Wednesday, November 28, 2018

SV (And a few NSVs) Finally made it 50lbs down.

Started this whole process in February of this year. Looked at the scale and it was showing me a whopping 261lbs. My wedding suit didn't fit anymore, and hadn't for YEARS, so many of my clothes that I liked wouldn't fit (honestly, I half believed they shrunk). My wife was making gentle but pointed comments suggesting I get back into biking or that we should go to yoga together. So, on Feb 4th I just decided that I wasn't going to be fat anymore. I downloaded an app (not MFP because I didn't know about it at the time, but another one that I still really like and keep using). I started tracking calories and almost immediately I dropped a BUNCH of weight, around 15lbs. I got complacent, didn't track for a bit because I figured "I got this". The scale didn't move. Didn't really go up, just didn't go down either. So, back to tracking. Started losing weight slowly but surely. Then, got a little frustrated that my progress was slow so I just ramped up my activity level and started really eating better as well as less. My weight started to fall, and as I got fitter, I could burn more calories with exercise because I wasn't so damn tired all the time. I'm still targeting about 1.5-2lbs per week and so far have been maintaining that for a few months now. Even had a 1 month trip to Africa in Sept that I managed to stay on track for, albeit with reduced exercise.

Today I am finally comfortably below 211lbs after starting at 261. I'm gunning for 180ish and should be there by summer at this rate and assuming it slows down as I get closer to my goal. I personally could not do this without having fallen back in love with biking. I'm not so motivated to look better as I am to perform better. This may not be effective for everyone, but it sure works for me. I'm pretty stoked that I've lost 50lbs without a single rebound for almost an entire year (except a data entry error I made).

Long story short, I think the key to consistent weight loss is not focusing on an external outcome like looking better, but an internal one like feeling better. I can bike further, faster and with more technical skill than I ever could even in my teens. And that is what makes me truly proud of this.

You can check out my graph here if you want:

My weight loss journey

submitted by /u/rockjoc
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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