Friday, November 23, 2018

I've lost a bit of weight recently (30ish pounds) but when I look in the mirror, see no change. How do I redirect these feelings? And how do I change up my routine?

Weight loss wasn't intentional, I had a stomach issue that took awhile to figure out/address. It's partially addressed now through a diet change (I can eat more: before I was at maybe 700 calories a day) but still find that I'm pretty full at 1,000-1,300 calories a day and am really not eating more than that. I predict I'm probably going to continue to lose weight for awhile. I'm hoping that eventually my maintenance caloric requirements will meet with what I am physically able to keep down. IDK what that is yet, but I do know that at 180 my maintenance calories was 2,800.

So the weight loss: from August I went from the upper 180s to right now, where I am sitting at 159. I'm 5'8''.

I had my body fat measured at 180 at it was 35ish%. When I was at 17 it was 28%. I don't know what it is now but for whatever reason I wasn't/am not just losing muscle. So theoretically my body should look more toned. But I don't think it does.

I know I've lost weight because I went down a size in jeans, and now those are getting lose on me, too. Didn't go down a bra size though. And when I look in the mirror I don't see a lot of change.

I guess my questions are -- is it normal to not see a lot of change in the mirror which such a change in body composition, and/or is there a way to redirect these negative feelings? Because I suppose I'm starting to feel ashamed of the fat around my midsection. And I guess a little worried, because I know fat around the midsection, even at a normal BMI, can lead to a lot of diseases I am predisposed to. I always thought if I dropped weight it would go away, it seems like it isn't, really. I can't really do much more physical activity than what I already do -- I'm running my body into the ground as it is -- and so don't even know what next step I should take.

submitted by /u/truesilk
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

An unexpected cost of obesity

So I recently lost 7kg (15lbs) over the past couple of months and am still away to go and am now at 107kg and am stalling. My BMI is currently 34.

I recently made the plunge and bought an apartment. I’m currently going through the insurance process and one policy I’m taking out is critical illness policy. The idea is if you suffer a named illness you get a lump sum payout to clear your mortgage. The initial quote for my cover was roughly £100 per month.

As part of the underwriting process (i.e. specific tailoring of the policy and costs based on your personal circumstances) I had to answer questions about my medical history including my current height and weight. And that’s where I was informed that due to my BMI being 34 my quoted premium would automatically increase by 75%. Just because of my weight and nothing else. So now my insurance will be £150. It’s beyond my budget but I can make it work by changing some other stuff.

I’d always knew insurers considered weight but I’d never consider myself in the range where I’d actually be impacted. It fucking sucks.

That said I asked the question: what if I lose weight? It turns out that if I can drop my weight by about 14kg (30lbs) then the multiplier will be zero if I call to renegotiate the policy.

If that’s not motivation I don’t know what is.

TL;DR: my BMI score has increased my monthly insurance quote beyond my budget but it’s fixable with weight loss.

submitted by /u/AlchemicalTheorist
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Want Need Wear Read Christmas Wish List–Free Printable Minimal List Template

Hello! I have a great round up of sales for runners and fitness enthusiasts coming next. But before the gifts we should make a wish list, right?

Right! But I’m a Monic-alist (like minimalist but Monica) and my Love Language isn’t gifts so I like to keep my wish list simple. So when I heard about the Want Need Wear Read gift list for kids – I thought it was so smart! And it’s a great idea for adults too!

If you’re not familiar… this simple Christmas list is meant to keep us from overdoing it with lil ones and limit it to 4 presents. Each present has a purpose too! So it’s a smart way to get more than one present for your favorite person but keep it to stuff they’ll really love.

Want Need Christmas List Printable (800x800)

The 4 gifts are:

Something they WANT

Something they NEED

Something to WEAR

Something to READ

I love it! It’s such a simple way to get ideas on what you should get them too!

So I have a Christmas Wish List Template you can print out and have them fill out. Or you can screen shot it and fill in the answers on Instagram Stories. (I have the Samsung Galaxy Note – it has a pen so I can write it in but you can use the app and add text.)

Want Need Wear Read Simple Christmas Wish List Template (566x800)

* Get this 4 gift category free Printable Christmas Wish List Template here. *

But if you want a lil more inspiration…

I also made a minimalist Christmas Wish List with a few more options. I still call it a minimal list because the additional options are things you can EAT (which don’t stay around long) or things you can DO (I like experiences or spending time with my loved ones as gifts).

So this list is: Want, Need, Do, Read, Wear, Sweet…

Want Need Wear Read Bonus Christmas Wish List Printable (566x800)

* Get the free Printable Christmas Wish List Template here. *


Race Discount Code for Cyber Monday

And before I come back with all the awesome gift ideas and sales… head’s up that the Riverside Half Marathon, 5K has a Cyber Monday Sale ONE DAY ONLY!

Use code: RER20

And get 20% off half marathon registration or 5K registration for the Lace Up Riverside Race Dec 2nd. It’s a fun holiday run – and a lot of people dress up, plus Santa’s there!

Register here: Reindeer Run Riverside Dec 2

Lace Up Riverside half marathon 5k run discount code cyber monday

Question: What do you want for Christmas?

Do you make a wish list?

The post Want Need Wear Read Christmas Wish List–Free Printable Minimal List Template appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat

I just want to remind everybody (especially around the holidays) that there's no such thing as failure - every misstep is a teachable moment.

I've been on my weight loss journey for over three years now, and it's been a series of ups and downs from the get-go. I've gained and lost, binged and purged, and what I've learned is that no matter what we do, in every up and every down - there is something to learn. Cool, you brought home leftovers from thanksgiving and ate the entire thing at midnight even though you were full? Okay now we don't bring leftovers home or we freeze it right away, lesson learned. Family was stressing you out so you ate three slices of pie? Okay we need to learn stress management.

Every single thing I've fucked up in the last three years has taught me something about myself, my habits, and my relationship with food. I'm learning boundaries. I'm learning that I turn to food when I'm stressed, or overwhelmed. I'm learning that I need to feel fulfilled in every day life or else I'll use food to fill the void. I'm learning.

So yeah, you binged, or you ate what you shouldn't have, and that sucks. It doesn't feel good, I'm not saying it has to. But you can at least take something valuable away from that experience.

Anyway, I'm not trying to come off as preachy - I just wish we all didn't get so down on ourselves when we slip up. I think that we all deserve a little compassion. What we're trying to do is not easy, we live in a food landscape that is not designed for our reptilian brains. Learning to navigate that is challenging, but that's just what it is - learning.

submitted by /u/bornruffian
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

10 Turkey Recipes You Have to Try This Season

Before we get to some amazing turkey recipes, let’s take a little quiz:

Which of these statements is NOT true about turkey, which is about to become the most celebrated food of the month?

  •  Turkey is lower in fat and has fewer calories than chicken.
  •  Turkey is a good source of high-quality protein.
  •  Turkey is an excellent source of selenium, a trace element that acts as an antioxidant and may help prevent cancer, heart disease, cognitive decline as well as protecting the thyroid gland.

Okay, this was a trick quiz. They’re all true. Turkey really is all that.

The Fool-Proof Way to Cook a Delicious Turkey

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While chicken and turkey both stack up closely in the calorie, protein and the nutrient department, a three-ounce serving of roasted turkey breast is only 160 calories compared to 170 for chicken, according to the United States Department of Agriculture. Even the dark meat is lower in calories: 190 for a three-ounce serving of turkey thigh versus 210 for the same amount of chicken thigh meat.

So don’t relegate turkey to one day this month. Incorporate some healthy turkey recipes into your Flex Meals as often as you can.

Here are 10 delicious turkey recipes to enjoy all year round:

1. Slow Cooker Turkey Bolognese with Spaghetti Squash Pasta >

Turkey Recipes To Try This Season

Maybe you’ve never thought of turkey and pasta together, but you will after you try this recipe, which replaces the meat in a rich Bolognese sauce with lean ground turkey and pasta with its veggie look-alike, spaghetti squash. This recipe is also veggie-rich and chock full of flavorful spices, at only 262 calories a serving! It counts as one SmartCarb, one PowerFuel, two vegetables and two extras. Click here to get the recipe! >

2. Skinny Turkey Club >

Turkey Recipes To Try This Season

We’ve reimagined this lunchtime favorite so you still get the satisfaction of flavor (and to tell you the truth, fat and carbs) but at a lower calorie price tag (one7two per serving). The fat in this case comes mainly from the healthy monounsaturated fat of avocado and the carbs from fiber-rich whole wheat bread. The recipe calls for turkey lunch meat, but leftover turkey breast works just as well. It counts as one SmartCarb, one PowerFuel and one Extra. Click here to get the recipe! >

3. Butternut Squash Turkey Chili >

Turkey Recipes To Try This Season

This thick hearty chili is just what you need on a cold autumn night. Ground turkey is the featured protein, but three cups of butternut squash makes it thick and creamy. And there’s Serrano pepper for just a touch of heat. It counts as one SmartCarb, one PowerFuel, one Extra and one Vegetable. Click here to get the recipe! >

4. Turkey Cranberry Salad >

Turkey Recipes To Try This Season

You can whip up his lunch in four steps, starting with leftover Thanksgiving turkey and cranberry sauce (or dried cranberries).  Add some nonfat plain Greek yogurt and a shake of pepper. Lunch, accomplished! This counts as one SmartCarb and one PowerFuel. Click here to get the recipe! >

5. Caprese Turkey Burger >

Turkey Recipes To Try This Season

You’re going to love this marriage of two great foods—Caprese salad and a burger, all on the same bun! The burger is spiced with garlic powder and held together with almond flour instead of bread crumbs then topped with tomato and two slices of part-skim mozzarella cheese. Top with some fresh basil, pop it on a whole wheat bun and your mouth will have a party. Counts as one SmartCarb and two PowerFuels. Click here to get the recipe! >

6. Turkey and Goat Cheese Wrap >

Turkey Recipes To Try This Season

Basil paste and goat cheese give a piquant flavor to this wrap filled with sliced white meat turkey, spinach and yellow pepper strips, all on a whole wheat tortilla. This will be your go-to lunch while the turkey lasts! Serves as one SmartCarb, one PowerFuel, one Vegetable and one Extra. Click here to get the recipe! >

7. Ground Turkey and Veggie Curry with Brown Rice >

Turkey Recipes To Try This Season

Did you know that “curry” isn’t one spice but a combination of several spices? In this recipe you’ll find curry powder with an extra dose of coriander, cumin, turmeric and red pepper flakes. This dish is also veggie-rich, with zucchini, carrot and canned diced tomatoes. Oh and turkey, of course, all served with a side of fiber-rich brown rice. Click here to get the recipe! >

8. Turkey Tex-Mex Black Beans and Rice >

Turkey Recipes To Try This Season

This substantial lunch recipe couldn’t get much easier since it starts with Nutrisystem’s Black Beans and Rice lunch entrĂ©e. That’s right—half of it is already cooked for you! Just add lean ground turkey, onions, cilantro, cumin and optionally, cooked corn. This tasty turkey meal counts as one Nutrisystem Lunch, one PowerFuel, one/two Vegetable and one Extra (Add a SmartCarb if using corn). Click here to get the recipe! >

9. Savory Turkey Chili >

Turkey Recipes To Try This Season

This delicious cold weather meal proves that any recipe that uses ground beef is only improved by substituting lean ground turkey. This chili is also a veggie fest: It’s filled with spinach, bell peppers, celery, onion and two kinds of beans in a rich, thick tomato sauce spiced with chili powder and cumin. Click here to get the recipe! >

10. Turkey, Apple & Swiss Waffle Sandwich >

Turkey Recipes To Try This Season

Who says you can’t have breakfast food at lunch? This is a favorite among these turkey recipes and it starts with two Nutrisystem waffles, piled with two ounces of turkey, thinly sliced Granny Smith apple, low-fat Swiss cheese, spinach and dressed with an avocado and yogurt spread, all grilled on a Panini press. Counts as one SmartCarb, two PowerFuels, half a Vegetable and three Extras. Click here to get the recipe! >

Like these turkey recipes? Click on the link below for some amazing chicken recipes!

12 Easy Chicken Recipes You Need to Try

Read More

The post 10 Turkey Recipes You Have to Try This Season appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

3 Recipes to Repurpose Your Leftovers

Starting Out: 4 Reasons to Lose Weight

Hello, r/loseit! After hemming and hawing for months about whether or not to go on a diet, I’ve finally decided to bite the bullet and start this morning. However, last night I decided to make a cohesive list of all of the reasons I should lose weight, which I thought I would share with you all!

1. You’ll feel so much better. Don’t you want to be able to go up two flights of stairs without being winded? What about running a mile? Or even just looking in the mirror and liking what you see? Feeling good about your accomplishments is something everyone enjoys; you’ll feel so much happier when your body looks the way you want it to.

2. Your health I’m not morbidly obese by any means, but carrying around any extra weight can and will take it’s toll on your health. Being healthy will also make you feel so much happier. It’s always an important reason to start the weight loss journey.

3. People will compliment your progress when you make some. You won’t be doing this without support. There is a huge chance that a friend/family member/coworker/acquaintance will make a positive comment about how you look. It always serves as motivation to keep going.

4. You have a whole community behind you. r/loseit (and plenty of other weight loss groups) are there to help you with your journey to a healthier you. Will it be difficult? Yes. Will it feel like it isn’t worth it sometimes? Yes. But just remember that you have a whole collective of people all cheering you on. You can do this.

I know it will be difficult. I know it will. But it’s something millions before you have attained and I know you can do it. There will be times you want to relapse, but remember: Weight loss is what you make it. You can be upset that you have to ignore your cravings, or you can brush them off and be happy at your progress. The choice is yours.

Good luck! And if you’ve already started, good job! Keep it up!

submitted by /u/pizza4cheap
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from loseit - Lose the Fat