Thursday, November 29, 2018

Bought my first fancy water bottle after losing a few pounds

My first non food weight loss reward! It's one of those metal ones with the handle to carry it everywhere. It was pricey but I was happy to buy it because I know I'm ready to make actual long term changes in my diet now. It's been so hard for me to move in the right direction with my weight. I don't have the best support at home. I hit my highest weight a few months ago. I ran to reddit seeking comfort and advice. I licked my wounds for a few more weeks, still sad and upset but not really doing anything. Eventually I got past my pity party.. to be honest I didnt make any major changes other than eat out less and try to eat a little better.. (I used to eat large mcdonalds meals+20 piece nuggets+dessert in one sitting). I got a a puppy too and he's been my little walking buddy since. I'm now down 10lbs from my heaviest. It's not impressive since it took me almost 3 months to do but I want to keep this trend going and take serious steps to turn my life around. Next is soda and some more serious walking. Sorry for the long story, I'm 100+lbs overweight and I'm just really excited to have some real motivation to restart this weight loss journey again after feeling so down this past year!

Tldr: I was in a bad place a few months ago with my weight and mental state, lost 10 lbs, bought myself a nice water bottle!

submitted by /u/rolliepollie_me
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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