Thursday, November 29, 2018

Thinking of Food as Fuel Only

TL;DR: Ideas to stop eating for pleasure and solely for fuel.

Hey everyone! As I can guess, probably most of you have have had a binge eating problem. I've went into detail in a previous post how I was very successful with weight loss losing close to 60lbs last year, going from 245 to 183. However, jobs and location have changed and so did my eating and work out patterns.

I used to rarely eat unless I was hungry. I ate the bare minimum and had to force myself to eat sometimes. I think a big part of this came about because I shared a grocery bill with my grandfather. I forced myself to "save him some" and I also never liked sharing my food, so I rarely bought treats for myself, because I didn't want to share. (Bad I know, but it worked.)

I moved out and now have a separate grocery bill from my roommate, so I started buying a ton of food and eating. Went from 183 to 196 since March.

I'm turning around before its too late and trying to get back down to 183 and eventually tune myself to around 10-12% body fat or lower ideally.

I feel I'll be able to do this by picking up my old routine (currently typing this in between sets at the gym right now). And also by developing a mindset that food is only fuel and not for pleasure. I cannot eat in moderation. I grew up going without and hard wired to never waste food. I can't buy snacks as I'll eat them all in one sitting. Healthier options just don't satisfy me but I can eat most fruit and veggies in moderation simply because I don't enjoy them. They satisfy hunger and that's it.

Everyone has recipes they swear by to make something like celery, cauliflower, or carrots taste great. (Highly dislike these veggies in particular). None of them work. It's just fuel to me. I just chomp it down without throwing it up. I can't seem to find more than 3-5 each in fruits and veggies that I like and feel I'm missing out.

Water doesn't satiate hunger pangs either. It actually makes me so angry when people say to "drink water, it'll go away. " It doesn't. "You're still hungry." But I just ate a 500-600 calorie meal.

Am I the only person who struggles/struggled with this? What suggestions do you have? How did you overcome this? Any input from you guys would be wonderful.


submitted by /u/sliprider1535
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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