Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Advice on Phentermine for Weight Loss? Am I going nuts?

Hey guys, I am 25/Male. I have been dealing with hypothyroidism for about 13 years now, weight loss have been an issue for a long time but I have always been able to manage it. My weight would fluctuate but nothing I couldn’t control with some healthy eating and working out. 5 years ago, when I was 20 years I was in the best shape of my life when I torn my ACL/Meniscus. For over a year I didn’t do anything to make sure I fully recovered and couldn’t come back full forced, during that time I went from 165lbs to 245lbs. In 2 years I was able to get back down to 185lbs through boxing and running and obviously a lot of dieting until 3 years ago when I got injured again. Now, I am weighing 270lbs and for the past 2 year I have done literally EVERYTHING I know to lose weight, Keto, Whole 30, “The military Diet”, I even tried water fasting and couldn’t accomplish anything significant. After 2 years of hell my doctor (who doesn’t really know my like that), decided to put me on Phentermine/Topiramate 37.5/100mg. I started taking this medication on Friday, didn’t feel much until Sunday, as far as I know, until I literally started feeling nothing, I feel like I have severe depression, I feel nothing, I don’t want to do anything, I sleep all day and stay up all night, I feel meaningless, I feel extremely scared for absolutely no reason. No, I am not having suicidal thoughts, I am extremely self aware as I have dealt with depressing in the past, I just am not sure if this is worth it or even normal. I honestly feel like I’m going crazy. Can anybody shine a light on my situation? :) Thank you.

submitted by /u/ManagerConfident
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

I'm 470 pounds, and this weekend everything will change

I'm not sure why I'm posting this, but I mostly wanted to log my thoughts somewhere about how and why I came to where I am. This weekend I'm moving from Ohio to Illinois for a 2-3 month makeshift "fat camp."

My parents, who have been the greatest support system I could possibly imagine (though I have great friends/roommates, too), are going to be supervising my every move while I'm living in my dad's once-office building turned second home. This means daily exercise, healthy food, manageable portions, and no lazy habits for the duration. One of the biggest reasons I'm overweight is because I spend too much time lazing around on my computer, watching tv, or playing video games. Now I'll have access to none of that, and I'll be forced to find stuff to do that keeps me more active. I'm staying for 2-3 months to fully break the bad habits I have and fully adjust to the healthier ones.

I'm really fortunate that I have this option available to me. I can continue work since I have a dedicated work computer (that my boss can track, so no playing video games or watching youtube on there) and my dad is pretty much retired and wants to spend time with me anyways, so it all works out so well. I've run out of excuses and now have the perfect opportunity to really start my weight loss journey.

It ultimately came down to what they asked me, "Do you want to change or not? If yes, we're going to invest in whatever tools you need to succeed." And what I need to succeed is pretty extreme, it seems. I can't just "try out" keto, talk with a therapist while taking no action taken, or exercise with no change in diet. All the half-measures I've been taking haven't worked, so I'm going to go all in, even if that means putting my whole life on hold for a quarter of a year. If not this, then I'm going to pay for inpatient therapy, or bariatric surgery. I've always been afraid of these steps due to the money and effort of it, but that's not true anymore.

I've posted elsewhere that I was afraid I was unfixable due to the countless attempts I made. But in hindsight, these just weren't enough of a change. I was trying to change my health without changing my unhealthy lifestyle.

So I'm posting this here as a way of declaring I will start this, and I'm not backing down. If you're like me and have a stable income but are way too afraid of the pricetags of these major tools like I was, I also want to pass along the advice I got from my dad, a top-notch investment banker:

Your health is an investment. What is a few thousand dollars compared to decades of a healthier life (or even just staying alive in general)? If you aren't finding success with the solutions you've been trying, think bigger. Sometimes you aren't going to dam a stream by tossing pebbles into it by yourself, no matter how many you throw and no matter with how much effort. You need to invest in the help and tools you need to build a proper dam if you want to stop the constant flow of water. It'll cost more, but it will be worth it in the long run to get it done and get it done right.

I'll try and post an update when I return to Ohio. Wish me luck!

submitted by /u/BenCraigKey
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss help for begginer

Hello and thank you for anyone who decided to stop by to give advice, I appreciate it more than you know!!!

So some backstory, I am 24 years old and will be 25 in January and I weighed over 350 lb.....and that was 6 months ago. I have never really been worried about my health and allways put it off to do after, even know sometimes I want to keep doing that.

I recently started to notice somethings about my body, it aches, my feet get swollen, and I just generally don't feel well and I know it's because of my health habits. I am starting to get worried that I may start to do irreparable damage to myself.

I was recently married in march of this year and the thought of something happening to me and leaving my wife alone quite frankly scared the absolute shit out of me, I dont want to die from being unhealthy. Diabetes runs in my family from my father's side and the last thing I want is to have a leg removed.

I dont know the first step to even begin, I have never even attempted to lose weight before. I dont know the first thing about this but I know that I'm tired of this and I dont want to die at 35 because I was too lazy to take care of myself.

My work consists of remote IT work from home since covid and I sit 10+ hours a day for work and that's not counting the hours after work that I play games. I can tell that I need more activity in my life.

Food for me is admittedly terrible, I eat when I'm bored, I eat between games, I eat to eat sometimes.....I am snacking CONSTANLY. It wouldn't be surprising if I can eat an entire bag if large chips in a single day if it's a weekend.

If Anyone has any tips/advice for me I would appreciate it so much. I know its asking a lot but I really would like someone I could talk to sometimes about this as all my freinds are also.......fat.

Thank you so much in advance!!!

submitted by /u/Joobad
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

“I’ll never lose weight” - me, 2019

  • “We Are Probably Nearing the Limit of all We can Know about Astronomy” - Simon Newcomb in 1888

  • “The More Important Fundamental Laws and Facts about Physical Sciences Have All Been Discovered” - Albert A. Michelson, 1894

  • “Physics as we know it, it will be over in 6 months”, Max Born, 1927

  • “There is a 50% chance that we would find a complete unified theory of everything by the end of the century” - Stephen Hawking, 1980

  • “Man will not fly for 50 years” - Wilbur Write 1901, 2 years before he and his brother flew

  • no plane will fly from NY To Paris - orewell write 1908

  • “Landing and walking on the moon has so many problems that it will take man 200 years to do it” - scientific digest , 1948

  • “Man will never reach the moon no matter scientific advances” - radio pioneer lee de forest, 1957, 9 months before Sputnik

  • A manned lunar base will be in existence by 1986, The Futurist, 1967

  • Before 2000 the first child will be born on the moon, Walter Avon Braun, designer of the Saturn 5 rocket

  • “There will never be a ‘Newton’ for a blade of grass” In 1790, Immanuel Kant

1876: “This ‘telephone’ has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a means of communication.” — William Orton, President of Western Union.

1889: “Fooling around with alternating current (AC) is just a waste of time. Nobody will use it, ever.” — Thomas Edison

1903: “The horse is here to stay but the automobile is only a novelty – a fad.” — President of the Michigan Savings Bank advising Henry Ford’s lawyer, Horace Rackham, not to invest in the Ford Motor Company

1921: “The wireless music box has no imaginable commercial value. Who would pay for a message sent to no one in particular?”

1946: “Television won’t be able to hold on to any market it captures after the first six months. People will soon get tired of staring at a plywood box every night.” — Darryl Zanuck, 20th Century Fox.

1955: “Nuclear powered vacuum cleaners will probably be a reality within 10 years.” — Alex Lewyt, President of the Lewyt Vacuum Cleaner Company.

1959: “Before man reaches the moon, your mail will be delivered within hours from New York to Australia by guided missiles. We stand on the threshold of rocket mail.” — Arthur Summerfield, U.S. Postmaster General.

1961: “There is practically no chance communications space satellites will be used to provide better telephone, telegraph, television or radio service inside the United States.” — T.A.M. Craven, Federal Communications Commission (FCC) commissioner.

1966: “Remote shopping, while entirely feasible, will flop.” — Time Magazine.

1981: “Cellular phones will absolutely not replace local wire systems.” — Marty Cooper, inventor.

1995: “I predict the Internet will soon go spectacularly supernova and in 1996 catastrophically collapse.” — Robert Metcalfe, founder of 3Com.

2005: “There’s just not that many videos I want to watch.” — Steve Chen, CTO and co-founder of YouTube expressing concerns about his company’s long term viability.

2006: “Everyone’s always asking me when Apple will come out with a cell phone. My answer is, ‘Probably never.’” — David Pogue, The New York Times.

2007: “There’s no chance that the iPhone is going to get any significant market share.” — Steve Ballmer, Microsoft CEO.

“Radio has no future” - Lord Kelvin

“heavier than air flying machines are impossible” - Lord Kelvin

“Xrays will prove to be a hoax” - Lord Kelvin

“Evolution is not possible because the sun is too young” - Lord Kelvin

“Physics as we know it will be over in 6 months” - Max Borne 1920s

P. Krugman 1998, “The growth of the Internet will slow drastically, as the flaw in ‘Metcalfe’s law' becomes apparent: most people have nothing to say to each other! By 2005, it will become clear that the Internet’s impact on the economy has been no greater than the fax machine’s”

“We shall never be able to study by any method the chemical composition of stars” - Augusto Comte 1835

(If you’re wondering where this is all from, it’s a list I’ve been compiling for years in my iPhones Notes every time I hear a “bad prediction” quote like this because I like them so much. It just occurred to me today to add myself to the top about my weight loss 😀)

submitted by /u/wise_guy_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How did you choose your goal weight?

I'm looking for personal anecdotes on how you chose your goal weight. And if you are maintaining your weight loss, have you maintained it at your original goal?

I got pregnant with my son 2.5 years ago and I was 26 and overweight (5'4.5", 162 lbs). The day before my son was born I was 182 lbs. The weight came off very quickly after his birth, I was to my prepregnancy weight within a week and the weight kept dropping fast. I was working out hard and was being mindful about eating healthy and in moderation. Within 6 months I was down to 112 lbs and I maintained this weight for almost a year. Unfortunately, I overshot my weight loss and I was having a lot of symptoms that were related to my weight loss. My primary care doctor, OBGYN, dermatologist, and cardiologist were all concerned. I ended up having to have my body fat tested (which was 11.8%) and had to see a sports nutritionist. I was always cold, I was passing out more frequently (I have some cardiac issues that cause this to start with), I was constantly dizzy, my resting heart rate was in the low 40s and would sometimes dip into the 30s, I was constantly fatigued, and hypotensive (more than normal). Due to Covid I stopped going to the gym and started stress eating. I got all the way up to 134 lbs pretty quickly and was maintaining there without any restriction to my eating (I could eat whatever I desired and not gain weight, I think my body was just content with this weight). My cardiac issues are significantly improved and my electrophysiologist said I was harming my cardiac function from having too low of body fat.

I just don't like how I look at 134 lbs. I went from having 6 pack abs to chub. The gyms opened back up so I am rock climbing again and have been weight lifting at home. I started watching what I ate a couple weeks ago and am now 128 lbs and starting to feel a bit better about my body. The only guidance I have received from my cardiologist is to just be careful not to lose too much weight like I had before. So I'm trying to find a happy medium and I'm thinking of maintaining between 120 and 125 lbs. I want to be healthy physically and also feel good about my body! I am already surprised how different I look at 128 than 134 (my top abs are finally visible again), so I'm hoping a couple more lbs will also make a big difference.

I'm looking forward to hearing others stories!

submitted by /u/aes628
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I lost 15 pounds!! My NSV however was overcoming my irregular appetite!

Y’all I’m thrilled! I have been trying to lose weight forever! I’m 24F, 5’5”. Highest weight recently was 156, currently at 140 (body fat roughly 34%), goal is 120-130.

Apologies for the long post, it’s a bit of a read, but hopefully it will help shed insight into what’s been helping me the most.

Also a mild CW for unhealthy patterns of eating/food guilt!

My weight fluctuates a fair bit, and since I don’t weigh myself regularly I usually don’t notice when I’ve gained weight (my body fat composition means it’s not super noticeable to me when I gain- I’m just chubby regardless of my weight lol).

During COVID I put on about 10 pounds without noticing, and around late July/early August I decided to get my butt in gear. I also had started dating someone in mid-august and so I was feeling extra motivated because of my body insecurity (I’ve been single for a long ass time, so I haven’t had to deal with someone seeing my naked body for a while).

I experimented with alternate day fasting and realized I’ve been chronically under eating around 1000 calories for a few years (with regular over eating days of junk). So I started eating 2200 calories on my eat days and then nothing on the fast days.

Y’all it was hard. Fasting was easy, I’ve done multi-day fasts before, but trying to eat 2,200 calories of healthy food was very difficult. I struggled a lot with guilt and appetite loss. It’s hard when you cook yourself this healthy and delicious meal, you’re starving, and a few bites in your appetite is gone. I can definitely put food away in one sitting so I’m confident it was a mental block. I tried smaller and more frequent meals but I just wasn’t hungry and was forcefully eating which sucked. I was also overtraining my body with exercise and that made for a tug of war with my body and mind.

So! What’d I do? I decided to stop the fasting (I’ll go back once I get more regular with food), and instead go for a moderate and regular calorie deficit of around 1600ish calories. I try to food track but honestly it’s too labour intensive when I’m cooking for myself or eating my moms food, so I just wing it and have a rough idea of my total daily calories.

I also realized a big part of undereating was not having a regular eating window. I work random hours and can’t break to eat, so it’s difficult to meal prep and eat at regular intervals. One thing I incorporated was drinking “ensure plus calories”. I was not getting enough nutrients, and even though they’re not perfect, they helped me get my calories up while getting more nutrition. Another thing was listening to my body and the mind-body connection. I realized I was nauseous a lot because of my anxiety. So I started seeing a Counsellor as well as a naturopath to control my cortisol/stress levels (I hadn’t had a menstrual cycle in nearly three months until I started seeing both of them). I also scaled back my workouts from every day to a few times a week.

I know this may be a hella long and an atypical post but I’m happy I’ve made progress and more than the weight loss I’m so happy to be working towards a holistic health of my mind and body, and processing food guilt and body shame.

Thanks for reading!

submitted by /u/academinx
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How I (27 M) regular lazy dude lost a bit over 50 kg (over 110 lb.) in 11 months


So end of November 2019 I was almost 120 kg (164 lb.) and sick of it. I am a 27 year old guy (26 at the time) and never had a gf. I felt my weight was the biggest inhibiting factor in this and after an endless amount of rejections I felt I had enough of it.

So almost cold turkey I started exercising and dieting. I must stress that I don’t like sports at all and I did some simple things like walking the dog every night and swimming for an hour twice a week. Although this probably added to my weight loss the biggest factor I would say was counting calories. I reduced my intake to about 1500 kcal per day. And over the course of the coming months I lowered it even more. At the lowest intake I was at about 1200 kcal a day. (definitely not recommended by nutritionists) but I was sick of the weight and loved the progress I was seeing. I also started tracking my exercise and was depending on my exercise burning about 2500-3000 kcal per day. This means that at the fastest rate I was losing well over a kilo per week. (Something like 1.3 per week during the months where I was losing the most) but there where definitely weeks where I lost over 2 kg. (Usually the number would be lower the week after or before because of natural fluctuations in weight). I made it a habit to weight myself every Wednesday before breakfast and after hopefully a big shite and a wee. Usually I would swim the night before. This means my bassline of weight was always kind of the same. Although it still fluctuated a lot.

During the time where I was lowering my kcal to about 1200 I decided portions where getting to small. So I made the decision to make my portion size a bit bigger and skip breakfast. (I would have breakfast at 12 and dinner around 7) I had no idea that this was called intermittent fasting but basically it is what I started doing. (A lot of nutritionists advice against combining intermittent fasting and counting calories). The only reason I started doing it was because of convenience. I had no idea there might be some benefits to fasting for about 16 hours. (my younger brother who studies nutrition and food pointed this out to me). I work as a bat ecologist and I go to bed late at night and sleep in the next day. This definitely helps with intermittent fasting since I usually have to only wait for 2 hours before I can eat after waking up.

So how did I lower my calories to such an drastic amount? It basically came down to finding food that was low in calories but I still liked. In the morning that usually meant 4-5 pieces of low calorie knackebrod with some low calorie jam or my own home made hummus. (Most store bought hummus here in the Netherlands has a shit ton of oil added and is basically as fatty as mayonnaise). Although I now have found a few brands that are lower in kcal. I used to be a bit of a fussy eater so it took some time to find recipes and stuff I both liked and where low in kcal. I must admit that I only paid attention to Kcal and did not check for vitamins, macro nutrients etc. I would also just eat unhealthy stuff I like, but in very low amounts to keep the calories down. I always say to my friends I did not lose the weight by changing what I eat but just how much I eat. Although this is not totally true because in the process I started eating vegetarian. Also I changed what I eat since I would like to feel full after a meal and just eating one piece of bread with some cheese as breakfast did not fill me up. A great tip I used is to drink a lot after eating (Obviously a drink that is low in kcal like tea, black coffee or water). Drinking after a meal definitely makes you feel full. The catch is you need to wait about 20 min for the feeling of being “full” kicks in. This is basically the period where I needed a bit of perseverance. These days as a guilty pleasure I drink a lot of Pepsi max which is probably also not the best. But at least it hardly has any kcal.

So the way I did calorie counting was with an app called Fatsecret. Although I really dislike the name it was the first app that came up and I just downloaded it and it worked. The most important thing is not what app you use (You can also do it by hand its just more work). It is much more important that you are really honest in counting calories. That meant for me that I took the weight of my food with a little digital scale and put in the amount of grams for everything. I do a lot of home cooking and it definitely makes home cooking a lot more work. Although after a while you get a good understanding of how much calories something is I kept doing this till this day to avoid a slippery slope. It is important to understand that most people who count kcal are underestimating by about 20% then in a lot of places food companies are allowed a 20% margin of error in kcal (Which they are going to use of course) So this means that if you are not being precise you can underestimate by 40%. Basically the difference between 1500 and 2100 calories. which for a lot of people is the difference between losing 2 kg per month and not losing any weight at all.

So last week I reached my target of losing 50 kg. This was not my target at first. When I started out losing weight I would have been so happy to end up at 80 kg but since I saw a lot of progress I kept moving my target weight. (I am now 68). At 80 kg I was not totally happy with the result and I am now right around the sweet spot in weight for my length. I must say that the last 2 months losing weight has gone a lot slower than in the beginning. My basic metabolism has probably crashed from around 2000 kcal to about 1700 which just means it takes more exercise to lose weight. (which sucks because I hate sports).

So lately I have substituted swimming with going to the gym. I have done this for a couple reasons: swimming started to become very boring. Girls in my immediate surroundings where very honest with me (Dutch directness helps sometimes) and most of them are attracted to guys with a bit bigger arms. (mine are tiny these day’s) Its shallow but still a reason I suppose. The 3rd reason is that by adding a bit more muscle I hope to upper my basic metabolism a bit. I still love food so much. I just started to dislike being fat a bit more. So as you would have probably guessed from the last comments I still don’t have a gf atm. I am going to blame the Rona and not my lack of a good personality for this for at least a while. Now I am basically done losing weight I am going to continue counting kcal and intermittent fasting. A shocking statistic is that 90% Of people who have lost a lot of weight put 80% of it back on within 5 years, and I don’t like that prospect. So I am slowly upping my intake to 1700-2000 kcal (depending on where my weight flatlines) I feel like keeping a close eye on my weight and calories is the best way to be in the 10% that keeps their weight. I might add a little weight in muscle who knows…

I would like to finish this crazy long story with a couple of things I learned during all this: You don’t need to be a super disciplined person to lose weight. I am definitely an extremely lazy person. The thing that changed for me is that I felt very strongly that being fat and single forever was going to make me more miserable then eating less. Since I am a bit of a nerd I liked to track my progress with kcal etc. so I could have a better grasp of what I was doing. Although my younger brother is a nutritionist I hardly consulted him on any of this. I guess my stubborn personality makes me too proud to listen to my little brother. I guess we only started talking about it a bit more when he started noticing the changes around 35 kg lost. You don’t need to have a little brother who is a nutritionist either. Also don’t do the crazy diet I did. 1200 kcal is a very unhealthy amount and eating so little is definitely not being healthy but being stupid. which I fully admit to being. Since I hate exercise so much my philosophy during all of this has kind of been: What you can eat in 5 min takes an hour of exercise to lose. Since I hate exercise I chose to mainly focus on eating less. Exercising more and building a bit of muscle is probably a better and healthier way of losing weight. I just could not get myself to do that. Also you don’t need any fancy stuff or expensive personal coaches to lose some weight. You just need a bit of common sense and If anything it should be cheaper than being fat since the only thing you really need to do is eat less.

submitted by /u/Aaders
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from loseit - Lose the Fat