Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Picking it up after putting it down, and also my diet needs help

Hi, I'm Allie! 24F, 5'3". I was 165 lbs at my heaviest, and today I am 132 lbs at my lowest (since 2013).

Okay so, I've been doing this "weight loss" (lifestyle change) thing since January of this year and I've lost a little over 30 lbs. Well, actually, the first 25 fell off in 4 months and I've had a "plateau" since then- but I keep chalking it back up to maintenance. Because I definitely ate a lot and can't call that a failure by the process lol. I'm at a point now where I'm back to restricting calories and doing cardio to drop quick weight. My goal is to get down to 115 then bulk/cut to 125 lbs. I think. As of right now, anyway. But another 15 lbs seems like it's very attainable.

All of this is great and I'm on a good track again for my goals but I'm having issues w/ one area- eating. I have zero system to maintain nutrition and the last 10 months of my weight loss have been so focused around calories that I don't get hungry all morning. I'll eat a Clif bar at noon, and then use my last 1000 calories for snacks later at home. Sometimes my appetite is so lost that I won't eat until 6PM. I know it's basically intermittent fasting, but I think I need some kind of idea for nutritional snacks/dinner. How do you get everything you need when you're really eating only once or twice a day??

I'm happy w/ my lifestyle now. Gym 3-5x a week, not eating garbage, watching how much I eat... It makes sense in my head! I just have to figure out how to do it while now considering nutrition.

submitted by /u/y0ung_warth0g
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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