Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Down to 192 from 230, almost to my almost life long goal of 180. Still a lot of work left to get to my goal, but being able to see the results more and more keep me going

progress pics

The first image is current, at around 195. Second was about a year ago and the other two 3 years, my heaviest of 260

Today I hit a new milestone in my weight loss journey, I started officially in October at 235, but have struggled before at little exercise and diet bouts, but never really was able to get it to stick. A large amount of my inspiration was from gettin heavy into the Joe Rogan Experience, and realizing I was literally doing this to myself, and Only I am to blame if I fail or mess up, so I have to hold myself accountable.

I am finally under 195, currently 192. 2 weeks ago I broke 200 for the first time since around 2011, and I want to get to around 180 in the end. In October I started weightlifting and running 3 miles Monday Wednesday and Friday, bench, deadlift and leg exercises, as well as 5 mile elliptical on tuesdays thursdays and sundays, while maintaining a caloric deficit of 1200. The biggest problem I have faced is when I don’t count calories. I use MFP, and you basically need to set up a checkpoint on your mouth for mandatory calorie counting. If you don’t, you will estimate, and sometimes that 90 you had left accidentally turns into 280, and that can add up.

I am starting to see definition in my chin and arms, but still a long way from the abs. Something that also helped that I recommend is intermittent fasting. I started only eating during 2pm-10pm and it’s helped me stop eating like crazy during the night and makes the coffee you have in the mornin so much stronger. I can’t wait to keep going. The last picture was in my heaviest, 250 when I was working at the Taco Bell, drunk off my ass in San Antonio. I lived mas and ate mas. Hopefully I can never go back. I rarely cared about my health and would let myself literally eat anything I could without any remorse. Starting to find myself not completely annihilating my lunch or dinner and wanting to save it, which is something I’ve always dreamed about being able to do. I literally had days that fucking SUCKED and I would do anything but go to the gym, but I kept going and kept on it because I realized it’s all up to me, no one else is responsible, and all I have to do is just go.

Edit: my workout regimen that I got from a fitness post on reddit a few months ago. MONDAY: PUSH (chest / shoulders / triceps) • Bench: (5x5) • Shoulder Press: (5x5) • Tricep Pulldown: (5x5) • 1-3 mile run (elliptical weightloss) • Abs (ab roller, planks) TUESDAY: CARDIO • 3-6 mile run WEDNESDAY: PULL (back / biceps) • Deadlift: (5x5) • Chin Ups: (5x5) • Cable Row: (5x5) • Dumbbell Alternate Curls: 40 lbs (5x5) • 1-3 mile run(elliptical weightloss) • Abs (ab roller, planks) THURSDAY: CARDIO • 3-6 mile run FRIDAY: LEGS (quads / hams / calves) • Squat: (4x6) • Calf Raise: (4x6) • Dumbbell Lunges: 40 lbs (3x10) • Abs (ab roller, planks) SATURDAY: • OFF SUNDAY: CARDIO • 3-6 mile run

Sorry if this doesn’t format well, I copied it from a word pad and posted it from my phone

submitted by /u/NormaStits
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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