Wednesday, November 28, 2018

How I Lost 70 Lbs In Under 6 Months (w/ Pictures)

Hey, y'all.

My name's Danyon Togia. I'm new to this group.

I thought I'd help ya's out by sharing with you exactly how I lost 70 lbs in under 6 months. And how I kept the weight off for 4+ years.

I did this without any extreme dieting. Meaning I ate my favorite foods ALL the time.

I didn't do any lame AF, strenuous exercise regimens, either.

Here are some pics for proof (this photo wasn't at my heaviest FYI):

There are three things I did that helped me lose this weight in an easy AF fashion:

  1. Intermittent Fasting (From 9pm to 1pm everyday)
  2. Eat Until Satieated (so no overeating)
  3. And Exercise 3-5 times per week (dancing in my garage lol)

During my fast, all I did was drink a piss ton of water. And a few cups of black coffee, too.

When I ate, I ate WHATEVER I WANTED.

Yes, whatever.

That meant burgers. Chips. Pizza. Icecream. Legit whatever.

BUT - I would only eat until I was completely full.

And I'd keep the calorically dense foods at the end of my main meals.

For example, on the regular I'd have burgers and chips as my main meal.

Then at the end of it, I'd have a scoop or two of icecream just to finish it off.

I'd do this 5-6 days a week. Then 1-2 times per week, I'd just eat whatever the F I wanted. And whatever amount of it I wanted, too.

As for exercise, I didn't do ANY weights at all for the first 6 months.

All I'd do is take my speakers, go into the garage, play some music...

And dance my fat ass away for 30-45 minutes.

There's nothing magical at all about anything I did to lose weight.

It's actually SUPER simple.

When it comes to weight loss, all you have to do is the "right thing" in the "right way."

To make things SUPER clear, let's relate it to something else:

Passing a math test.

If you wanna pass the test, you have to do the "right thing" in the "right way."

The "right thing" (as it relates to passing the math test) is to study.

You can't cheat your way around that.

But the "right way" is subjective.

For example, I'm a morning typa guy. So I'd do my study in the morning because that's what works best for me.

But you might be different. You might be a night owl. So you should do your study at night time because that's what works best for you.

You need the combination of both to pass the math test.

Doing the "right thing" (study) in the "right way" (whatever works best for you).

The "right thing" as it relates to weight loss is to be in a calorie deficit.

But the "right way" is COMPLETELY subjective.

Too many people are trying to do the "right thing" (be in a calorie deficit) in the f*cking LAMEST fashion possible.

Stupid ass, restrictive diets that they don't enjoy.

Exercise routines that they don't enjoy.

Lame AF supplements that are scammy AF.

My best advice for anyone wanting to lose weight and keep it off is this:

Find what your "right way" is.

Do you enjoy Keto? Then do that. If you don't enjoy it, then don't do it. Find a way for you to do the "right thing" in YOUR right way.

Same rule applies with EVERY weight loss regimen. Paleo. Fasting. Atkins. Carnivore. Whatever.

If you're trying to "force" a diet upon yourself, that's not gonna work.

You're treating yourself like you're both a slave AND a slavemaster. Or like a horse that you're constantly crackin' the whip at.

Your weight loss lifestyle needs to be enjoyable. Because if it's enjoyable, it's most likely gonna be sustainable.

And that's where the REAL results come from. The long-term, sustainable game.

That's all I've got. I hope it helps ya out. If you have any questions, just let me know.

submitted by /u/Zazuu94
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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