Thursday, November 29, 2018

Discouraging vent

It is so discouraging sometimes. It seems like every time I have a maintenance day my weight spikes up a good 2-5 pounds and then for whatever reason takes a week or more to come back down. Why I don't know. This wasn't always the case, my weight would usually stay the same or go up a pound and come back off in a day. Lately though maintenance has been fucking everything up and it's really discouraging. I'm a 31/M/5'10.5/lowest weight 176 so my TDEE is about 1800. I eat 1500. I get 10,000 steps in about 4 times a week and if not then usually 7K which means I'm also burning several hundred calories on top of that yet my weight has only gone down about 1.7 pounds in the last month. October 28th I was 178.8. Yesterday I was 176 but I was also 176 on November 21. The day before Thanksgiving I ate at maintenance and then on Thanksgiving I ate my 1500 plus one plate of food (so I'm guessing like 3000 Max not too much, maybe not even that). It's taken me until yesterday to go back down to where I was before that. Yesterday I hit 10K steps by jogging so I figured I'd eat maintenance since I burned so many extra calories. Had 2 pieces of pizza on top of my 1500. Was exactly my maintenance. Today I'm up 2 pounds. I understand it'll come back off but the discouraging part is that no matter what I do it'll take another week or at least few days to recover from that. But Why? Because I ate 2 pieces of pizza?!??! That's insane to me. I also don't understand why my weight has come off so slowly despite the cardio I've been putting in. That's the most discouraging part more so than the maintenance spikes. I've only even been doing it because it's starting to get to the point in my weight loss where 1500 is not enough of a defecit for the rate of loss I want to achieve but despite my legs hurting or feeling tired from it it's like it's having 0 effect at all. Yes I am weighing foods correctly and logging them correct. I'm meticulous. I do seem to have a problem with constipation but that also feels irrelevant because when I do have a good day with that nothing seems to change the next day. Also I drink good amounts of water. I'm not looking for answers. Just wanted to express how frustrating this can be sometimes. It's a lot of work for very little reward sometimes and makes very little sense. The extra work in the cardio feels so pointless but what would happen if I didn't do it? Nothing?!?! Ugh.

submitted by /u/AnAlienFrom1955
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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