Friday, November 30, 2018

30 Day Accountability Challenge- November recap (Day 30)

Hi all! Posting this early so I can actually write a proper post this time and have the neater formatting on the desktop as opposed to the wonky mobile formatting. We made it. November is on its way out. Time for us to reflect on the month behind. What worked and what might need adjustment. Where we shined and where we struggled. For me my biggest struggles have been in my personal life. The rollercoaster ride of interviews and rejections goes on, and feels both easier and harder to handle in some ways each time I go through it. And now I have to do interviews on top of already working a full time job! Guild drama that actually led to me stepping back from my guild because I didn't have the emotional bandwidth to handle being (through no fault of my own) put in the middle of that crap on top of the struggles I was already having with my mental state. Weight loss wise I did well, did end the month under 135 despite Thanksgiving weekend being one extended calorie bombshell. Steps... I still need to work on this one. Need to find a way to get more steps in despite working a job that keeps me at a desk all day, unlike previous jobs which involved a fair amount of walking around. Also need to work on my step counts on snow days and vacation days. But I think I still made progress from October. Hopefully December will be more progress still.

Oh, and if you haven't already, feel free to sign up for December's challenge here! My fellow Coloradan, MountainLioness, will be back hosting again.

Weight: 132.9. And I've now got the next 3 weeks approximately without any food holidays to work on getting this back into the 131s.

Calories: Ended yesterday at 1513

Steps: 10,093. I didn't do a full workout, I was just feeling way too tired. But at least I did something.

Gratitude: Thank you to all of you for being such a great crowd and for bearing with me, especially as I was first feeling my way around figuring out hosting stuff and then lately with Thanksgiving and the new job throwing wrenches in my posting schedule. Side note: I now understand why people say "on mobile so I apologize for the formatting." It really is much easier to write posts on the desktop, which is why I have this post mostly written up on Thursday night so that I can just set it loose on Friday morning before I go to work.

submitted by /u/Joisan08
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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