Showing posts with label loseit - Lose the Fat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label loseit - Lose the Fat. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

I am addicted to food

I am a 23 year old female, and I have struggled with disordered eating my entire life. I was a chubby child, and I first became aware of this in grade 3. This started my battle with anorexia, and I reached my lowest weight of 100 lbs in grade 12 at 5’9. When I got to university and was dealing with all sorts of new stressors, i switched from anorexia to binge eating. At first it was okay because I was so underweight previously so a bit of weight gain was good, but then it continued. I am now 23, and weigh 200 pounds. I am covered in stretch marks and I hate everything about my body. The worst is that I have no one to blame but myself.

I believe I am addicted to food. I eat even when I’m not hungry just because I love eating and I love food. I deprived myself of food for so long that I think I just couldn’t stop once I started. I start the day off strong, having a small bowl of oatmeal with almond milk and a tablespoon of peanut butter. I don’t eat lunch because I have a crazy work schedule. But then I get home and I make supper and I find myself going back for seconds and even thirds. And then my partner will make cookies and I’ll eat those too. I had to stop buying chips because I would eat a family sized back of Doritos in one evening. I am constantly thinking about food, the thoughts just won’t go away. And even when I try to stop myself from eating I somehow convince myself it’s okay. I just love the taste of food so much and it gives me so much joy in a rather joyless life.

The thing is I’m not someone who is ordering out every meal and constantly eating fast food. I rarely ever have take out, and always cook a home cooked meal for dinner. I just eat copiously.

I tried noom once on the free trial and actually lost 10 pounds but I couldn’t afford the subscription so I quit and gained back 20. I’m decently active, I love going for walks and bike rides, but I can’t outrun my terrible diet. My friend informed me my partner will be proposing to me next month and all I can think about is how ashamed I am of my body in pictures and how no matter what I am going to hate the photos because I hate myself.

I am so desperate for a solution, but I can’t afford therapy or weight loss subscriptions. Has anyone dealt with this before and found way to overcome it? I just want to have a healthy relationship with food.

submitted by /u/Much_Cheesecake6826
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Walking and Deficit - 4 week Plateau

Hello, I have been eating anywhere from 1200-1400 calories a day for 29 days now. At the start of my diet, I started walking. Less than 2k steps a day before… to over 10k.

The first week I did three miles a day, then between 4-6 miles each week after that. I’ve taken a few rest days here and there, but not much.

During this time, I haven’t seen a single lb of weight loss. I’ve been more bloated than ever, and very down about the situation.

But I’ve pushed through, because it’s simply impossible for me to not be losing weight. And because I’ve noticed small differences like my shorts being a bit looser, and my bra too.

I’m retaining water weight like crazy. And I have no idea why. But this afternoon, I got back on the scale (about 5 hours after my walk) and I was down three full pounds. I have no idea why I’m holding on to water weight throughout the day, or if it will stop.

But the point is please don’t give up if you’re in the same boat!

submitted by /u/midnight_rider_1
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Anyone want to lose weight together

I’ve been struggling for about 2 years and i know its hard to hold yourself accountable sometimes so would anyone want to be buddies and just keep eachother in check and make sure we both stick to our routines? It’d definitely help to have a bud who’s also motivated to share tips and just work into our goals together, i feel that’d make it significantly more bearable, especially for those who’ve started diets/workout routines/misc weight loss techniques and just havent stuck to it as well as you’d wish

submitted by /u/Analprod
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

tips for weight loss

hello! I'm 28 years old male and amongst many changes in my life I've decided that it's time for me to lose sll the excess weight I've built up the last 10 years or so. I'm 177cm/122kg haven't done regular sports for 8-9 years, i have to note that when i was at my peak physical condition at 17-18 when i was playing water polo on a regular basis i weighted around 85-90kg so that is the optimal for me. the lat years i had a really unhealthy lifestyle consuming junk food, sweets (a lot of them) and a lot of alcohol. the last tso weeks or so i have started hitting the gym and taking care of what i eat(fruits, vegetables, no junk food/sweets, a lot of protein, minimum carbs. Fyi i plan going to the gym 3-4 times/week, hitting cardio around 35-40 minutes at high intensity and ~1 hour of weight training. need some tips that may further help me about either the gym or general tips. thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/johnrui5
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Monday, September 16, 2024

Weight loss tips and tools

Hi, I am 25(F) currently 143lbs. My highest was 147.71lb. My goal weight is 125lb.I started taking weight loss seriously in July 2024. I have been going to the gym 3-4 times every week since then. Some days strength training, some days cardio. I tried KETO 1-2 times during this period of July- September 2024. I am unable to continue that diet. I’ve always had a habit of emotional eating. Since July I’ve been stressing a lot about my weight, I don’t see the scale move much, I don’t see any visible changes in my body. I am eating 1200-1400 calories each day. Today I measured myself and it was exactly the same as in June2024. I am a bit disheartened to see all that work but nothing to show for it. What apps or resources or tips can I use to help me in this situation ?

submitted by /u/PiePsychological5575
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

It Can Be Done: Six Months of Managing CICO

M36, 5’8”, SW: 255, CW: 209, GW: 185? 175?

Hello, all. I’ve been looking forward to making this post. When I started on 3/15 of this year to get serious about my weight loss, I was daunted to say the least. I knew I had 50+ pounds to lose before I could even think about pursuing a lot of what I wanted to do in the second chapter of my life. I thought that level of weight loss would take years that would run out the remainder of my relative youth. I felt a lot of shame having gone from a fit guy in his early 20s with the confidence that brings to being morbidly obese and deeply unhappy with the way I looked and felt, not to mention my weight holding back progress on managing the intense grief I feel from having lost my wife to cancer two years ago. I can’t fully blame personal tragedy for the state of my health. I had bad habits for many years. I have forgiven myself for my actions during both periods and resolved to simply start losing the weight. As an only parent to a toddler, I knew I couldn’t allow myself to succumb to an early heart attack and orphan my son. As a widower seeking a second chapter of love, I simply wasn’t attractive and wasn’t going to get the opportunity to form connections at that weight.

Here’s where I am, 181 days later:

I have lost in six months what I thought would take two years or longer. While I’m not satisfied with where I am, I am ecstatic with my progress. I aim for a 750 calorie deficit per day, although I regularly fail. in fact, my calorie logging indicates I’ve eaten, in total, at maintenance over six months! Clearly, my TDEE and restaurant calorie assumptions are pretty conservative. I chalk this up to decent genetics (my siblings are pretty fit with some effort) and residual effects of intense weight training when I was younger. Except for an occasional long swim or Peloton ride, I’ve taken a long walk almost every day. I average just shy of 10,000 steps per day. That’s nearly 500 miles further than what I would have walked without making the effort consciously.

I have at least another 25 pounds to lose, if not more. I’m beginning the Jim Wendler 5/3/1 weight lifting plan as suggested by the r/Fitness community. Meeting both my strength and weight loss goals means I have probably another 12 months of activity ahead of me before I can enjoy any form of long-term maintenance.

If you’re like me, you went searching for the success story of someone with similar starting characteristics to convince yourself this is possible. Well, it is. Just get started.

submitted by /u/CashMaster76
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Opinions on bullying about weight loss

So I was just curious about what everyone thinks

When I was somewhat overweight (I was about 185 pounds when I usually sit at 140-150) and I knew that I put on weight, obviously I didn’t feel very great about it. A good amount of my buddies would make fun of me calling me names like fatty and what not, the usual things you hear from someone being an asshole. Now that I think back is that is honestly what fuelled and gave me the motivation to wanna get into the gym and kinda give them an f you for when I ended up losing the extra weight.

I was just curious, obviously fat shaming isn’t okay at all but curious if anyone else have had a similar experience to me and how much it motivated me. I honestly think that if I wasn’t made fun of so much I wouldn’t have tried that hard to lose weight

submitted by /u/Select_Fig2092
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How to get back to it?

I was consistently losing weight since March, and lost about 50 pounds. I think I hit 175ish around mid-July/early August?

But then I got covid, so wasn't able to get in any physical activity for the second half of July. After I recovered, in early August I injured my back while lifting, then sprained my ankle at the end of August. Now I won't be able to properly work out until October.

A huge reason for my weight loss was because I was finally able to change my eating habits because I was in college and away from my parents. I was making my own food. Then in the summer, my parents kept insisting I eat their food and I refused most of the time, but once I was sick/injured I had to eat that food since I was unable to cook myself (and I had no idea about the calorie count, it was all estimation). Now I'm finding I am going back to those terrible habits that took me so much mental work to break. Like eating out, buying junk food, eating until I'm stuffed. It's almost as bad as it was before I started working on those things. I still do track my calories and I am in fact, going over maintenance :(

Basically I have been measuring in around 175-180 pounds since August-present, though I am not sure how much of it is water weight because I have been eating quite bad, but certainly have not been losing weight. So I'm kind of maintaining/gaining weight, but I do eat over sedentary maintenance a lot of days (though at the moment I am unsure how to measure my activity level because I am walking to classes and such). I'm also not sure how much of it is water weight, but I have for sure not been losing weight.

Not being able to get in activity is awful because I would go and dance or lift instead of eating out of boredom, and now I can't do any of those things so I tend to eat out of boredom. I do walk to my classes so these days I get in about 8-10k steps a day, but I am trying not to do any extra walking so that I don't aggravate my ankle any more.

It's so disheartening because I wanted to be at 154 and finally be at a normal weight by the end of the year, but these things have pushed back my progress so much. I've also lost a lot of my motivation to lose weight just because I'm at home all the time now.

I've been dancing before I event started the deficit in March and I attribute a lot of my weight loss to dancing, so just not being able to distract myself from food like that is so upsetting.

I just don't know how to get back into losing weight, any advice?

submitted by /u/wlj2022
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Sunday, September 15, 2024

★OFFICIAL WEEKLY★ Medication Mondays: Tales of Transformation – Discuss Your Weight Loss Drug Journeys!

In our weekly recurring thread, "Medication Mondays: Tales of Transformation," we invite users to openly share and discuss their experiences with weight loss medications. This dedicated space aims to foster a supportive community where individuals can exchange insights, challenges, and triumphs related to their weight loss journeys. Whether you're currently on a medication regimen, considering it, or have successfully navigated this path, this thread serves as a valuable resource for gaining diverse perspectives and guidance. From sharing dosage details to discussing lifestyle changes and potential side effects, participants can engage in constructive conversations that empower and inform. The collective wisdom shared in "Medication Mondays" not only builds a knowledge base but also creates a sense of camaraderie, fostering a community that understands the nuances of using weight loss medications.

This is not a space to seek out medications without appropriate prescriptions or discuss using the medications in a way that violates our "No Promoting or Encouraging Unhealthy Weight Loss Methods" rule.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

F/22 Mom is unsupportive of weight loss

F/22 SW: 294 CW: 235.7 GW: 145 Total Loss: ~60 lbs over 9 months.

I’m really really proud of myself over how far I have come and I have no plans to stop but my mom is really negging me all the time about my eating habits. The other day I was making eggs, a whole wheat English muffin and making a breakfast sandwich with the eggs, muffin, some spinach, etc. She walks over to me and says “I’m feeling snacky, I’m going to make muffins. They’re not good for you but oh well, you don’t have to eat good for you all the time” I just continue making my food not acknowledging her comment and walk away and go back to work. Keep in mind, I eat “unhealthy” things but in moderation! A few days go by and my boyfriend comes over, he brings some protein bars, some pop corn, other miscellaneous things and she’s pawing around his stuff and she makes a face and looks at me and goes “Oh! He eats just like you do!” I just go “Yeah” and continue on doing what I’m doing. She’s constantly critical of my food “That looks gross. I don’t like that. Sounds disgusting” when she asks me what I’m eating I have just said “You won’t like it” and 9/10 times she doesn’t and I relish in her disgust. Dieting is fucking hard at times. Going to the gym is fucking hard. Having discipline is fucking hard. I do not understand the vitriol towards me literally bettering myself. How do you guys deal with things like that? I’m sure I’m not the only one. I don’t even force my lifestyle on my parents, they’re Type 2 diabetics. I cook dinner for them sometimes and they go out and get fast food. I make food for just me and I get negged? Thank you r/Loseit, you guys have helped me a lot as I have lurked. Just feeling embarrassed and outcasted. ❤️😞

submitted by /u/AllHailTheGoddess
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Scale is up. No inches lost. But the opposite of giving up.

I dont' care.

I was absolutely taken aback when I stepped on the scale and it was the highest it had been in years..... After spending the last month meal prepping macros by weight and in a calorie deficit, getting steps 5-12,000 steps a day in depending on the day,,100+oz of water and lifting heavy 2-4 times a week. I wasn't expecting a 20lb weight loss, but I sure as hell wasn't expecting the scale to go up.

I laid back in bed just to process what has just happened and tears filled my eyes for a second. I scoured through what I could be doing wrong.

As someone with a former eating disorder I know how to track calories/macros. Counting grams of everything from protein to condiments. I hadn't been perfect 100% of the time but it was consistently ~around~ that goal number, and a HELL of a lot better than the boxes of 4 Crumble cookies in a setting, or Tex Mex delivery for two, I had been consuming in the months or previous. I wasn't expecting something unrealistic. But I was absolutely not expecting the scale to go up by several pounds.

But I decided within a half hours time. I do not give a shit. This would be a fantastic opportunity to quit.... which will get me exactly no where. But I I KNOW I am doing all the right things. I can't explain the scale, but I am going to continue doing exactly what I'm doing.

My mental health has been fabulous the past month because of all these things. I have done all of these things in the past and achieved a body I wish I still had. So scale me dammed. Maybe it's just not enough time for the measuring tape to show anything. I am positive I am moving in the right direction.

So I guess I'm posting for accountability and to speak into the eather of the internet ---- this time, I'm not quitting.

submitted by /u/improve-indefinitely
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Planning for eating out: an example

This question gets asked often: "what do I do if I'm going to a restaurant? Do I just not go? How do I plan for it?"

I'm going to Outback Steakhouse tonight for a friend's dinner and this is how I'm planning. For context: my TDEE is around 2122 and my calorie target is currently 1622 for a deficit of 500 calories and one pound per week of weight loss.

Outback publishes nutrition info for all its foods, so that's a bonus. This won't always be the case but there are plenty of other posts that talk about what to do in that situation. I'm going to focus simply on going to restaurants where nutrition information is available.

Even with the nutrition info available, I'm not going to take them totally at their word. I'm going to leave a little padding and still enjoy myself.

To begin with, I skipped breakfast. Normally I don't do this, but dinner will have a lot of calories and I have to account for that . I basically made lunch into breakfast and added some turkey for extra protein at low calorie cost. Lunch:

  • 1/2 cup Catalina Crunch protein cereal
  • 1/2 cup Ripple milk (plant-based protein milk)
  • 70g raspberries added to the cereal
  • 2 slices oven roasted turkey breast

The total for this is 229 calories, with 28g protein and 13.5g fiber.

At dinner, I wanted to really enjoy myself and have something I've been wanting to try. No appetizers or desserts:

  • Bloomin' Fried Chicken (970 calories)
  • Loaded baked potato (340 calories)
  • Asparagus (60 calories)
  • Diet coke

This brings dinner to 1370 calories, and calories for the day to 1599, which is 23 calories below my goal. 23 isn't a huge padding but I'm happy with this overall. I will prob have them leave the sour cream off the baked potato to save a little more.

In any case, if you made it this far, thanks for reading. This is one way to eat out without just ditching your CICO plan and eating some tasty "cheat food" without cheating.

submitted by /u/jrico59
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Drinking water does help!


So just an observation and wondering if anyone else had the same experience. At the beginning of my weight loss (Aug 4, SW 160, CW: 146) I drank a bunch of water, driven but the idea that it helps the weight loss journey. As time went by, I read a lot more on exercise and nutrition and the stuff I read or watched, no one talked about water intake, and even said drinking a lot of water doesn't help weight loss. So then I stopped. Now I'm noticing that my weight loss is much slower than what it was (I know it's still early), and I'm also a lot more hungry, when first the cal deficit wasn't a big deal to me. So, did you experience the same?


submitted by /u/Nwinterwonderland
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, September 13, 2024

Friend mocking my weight loss

Hi yall,

I (m18) have recently decided to take weight loss seriously bc I'm considered on the high end of overweight, leaning into the obese category. I have a very close friend who is slightly overweight (same height), but weighs significantly less than me. I started to decline eating food out with her in order to stay within my strict 1200 calorie deficit. (I'm 164.5cm)

I only lowered my deficit 2 weeks ago, so there aren't any visible results yet, but I've lost 5lbs already. But, every single time I decline a sweet treat (she asks to eat out every single day) or explain how I'm at my limit, she'll joke about how it doesn't look like I'm actually eating in a deficit, or make a comment about how I must not be doing it right. She'll lecture me about how "it matters what you're eating, even if you're only eating 1200 a day, you won't lose weight if it's unhealthy foods." (Meaning she just assumes I'm eating unhealthy foods??) and I explained that I do eat nutritious and mostly unprocessed food like raw veggies/fruits along with high protein sources. (hence refusing fast food).

Obviously I am still fat. It doesn't magically go away the second you start a deficit. So, her comments on how it doesn't look like I'm actually in a deficit and her making a face or laughing whenever I say I am trying really upsets me. This is my closest friend and it sucks to hear her say such discouraging things. I just don't understand the mentality behind making fun of someone attempting to be healthier.

submitted by /u/Tricky_Conclusion996
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Need advice/help for how to drop weight.

Hi all, first of all let me say it’s truly inspirational to see so many posts of people dropping weight and achieving their goals, I hope I can join these ranks one day and write my own weight loss post.

For reference I am 157cm/5’2 in height. I have PCOS and hypothyroidism.

I started off at 148kg in 2022 and did a hardcore Keto diet, once I found out I had prediabetes. After roughly 3-4 months, I got down to 107kg.

I don’t know why I fell the wagon, but I just kept yo-yoing up and down. I kept fluctuating between 110kg-120kg and currently I am 125kg. I want to eventually reach my goal weight of 70kg.

I just can’t stop eating carbs and then going completely off the wagon. My cravings seem to be taking over my life. I often get myself into a good gym routine, end up sticking to it and my low carb, healthy diet for like 2 weeks (1,500kcal) and then starting right back to the beginning. I’m truly at a loss as I really do just want to be healthier and the first milestone is to get under 100kg.

I tried semiglutide but I end up stopping it after a month because I’m too lazy to get the refill and I’m scared of re-gaining all the weight back. My friend recommended a gastric sleeve but I’m terrified and I would rather make a full lifestyle change so it lasts.

Usually for workouts, I play volleyball and box but the cardio aspects of these make me anxious and I can’t keep up much. I can do 45min-60min on the treadmill and I have quite a bit of muscle in my arms and legs, so I lift on the heavier side.

Any advice, diet plans, workouts and just any guidance at all will be appreciated.

Sorry for the long, rambly post. I was struggling to get my thoughts in order.

submitted by /u/my_mum_is_stunning44
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Has Weight Loss Changed How People Treat You?

Hey everyone,

I’m curious to hear from those of you who have gone through weight loss: have you noticed any differences in how people treat you now compared to before?

Whether it’s in social settings, at work, or even in day-to-day interactions, do you feel like people’s attitudes or behaviors towards you have changed in any noticeable way?

I find it fascinating how much appearance can impact how we’re perceived, but I wonder if anyone else has experienced this firsthand. Do you feel like the concept of "pretty privilege" is real and plays a part in these interactions?

Have you noticed any changes in how your family treats you since you’ve lost weight? Do they compliment you more, or has there been any tension?

It’s interesting how weight loss can sometimes affect even the most personal relationships. How have things been for you in that regard?

submitted by /u/Least-Surprise2345
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thursday, September 12, 2024

For the ladies only

Earlier I made a post for the benefits men see in the bedroom after getting healthy/losing weight. As far as the responses, let's just say they may be lying to us about the benefits of weight loss lol, you can check that post out here

A question that was sparked over there is, what are some of the benefits in the bedroom after getting healthy or losing weight for the ladies?

submitted by /u/cookiemonster_1788
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

How should I optimize my diet for weight loss?

I’m 6’1, 182 lbs and 22 years old. I’m trying to cut down to 160-165 lbs and have been getting advice from friends on diet options. I was thinking about starting a diet where my daily food consumption looks something like this: 3 eggs for breakfast, skip lunch, steak and mashed potatoes for dinner. Throw in some veggies, fruits, and nuts for snacks and/or sides during dinner. However, I’ve seen a lot of varying opinions on a “meat and potatoes” diet, some saying it’s not sustainable and leads to adverse side effects, and some saying it covers most of the micro/macronutrient profiles. I’d like some feedback tailored to my specific situation/plan though as I’m sure the things I’ve read are more general.

The reason I picked that type of plan is because those are foods I genuinely enjoy and would help me curb cravings. If anyone else has other opinions on this, please share them. At the end of the day, I know eating less calories = weight loss. I’m shooting for 1500-1600/day, doing a 16-8 fast. The one thing I’ve heard consistently is that diet is the most important part of weight loss. Any advice would be super appreciated!

submitted by /u/jackitron87
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

TDEE and BMR seem Way Way too high

First, Hi, I'm new here. I am 33m, 183cm (6ft), and currently 136kg(300lbs), ~30-35% bodyfat. I am down ~24kg(52lbs) from my highest weight after around a year and a half. most of the weight loss was during the first 6 months but I slacked off.

Now for the post. I tried searching all over for an answer, I'm not usually one to post, but I can't seem to find an answer. I'm getting back into the swing of things and designing a meal prep plan, and I want to calculate the calorie content of meals. I was going to and probably will just use 2000cal for 4 weeks and see what happens, but in the interest of science I tried looking into what the internet thinks the number should be.

Using basically any of the TDEE or BMR calculators I am arriving at ludicrous results, with the IIFYM calculator an others claiming my BMR is 2613cal and my TDEE at sedentary is 3486cal. I don't, and haven't been, eating that much per day ever. I am aware of empty calories, I don't eat super duper healthy and I do consume too much sugar etc, but for example today, a pretty bad day for the diet, I managed to eat 2400cal being VERY generous with the calorie intake.

A normal day of food for me looks like: No breakfast, 2 12oz coffees at work with 4 creamers (30cal ea for 120cal) and 6 sugar packs (16cal ea for 96cal) combined. Lunch of 1 Boneless Skinless Chicken thigh or breast (~100g is ~120-179cal), baked with a basic rub added and 100g of white rice (360cal). 12-24oz of Mountain Dew (170-340cal, Yeah I know) over the day. Dinner of a steam able Veggie, usually broccoli (30cal) with nothing added but salt. Water consumed as desired but usually ~1.5 liters.

I'm shocked doing the math on it now, because I'm eating that daily recently, and that adds up to like ~800cal. This was not planned out and obviously its horrible. I'm even willing to bet that I'm not thinking of something but I'm not accidentally eating an additional ~2000cal a day... Well I guess i'm going to do a food journal now...

Anyway the original point I was trying to make is that eating even my calculated BMR at 2613cal in healthy food is going to be a HUGE quantity of food, and it seems like more than I can even eat in a day.

submitted by /u/kallinenjp
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Prioritizing Cardio Over Weight Training - Good Idea?

Hello! I am 24F(5'2) SW: 200lbs GW: 125 CW: 144

I have been in a rut for most of the year bouncing around between 145-150. Last month and this month I got more serious about my weight loss after 6-7 months of mostly maintaining (probably because I wasn't tracking my calories well enough).

My old routine was two to three days of lifting with light cardio (half mile run after upper body or walks on off-days) in between. The scale wasn't making any big changes and I think that disheartened me and threw me off.
I have changed my routine up now to increase my cardio (at least 2 5ks a week and more walking, full body lift once a week) and I know this might hurt my overall muscle progress but I weighed in today at 144 and felt great, like I'm finally getting out of my rut.

So basically I'm wondering if others would recommend I continue to prioritize cardio or if I should try to balance it more and add the lifting back? After I hit my goal weight I plan to focus more on re-comp so I'm unsure if I should just table it for now or keep it in the rotation.

submitted by /u/catmom-99
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from loseit - Lose the Fat