Thursday, November 29, 2018

Confessions from a ketoer

Around two years ago I found keto and decided to give weight loss a serious try. I cut out sugar, weighed my food, worked on self-care, found an amazing community and lost nearly 60 pounds.

I would not say I fell off the wagon but I did keep the weight off all 2018 using a lot of the skills I learned on how to deal with food addiction, anxiety, depression...basically learning how to not eat my feelings. But I wasn't losing. I lost interest in tracking calories. Unless I want to eat the same thing every week food is complicated and time consuming. I lost interest in meal prepping.

It's a slippery slope to weight gain.

I stopped going to the keto subs. There are a lot of good, reasonable people but the community is growing into this weird dogmatic all-or-nothing lifestyle pushing a specific view of weight loss. I think that mindset turned me off from a lot of the things that were responsible for my weight loss...a supportive community.

I'm going CICO for a month and tracking everything. I'm actually excited about tracking my food again. I had a bowl of cereal and nothing bad happened. I had a beer, the world didn't end. I kept to my calorie limit easily and I'm not starving to death. I might have a banana today!

So what I'm saying is that I think the psychological changes I made, the sense of community, the self care, the support, the portion control, all of that is way more important than what I ate or adhering to a strict idea of a diet that I wasn't really happy with anymore.

I do appreciate the science behind sugar and it's impact on health but moderation is way more reasonable than abstinence. Abstinence rarely works.

Thanks for listening, I'll check back in.

submitted by /u/Forgetfultiger
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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