Thursday, November 29, 2018

For Women w/Emotional Eating and Confidence Issues During Weight Loss

Long post, so: tl;dr: I'm sharing one of my favorite weight loss podcasts that helped me through one of my darkest times on my weight loss journey. This podcast helped me begin to work through so many confidence issues and finally chip away at the reasons why I often indulged in binge eating and emotional eating. I can definitely say that this podcast is the single most helpful tool I've ever used for losing weight, and just getting my shit together in general.

Brief summary of my weight loss journey: I've been trying to lose the same 20-30 lbs for about 3 years now; I gained this weight through lots of binge eating and emotional eating. I've done almost every popular dieting method, even fads (juicing, keto, HCLF, CICO, IF, OMAD), and have finally found a method of eating that I love. About 4 months ago, I started a journey of serious introspection as I started yet another weight loss attempt; that's when I found this podcast.

The Podcast: It's called "The Last 10 Pounds" hosted by Brenda Lomeli. It can be found on iTunes for free. Don't be fooled by the title: yes, it's called "the last 10," but is soooo much deeper than losing just 10 pounds. It addresses a lot of the issues many of us women face and "thought exercises" to help us face these issues without turning to food as a buffer. Confidence is a key issue that this podcast addresses and why it is absolutely necessary for your weight loss journey; one of the best quotes I encountered while listening to this podcast is: "Would you rather be skinny and miserable, or happy at any weight?" God damn, I was shook when I heard this!

The Host: Brenda Lomeli is the host of this podcast and studied/worked as an occupational therapist for years, and is now a weight loss coach after having dealt with a rollercoaster of a weight loss journey for close to 20 years. Yes, I know, "weight loss coach" is the most cringe-worthy phrase in the weight loss community right now; but I love her because she never tries to push her service on the podcast listeners and provides a lot of the tools that she shares with paid clients for free on the podcast. She also gets very personal: she's shared how she dealt with a very recent miscarriage without using food to self-medicate, how she's been the "chubby one" in her family since she was a very young child, and how she developed some seriously disordered eating throughout her life.

What I Love About This Podcast: The host always stresses: you don't need to lose weight if you are happy and confident with where you're at; your weight is nobody else's business. But if you are unhappy/lack confidence in your body, Brenda will help you so much with the mental aspect of losing weight, specifically confidence and how you perceive yourself.

Favorite Episodes:

- Episode 86: all about confidence and its necessity in weight loss

- Episode 78: be willing to be different to achieve your goals

- Episode 71: possibility (this one is my favorite out of all of them)

- Episode 62: Emotional Courage and IQ (this episode is where Brenda talks about her miscarriage and how she dealt with it)

Caveats/Things to Note:

- Brenda prescribes what is basically a low-carb eating approach, but she always stresses that you should do what you like and gets you results. Personally, I eat all the carbs I want and still lose weight. Remember that this podcast isn't about telling you what diet to follow or what exercise to do, it's about how to get yourself to actually follow the plan you've set out for yourself.

- She has "success-story" episodes where she'll have her clients share stories. Most of these women are already in the "healthy" range for their BMI but but just want a little more. You might be tempted to say: this podcast doesn't apply to me/these success stories don't apply to me because these women already have it figured out. No, they don't have it figured out. If you listen to these episodes, you'll actually find these "thin" women pretty relatable in terms of the issues they struggle with when it comes to food.

- Brenda does "life-updates" for the first 5-10 minutes of each podcast; some of you might hate this kind of stuff, but I've become a pretty big fan and love hearing it now.

Aaaaand that's all folks!! Hope some of you give this a try and see if it could possibly help you. No, I have zero association with this podcast, other than as a listener, and am purely doing it to share with you how I've overcome the biggest hurdle in weight loss: myself.

submitted by /u/indefensible_ape
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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