, some of them are pretty narrow, resulting in heavy guys like me having to sort of snake back and forth through the seats, or you just slam your hips into the sides of the seats :( . Anyhow, my bus broke down about 6 weeks ago, so I had been driving a replacement in the meantime with a much wider isle. I liked this one because I could actually walk up and down it without slamming my thunder thighs and hips into the seats as i wattle down the isle. I had my original bus back today and guess what?!?

I completley forgot and I walked up and down the isle, then looked back and realized I actually fit down this isle. The narrower isle that I always was too big to walk comfortably down. My hips have actually shrunk :) I know it sounds like a wicked random stupid thing to be happy about, but this was like, the first noticeable change for the weight loss and just something that made me really happy and wanted to share. Its crazy the things we do as fat people that seem normal to us but are so happy to NOT be doing when we lose weight. Anyone else have an odd "taken for granted" moment like this?

submitted by /u/thilonash
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Feeling confused...

I found this small gym run by a fitness couple last year that really made me feel welcomed to their small family of people who love functional fitness. It was a great encouraging atmosphere where everyone was extremely friendly and supportive of me when I started (extremely obese). Unfortunately I was injured a couple months ago and was unable to continue exercising there for a while. However, during that time I would stay in touch via text messages and even popped in once to just say “hi” to the people I started to see as my friends/family and mentors.

During this injury period away I could not do much more than walk or very lightly jog (which I did every day), so I paid very care attention to eat super clean to make sure I could continue my weight loss in the only way I had available. My body’s shape has finally started changing over the last few weeks and I was feeling confident wearing normal sized t-shirts (that actually fit me) FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE THAT I CAN REMEMBER...

I visited the gym today wearing a normal t-shirt that actually fits me and everyone I knew did double-takes like they didn’t recognize me at first and then some of them looked at me like they were almost disgusted. A couple of them said “wow you’re really skinny” and my main mentor even said “man you’ve lost a lot of muscle since you’ve been away.”

I know people can’t read my mind, that a formerly super obese 275lbs guy is finally confident enough to wear a shirt that isn’t a few sizes too big on him, but man I was expecting people to be more encouraging or even just casual/apathetic—because blending in to the crowd is actually something I’ve never felt being so aware of my obesity for so long.

Does this make sense? Am I overthinking this? Please help me change my mindset so I don’t feel so depressed. Something in everyone’s faces changed when they saw me today in a weird way. Not like a “wow our training partner is at a normal weight after dedicating so much time and effort” but to me it felt like they were looking at me with concern or even disgust. My lab results came back from the doctor last week and every test/indicator says I’m super healthy, I’m at a BMI of 24.3. Anyone else have similar experiences?

submitted by /u/Birdieeaglealbatross
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

No weight loss this month-so frustrating

Lots of stuff here. Here we go.

I’m a singer in a couple bands, trying desperately to catch up to the other singers in my group. Why? It’s the industry. I easily lose jobs just because of this. Anyways.

Started at a size 14, 211 pounds. They are all size 6’s and under. I am now a size 8-10 (depending on brand) and 184.

Last month I lost 10 pounds. This month nothing. I exercised 20/28 days of the month. Forwent fast food and sugar 20/28 days. I had to get rid of several stage outfits as one literally was falling off of me on stage. I added more lifting to my routine.

Still. So damn frustrating not to see the scale move.


submitted by /u/kaity-fairy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I am backsliding a little and would love some advice.

26/F/5’8 SW: 199 CW: 179 GW: 145

I am starting backslide and would love some advice from people who’ve been through it.

First and foremost, what I have been doing on my weight loss journey is using my fitness pal to count calories and track macros. I’ve incorporated a healthy meal plan and allow myself probably average 1 out meal a week. I also have been going to the gym 4-5 times I week. I started on January 4th so I’m approaching 2 full months and I’m 20 pounds down.

My meal planning is excellent, I’ve encountered very little problems maintaining it and I love cooking so I’ve actually enjoyed coming up with meals to cook and new ideas.

My workouts on the other hand I’m really struggling to fit into my schedule in a way that works. My 4-5 times dwindled down to 3-4 which I was ok with. But last week I went 2. This week I’ve skipped again today and am looking at only 2 times again.

My schedule is a huge part of this issue. I work Sunday 9am - 6:30pm and Monday through Thursday 1pm - 9:30pm. I selected this schedule for 3 reasons: I make more hourly after 5pm, I am a night person, 9:30 is still early enough to go do something or to just go home, relax, and go to bed early. I’ve been working out after work which has worked great but it’s really starting to interfere with my social schedule. If I workout at 9:45, I’m not home until after 11 so I definitely can’t do anything with friends. This is an easy solution, workout before work. I’ve been on this schedule a long time and I am astounded how locked into my sleep schedule my brain is. I have set alarms to get up and go to the gym multiple times and my tried brain sleeps through it and gets up around it’s usual 10:30-11 no matter what time I went to bed. It’s like my subconscious knows I don’t HAVE to get up so I just don’t.

Has anyone else battled schedule/motivation issues, or had to overcome one particular thing to really maximize your time/workouts. And if so, please help me figure out how to do that!

submitted by /u/luckylua
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Winter weight loss...

A time when no one notices you have lost weight because you are wearing 4 layers of hoodies and haven’t bought new cloths yet since you’ll also need a new SUMMER wardrobe in 3 months...

Dis is my life right now. 50 pounds down and not a single comment. I was disappointed at first, but then I realized how fun it could be to show up to a gathering for the first time in shorts and a tank top and completely bamboozle my friends.

The drawback is my friends are probably just assholes and wont comment on my weight anyways 😆

Hope everyone’s winter progress is the most fruitful thing this season!!!!

submitted by /u/muffin_fiend
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

For the love of bread

I just wanted to post something that may resonate with some of you out there.

A little background: I (25F, 5’5) started losing around January 2017 at 264 lbs, not too long after discovering this sub. I am not at my goal yet, but I have lost over 100 lbs. Before I started, I was hopeless. I truly believed I was “too far gone,” and had no idea how to eat to lose weight. My late teens and early 20’s were chock-full of attempts at getting my weight in-check. I would go through bouts of eating nothing but salads and chicken breasts, which of course I failed at, and conversely it led to me gaining more weight.

Eventually I stumbled across this sub, and it taught me what a TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) is and that weight loss is simple math, which was a whole lot easier for me to get than eating a random amount of salad for an extended time and hoping to lose x amount of pounds. Reading about everyday people’s success and seeing their progress finally allowed something to click in my head—they finally convinced me that if they could do it, I could too.

The amount of weight I wanted to lose was still daunting, but time was going to pass either way, and it was better spent working towards my goals than continuing to be unhappy with myself and doing nothing about it.

Early progress was f a s t. Water weight whooshed off. I couldn’t really see changes in my appearance, but the scale was showing me huge losses, and it felt real and wonderful. There were many scale and non-scale victories as well as slip-ups, but as my body transformed, my goals did too.

I am worlds apart from where I was two years ago—I love working out, I enjoy cooking now (something I never used to do), I don’t just eat out of boredom, and my self-assurance has improved tenfold. People call me “fit” now, which feels like a joke since I’m still technically overweight, but it’s true. I love being active, and built a lot of endurance over the last two years.

However, despite all of these great habits I formed, the love of bread is still there, and it probably always will be. I recently went on a ski trip with my best friends, that led us by our favorite bakery, which we seldom get to visit. We went HAM. We left the store with heavy bags of all kinds of breads and baked goods and indulged on the way up the mountain, at the cabin, and all the way home. This is no basic bread. This is family-recipe bread passed down generation after generation, being sold at a quaint brick & mortar that is always busy no matter what time you show up. We ate so much bread we felt bloated for days.

This is the sort of occasion that used to derail my progress to the point of no return. If I had a bad weekend, it turned into a bad week, which turned into a bad month, which turned into another bad year.

I typed all this up because I wanted any of you struggling with that sort of mindset to know that it does not have to be that way. If you overeat and regret it, there is nothing you should do but forgive yourself and move on. Weight loss does not mean always being perfect. Life doesn’t stop because you’re watching what you eat. There is room for celebration, for error, for indulgence. Weight loss is not linear, and it is not a race. If you slip-up, shake it off. You’ll probably see water weight gains on the scale, but don’t let it discourage you, this too shall pass.

I still want to lose about 40 lbs, which sounds like an awful lot, but something I didn’t realize at my highest weight was how good I would begin to feel and look along the way. The number on the scale means less to me now because I can feel my progress, and that motivates me everyday to strive to be better. I have full confidence that I will eventually arrive at my goal weight, but that number now comes second to health, fitness, and my general well-being.

Trust me, if I can do it, so can you. You. Got. This.

submitted by /u/thiswillbeouryear
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from loseit - Lose the Fat