Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Inspired by another post, one year of weight loss

I normally am mostly a lurker but I saw the year progress post by /u/genambition which inspired me to share my progress. Over the course of the last year I have lost 50 lbs through a low-carb diet. I found that the hardest thing was getting good habits started, as once I got through the first two weeks of strict dieting I found it much easier to continue.

The biggest help has been in meal prep and keeping things simple. For example, my breakfast practically every morning is 4 eggs and some cheese. I might make an omelette, scramble, fry them, whatever, but I keep to that predictably. Regarding the meal prep, I make a weeks worth of dinners every Sunday, so that when I come home I am not tempted to stop at fast food as I know I've got something ready to eat.

I am a scientific programmer so my post would not be complete without some data. I logged my morning weight almost every day for the last 3.5 months (which is approximately when I got my new phone and really started ramping up my dieting). For some people that level of weight logging would be discouraging, but I found for me it definitely helped.

Weight Graph with Annotations

I definitely am starting to feel more comfortable in my own skin and it has been a major boost to my confidence. I was hoping to reach 210 before Thanksgiving but I've gotten pretty close and I know I'll be able to continue my journey through the holidays (though probably definitely going to cheat some for turkey day!) Please let me know if you have any questions ... this shit is hard and I think we all need all the help we can get!

Overall stats

Height: 6'2"

SW: 272 lbs

CW: 223 lbs

GW: 210 lbs

Don't have many before pictures, found one of me at a company holiday party last year.


Also obligatory belt picture (got that belt for Christmas last year and it almost didn't fit!)

submitted by /u/RocketMans123
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2QYWKUW

Weight loss stalled, and I think I found out why

About 2.5 years ago, I weighed 280. I started watching calorie intake, and I was taking vitamins and Omega 3-6-9 (fish oil). I lost 50 pounds over a year, and then it stalled out. I've been stuck at 230 for about 1.5 years now. And I've tried just about everything to try and figure out why. Various diet hacks, adding calories, reducing calories, etc... Nothing ever helped.

I started thinking about it, and I realized that around the time it stopped, I ran out of the Omega 3-6-9 pills, and never bought more. I've been having a lot of joint pain, like my hips, neck, back, etc... My brain always feels bad. In a bad mood, depressed, low energy, exhausted all the time. I never felt motivated, it was hard to concentrate, and my brain just felt off. I was getting headaches too.

So I started thinking about the Omega pills, and doing research. There's some web sites that claim they help with weight loss. And others that claim they don't. But your body produces a hormone called cortisol when it's under stress. Cortisol makes your cells go into a panic mode where they start storing fat. And fish oil reduces cortisol levels. I started putting it together and I'm like...wait a minute. So, last week I ordered a big bag of Omega 3-6-9 pills.

Around Thursday, I started taking them. I went into work Friday, and my back, neck, and hips never started hurting. My brain didn't feel foggy. I got a lot done at work that day. Went through the weekend, and I felt like I had a lot more energy. It's like night and day. I've been back on them for about 5 days now, and I can already see the scale going down. I've already lost a few pounds, and it seems to be moving at the same rate back when I lost 50 pounds.

Seriously, if you feel like you're doing everything right, and the weight still isn't coming off, go get fish oil or Omega 3-6-9. The Omega 3-6-9 is probably better, it's fish oil and a couple of other oils. Omega 3 (fish oil) is the most important one, but the others are good too. And take 1-2 pills a day. You can get a decent sized bottle for about $10 at any grocery or drug store. Just try them, worst case is they won't help. But you might be surprised. Give it a couple of days, and see if you feel different. I can tell a difference immediately.

If your weight won't come off, you could have high cortisol levels.

submitted by /u/techmaster242
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2BmEuj6

My roller coaster of a weight loss journey

Over the last two years i have been trying to lose weight since April 07, 2017 I started at 202 pounds size 36 male waistline down to 164 pounds size 30 waistline with a combination of keto and long distance walking 10 miles daily.

Then during December of ‘17 I got extremely ill I lost most of my ability to walk because i was out of breath after a couple steps I quickly became depressed and within 6 months i was back to my old habits completely off keto back to drinking lots of cola and eating homemade pizza then when I suddenly looked at the scale because I wasn’t fitting into most of my pants back in early August I decided no more i had to start getting back into exercising

So the very next day I started walking to and from my bus stop to work which is 2 miles each way and i was out of breath each way and three miles on the treadmill continuously at night after i got home. Three weeks later I decided I needed to expand my exercise regimen and chose a route the got me onto the bus going home 6 miles uphill from work and i take that almost every work night, and trying to do 35 mile total weekends

Doing that and eating healthier i lost 15 pounds but I thought i was stagnating at 185 but on Sunday 11-18-18 I decided to see how much more i had to go to get down to size 32 waistline as my next benchmark I realized i was already there. I felt supremely relieved that i was making progress even if my weight hadn’t dropped too much i am still truckin along logging my steps and eating healthier but glad I’m on my way back to where I want to be

submitted by /u/magikuser
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2qV68NX

Halfway there

Firs off, r/loseit, you guys have been instrumental to my success. I don't think I could have gotten here without reading all of your amazing stories that kept me motivated on days where I wanted to give up.

As of this morning I weighed in at 154lbs, this puts me at the halfway point in my weight loss journey. It's honestly so surreal to even write that because I didn't think I would ever get here. Like many of us I had a wake-up call 2 years ago when I stepped on the scale and clocked in at 178.2. It was the most I had ever weighed and I was having all sorts of health issues and really bad anxiety. Since then it's been an up and down journey of finding what works for me. I can proudly say that I finally have something that is sustainable long term for me. And when I tell people that, they all want to know what the secret is. There isn't one, just hard work, diligence and CICO.

A lot of the health issues I had are gone, I've learned to manage my anxiety, and best of all I feel so good. I have more energy, I'm stronger than I ever thought I could be and my confidence has skyrocketed. I even started doing powerlifting at the gym with my trainer! This is coming from someone who wouldn't leave the house for 3 days at a time, who would order in food multiple times a day, who has never played sports or been an active person and who has always struggled with maintaining a healthy weight.

I still have a long way to go but now it doesn't feel so impossible. I've made it this far, and I'm not stopping until I get to where I want to be. Wherever you are in your journey, know that you can do it. We're all here cheering you on! I believe in all of you ♥️

submitted by /u/smolprogrammer
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2DOeu2l

Stomach fat will NOT budge

So I’ve been on a weight loss journey for a year now, I wasn’t massively overweight to start with since I’m very petite. I’m 5’2 and my built is slender. I lost a lot of fat from my arms and I’m very happy with them now, everything else has shaped up nicely too but for the life of me I cannot lose my stomach fat. I’d say I could lose a good 3 kilos of just stomach fat but it just wont go!! I work out 6 day’s a week, 3-4 of those are HIIT or weights. I eat very very clean I rarely ever have cheat meals, it’s so hard but I stick by it. It’s come to the point where I just want to stop and say f it because it’s just not budging. Please help :(

submitted by /u/neuroticbrunette
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2DRLt5K

Weight loss troubles potentially because of thyroid issues?

So the short of it is I've been having health problems for a long time. Like 7-8 years of fatigue inability to lose weight and I finally asked my doctor to test my thyroid and it was out of the normal range. But I have to wait to do more tests to make sure it wasn't just a fluke test. But now for background:

So I was a picky child and would basically eat pizza for lunch every day of middle school and freshman year of high school. By the time I hit my sophomore year and I went to the doctor for something or other, I was 5'4" and 165lbs. My mom bought me a gym membership and over the course of a few months I got down to about 140lbs. Well, right around this time I started getting pretty bad fatigue. Like I was almost falling asleep in class and I would just come home and collapse on to the couch. It was getting so bad for me in class that my dad started giving me coffee in the morning every day before school so that I could at least partially function. At the time, nobody else my age really drank coffee much yet.

My senior year of high school I started on some birth control that I had absolutely awful side affects to. I gained 20lbs over two months and was miserable. I promptly got off of it but still kept all the weight. So I was 5'5" and 160lbs (yes I kept growing).

So this fatigue started sophomore year for me and has lasted and gotten worse as time has gone on. I don't even know how I managed to graduate from college because I was so lethargic and fatigued. I could barely focus in class and just existing has been a struggle. And all this while, I was pretty regularly working out. I know my sophomore year of college I tried an Atkins like died and maybe lost a couple pounds but very quickly gained it back because it was not a lifestyle change but something I saw as a temporary diet.

So before my senior year in college I went to my doctor about losing weight and I got a referral to a dietitian. They both told me the same thing: walk 10,000 steps a day and try to eat less (they recommended 1400-1600 calories for me). So I started counting calories. I was on and off for a while but I've been consistently on for at least a year now. Only problem is I'm not seeing any results. I've been eating between 1,400-1,500 calories and using my food scale but seeing no results. It's extra hard now because I went from working in a coffee shop in college to sitting at a desk now. So I'm even more careful with my food choices and making extra efforts to go to the gym after work now than I was before. And still. no. results. (and now I'm 5'6" and 175lbs)

Now this brings us up to more recently. I have been doing a ton of research on why I might always feel so crappy. Like all the time. It seems like I match a lot of the symptoms for hypothyroidism (fatigue, sensitivity to cold, dry skin, weight gain, muscle aches and stiffness, and impaired memory/mental function) and it runs in the family. And now that I've had one test that is out of the normal range, I have to wait a couple weeks to go back to see if it's consistent. Only problem is that thyroid hormones fluctuate a ton and even if I do have a problem, I may get a test result back that leads to the conclusion that I don't have an issue.

So I guess my question is for people that do have medical issues like hypothyroidism or other issues, how have you dealt with it? And do you think there's anything else I can do if I end up getting regular thyroid results? I'm kind of at my wit's end for trying things because it has literally been years of trying with no results and feeling superbly shitty all the time. I was also honestly amazed my new doctor even listened to me about my fatigue because I've been blown off so many times before and told I was just exaggerating.

submitted by /u/zzaannsebar
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2OTwmdm

What to Eat Before a Late Half Marathon Race

Hello! Today I’m sharing what I ate in a day – and not just any day… what I ate before the half marathon that started in the afternoon. Fueling for a night race can be really challenging! And every year I get questions on how to fuel up before this afternoon race and similar questions about relay races. So I put together a video documenting thoughts on what to eat and drink before running later in the day. Let me know when running or fuel topic you want me to cover in the next post!

What I ate before a half marathon late in the day (534x800)

But before that let’s talk about the race! This race is also known as Strip At Night – because runners get to run down Las Vegas Blvd under all the casino lights at night. They only close the strip twice a year (the other time is New Year’s Eve) so it’s a really big deal!

The RnR Las Vegas Half Marathon Course Review:


Run down Las Vegas Blvd – tons of crowds, lights.

Live Music on the Course.

Elvis running (multiple Elvises… Elvi?).

You can get married DURING the race.

Afternoon race start. The 10K, half marathon and marathon start in the afternoon.

Dark. – the late start means you end up running after the sun goes down. With the time change it feels late so you get the full effect of the casino lights.

Run by the famous Las Vegas sign!

rock n roll half marathon race recap (433x577)

Walking to the starting line (see Elvis!):

running half marathon las vegas with elvis (769x577)

Start Line corral:

Rock n roll half marathon what i ate before run (769x577)

Running down the Las Vegas strip:

Rock n roll half marathon what i ate before run 3 (769x577)

The famous Las Vegas sign:

Las vegas half marathon results tips run blog (626x626)

People come from all around the US and the world to visit Las Vegas and run the race! So many followers messaged saying they say me or said ‘Hi!’.

And I got to run with a runner from Georgia, Leslie! It’s so fun to meet someone and immediately feel like you’re running buddies. 

Rock N Roll Las Vegas Half Marathon 2018 race

The race ended near the Flamingo Hotel. I tried to take a picture of the race medal in front of the shiny lights but it’s hard to compete!

Rock n roll half marathon what i ate before run 4 (769x577)

My run: I’m a morning runner all the way so it’s hard for me to run in the afternoon. But the energy and location makes it easy to get excited and want to get out and go.

My finish time was: 2:03:43

Half Marathon las vegas tips and recap

And right after the race I was excited to see one of my favorite ways to refuel –> Chocolate Milk! Boom.

(I have a post coming up on why it’s a great idea to drink chocolate milk as a post-workout drink.)

got chocolate milk rock n roll half marathon run (433x577)

That’s what to eat after a run… but today’s post is about what I eat before… 

The RnR Las Vegas Half Marathon starts in the early evening – but I run in the morning when I’m training! So I’m sharing what I ate before the race to make sure I was fueled up – but didn’t have any stomach issues. This can be hard to navigate so make sure you are practicing what you’ll eat and drink before your race during training.

Do what’s best for your body and the only way to know that is to listen, pay attention, respect your body and take notes on your training runs and recover.

The #1 rule of race day is – Never try anything new on race day.

So don’t eat, drink, wear, listen, try… anything new when you’re getting ready for race day or on race day.


What I Ate Before the Half Marathon Race video

 And my post on the hotel and start of race weekend is up now here.

Notes from what I ate and drank:

Spark –> Love Spark Fruit Punch and Peach Mango Strawberry for electrolytes and vitamins

Nuun –> Drink tabs with electrolytes and some have caffeine and vitamins.

Keep it simple and similar to your usual pre-run food.

It’s okay to eat breakfast type foods later in the day.


Pack snacks or buy snacks when you get to the race destination. You might not want a big meal before the race – and that’s okay. But make sure you have a lot of snack options so you can graze during the day if that’s what your body needs.

Related Post:

Check out this post on the RNR Race Weekend – Las Vegas Hotel &  Food highlights

rock n roll las vegas half marathon weekend (433x577)

I had a discount code for the Las Vegas Races and I’m talking with the race organizers to get another one for next year. Make sure you’re subscribed to the email list to get new discount codes and sales!

Leave a comment below and follow me on @RunEatRepeat on Instagram to chime in with the topics you want me to cover next!

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The post What to Eat Before a Late Half Marathon Race appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

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