Friday, November 23, 2018

I've lost a bit of weight recently (30ish pounds) but when I look in the mirror, see no change. How do I redirect these feelings? And how do I change up my routine?

Weight loss wasn't intentional, I had a stomach issue that took awhile to figure out/address. It's partially addressed now through a diet change (I can eat more: before I was at maybe 700 calories a day) but still find that I'm pretty full at 1,000-1,300 calories a day and am really not eating more than that. I predict I'm probably going to continue to lose weight for awhile. I'm hoping that eventually my maintenance caloric requirements will meet with what I am physically able to keep down. IDK what that is yet, but I do know that at 180 my maintenance calories was 2,800.

So the weight loss: from August I went from the upper 180s to right now, where I am sitting at 159. I'm 5'8''.

I had my body fat measured at 180 at it was 35ish%. When I was at 17 it was 28%. I don't know what it is now but for whatever reason I wasn't/am not just losing muscle. So theoretically my body should look more toned. But I don't think it does.

I know I've lost weight because I went down a size in jeans, and now those are getting lose on me, too. Didn't go down a bra size though. And when I look in the mirror I don't see a lot of change.

I guess my questions are -- is it normal to not see a lot of change in the mirror which such a change in body composition, and/or is there a way to redirect these negative feelings? Because I suppose I'm starting to feel ashamed of the fat around my midsection. And I guess a little worried, because I know fat around the midsection, even at a normal BMI, can lead to a lot of diseases I am predisposed to. I always thought if I dropped weight it would go away, it seems like it isn't, really. I can't really do much more physical activity than what I already do -- I'm running my body into the ground as it is -- and so don't even know what next step I should take.

submitted by /u/truesilk
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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