Wednesday, November 21, 2018

30 Day Accountability Challenge-Day 21

Going to California, got my bags by the door and I’m ready to leave... it’s the day before Thanksgiving and I’m going to be busy making pies with my mom for the rest of the afternoon so this will be a short post. Had a smooth and uneventful flight and am now breathing that rich sea level air. Looking forward to visiting with everyone; last time I saw any of my family except my parents was in January. Wish my best friend was here since I rarely get to see her but I’m happy she’s with her boyfriend in Germany.

Weight: 132.1. Was expecting a bit of a rebound after yesterday’s big whoosh so not surprised at all .

Calories: 1509. The deep breath before the plunge of 5 days on vacation

Steps: 15916 yesterday

Gratitude: I am incredibly grateful for my parents. While we’ve had our fair share of clashes over the years, their love and support has been unfailing and they really do try their best, including listening and taking to heart when I tell them something they are doing bothers me.

Now let’s hear from all of you! Those of you celebrating Thanksgiving, how are you planning on handling weight loss (or maintenance) over the holidays?

submitted by /u/Joisan08
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

The longest, slowest 5lbs I've ever lost

SW: 5"2 Female, 154 lbs

CW: 149 lbs

GW: 135 lbs

I started my journey on September 24th- made a post about wanting to go to the gym 5-6x/week and maintaining a total daily intake of 1250 calories. Someone warned me that going this intense so early would lead to less sustainable way to lose it. Well, they were right. In the last two months, I've been very honest with myself. I've tracked all my pitfalls (in terms of diet) on my LoseIt App and my workout regimen is realistically (2-3x/week). When I look back, and reflect, I realized a few things that will help on the rest of this long journey:

  1. Track all your mistakes- Yes, it sucks to see the large red bar on the app saying you've gone over your goal by ~600 calories (yes this has happened on a few different occasions), but be honest with yourself. Now I when have a look back at the app, I can see that I stayed within a fairly restrictive caloric diet 60-70% of the time- which feels good and something I can pat myself on the back for. It's also the reason that two months in, I'm still going. Because if I truly never indulged, and stuck only to 1200 calories daily, I would have quit this weight loss ordeal a month ago.
  2. You didn't put that weight on over 2 months, there's no way it's going to come off that fast- I think when I read the posts on this subreddit, and saw the large amount of weight loss people were having, I expected something similar for myself. I should have realized that a.) being in the "overweight" BMI category is the hardest to see the fastest results in-and truly takes persistence and b.)My years of overeating through undergrad and medical school was obviously going to take longer than 2 months to come off.
  3. Take a multivitamin!- Caloric-restrictive diets, as I should have realized, don't meet all the daily nutrients I should be getting. I could feel myself feeling more tired, and my hair was becoming a bit thinner- so I started taking a daily multivitamin and some calcium (as I restricted myself when it came to the amount of cereal I was previously consuming)
  4. Take some pictures- I put on the same clothes everyday, and although some things fit better, 5lbs is far too little to notice big changes in clothing. That being said, I should rejoice and feel proud of the 5lbs anyways- so I'm going to start taking some pictures.

That's all, but hopefully that helps people who are having a slow weight loss journey realize that it is still an accomplishment, and that it's not only the big numbers that warrant a post or celebration! :)

submitted by /u/dietcokeobsessed
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What weight lifting routine is right for me?

Hey reddit!

I've been juggling work and school while attempting to shed some pounds. A few of my work buddies started a weight loss challenge on Nov 1st. I'm 25F, 5'6", SW: 230.8 lbs, GW: 175 lbs, CW: 224.0 lbs. I have cut out soda, juice, am logging with MFP, eating more fruits and veggies, and consuming no red meat. Currently I am going to the gym with my good friend 2-3 times a week and following whatever strength training she has planned that day (she goes every day of the week). For example, yesterday we did a tri/chest day and then I added in 12 mins of sweat-inducing cardio on the elliptical while she tanned. I generally cannot do as much weight as her and don't go as often so I'm starting very small (2.5-5lb) on bench presses. I'm using her guest membership right now so we have to go together and our schedules don't always match up. While school is finishing up here, my availability for the gym is: Tues, Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun evenings just depending on she gets done at work.

I'm very weak in my arms and lower back and am trying to avoid excessive soreness in the days following a workout as to not affect my work and school flow. But once we're on Spring break, anything goes ;) any suggestions appreciated!

submitted by /u/junelove93
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

5 Common Symptoms You Shouldn't Ignore

As a dietitian and coach, I’ve learned that at the start of a program, most people have no idea how good they are designed to feel. They have come to mistakenly accept commonsymptoms as normal. When asked how they are currently doing, they often shrug and somewhat disenchantedly report feeling “fine.” 

When was the last time you took full stock in how you’re physically feeling from day to day? If it’s been awhile, think of what words you would use. Are you well-rested, refreshed, and high energy? Or are you fatigued, bloated, and over caffeinated? 

from Life Time Weight Loss Blog

Teen weight loss advice required.

My weight seems to fluctuate a bit, and I am trying to break the habit of binge eating. My stats are 5'5 14 year old female, and 12 stone 9 pounds (177 pounds according to Google home) and I'd love to get down to a healthy weight. I'm trying to find a diet that works in the long run, I tried cico for a bit but I got too stressed, which I now know that I was eating too little calories. I used the app lifesum also, as I found it easier for my to use than myfitnesspal, but eventually deleted it because I lost motivation.

So I'm asking you this: 1. How to stay motivated? 2. I know cico works, I've seen the results. I need advice on how to keep going with it. 3. Any teenager - specific advice?

Thank you all :)

submitted by /u/Crystalraindrop
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Lost my first 12kg (26.5lbs) in about 3 months. Sharing my journey and asking for help in further weight loss.

Hey guys, first post here.

I’m an 18 year old male (turned 18 a month ago), about 5 foot 7 inches tall and have been relatively overweight for a lot of my life.

Towards the end of the summer just gone, I decided I’d had enough and needed to take action. I was 106kg (234lbs) and pretty much obese. Any previous efforts I’d made had failed but this time I was determined and made a plan.

I had already stopped drinking everything but water (except for alcohol on occasion) about 6 months before I decided to start properly losing weight (it’s been about 9 months now) and this was the next step for me. I downloaded a calorie counting weight loss app, put in my details and how much exercise I do (nothing outside of walking to school in the mornings) and it gave me a figure of 1500 calories a day.

I’ve stuck to that figure, cutting out all junk, eating relatively small breakfast/lunch meals and large dinners and it’s worked for me. I don’t crave all the food I used to eat, I don’t really get hungry, it’s great. This regime has led to me losing about 13kg (28.7lbs) in total going from 106kg (234lbs) down to 93kg (205lbs).

However, I still need to lose AT LEAST another 8kg in order to get down to an acceptable weight (ideally it would be another 13kg) and recently I have found it much harder to lose more weight. That last 1kg of the total 13kg I lost has been much harder to lose and has taken longer than the rest, and I’d like to get back to my previous rate of around 1kg (2.2lbs) per week.

As I previously mentioned I currently do not do any exercise outside of walking to school for about 30 minutes every day, if I should start exercising, how should I go about it and what would be the most effective way of doing this? Any other tips to improve my weight loss would also be appreciated.

Thank you for letting me share my journey thus far with you and I appreciate any and all feedback.

submitted by /u/Brusk_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

(NSV) The first time buying clothing at a "normal" store.

I've lost about 70 pounds since my highest weight. I was 300, and now I'm 229. I still have quite a bit to go till I meet my first goal weight.

I went clothes shopping with a friend a few weeks ago. I've always had to shop at "plus size" stores since I was a child. Torrid, Lane Bryant, Avenue, Mode plus, etc etc etc. My minimum size was a 2x. I eventually got so heavy that 3x-4x were my go to for 'fitted' clothes. I usually sized up from that because I was so insecure about my size. I was a 22/24 in pants. I wore leggings and sundresses a good portion of the time because it was getting harder and harder to find my size.b

My bestfriend has been very supportive in my weight loss journey. A few weeks ago he said he wanted to take me to get a few shirts and all because my old ones are...massive on me. I was very uncomfortable initially because of the store we were going to. I was pretty sure nothing was going to fit. He gave me some encouragement and off we went.

The store didn't really go above 2x. I started picking clothes and sizing up like I always have. He said I should try sizing down and I wanted to cry. I was sure that I was going to sit in the dressing room, hanging up all the clothes that were too small. That didn't happen!

I actually had to go back and pick up different sizes. Everything I picked up was a large, and only a few were extra large. I had one thing that was a 2x and it was a sweater, so the sizing up was intentional. I did want to cry, but because I've never been able to grab something off a rack at a 'normal' store before.

Everything fit great. I went home and dug through my old clothes. I picked up a pair of size 22 cut off shorts and held them up to my body in the mirror. You could fold inches of fabric around my thighs. So I teared up and silently told myself that I would never wear those again.

This is also the first winter that I've been cold the whole time. Doubling up on sweaters cold. It's not even the coldest winter I've experienced and I live in California. Things like that and the sizing change make the hard work worth it. Every time I go to put on and old t-shirt I remember when it was too tight. If I want to wear one of those shirts now, I have to tie them in a knot with a rubber band.

I never ever thought this was a possibility. Yet, here I am. I am only 21 and I have been highly overweight since I was a child. The last time I was below 200 pounds I was 9 or 10. That is my next goal and I'm sure all the tears will come when that happens. I want a long, healthy life that I can enjoy. For the first time in my life, I know I can do this.

submitted by /u/BabyGirlR
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from loseit - Lose the Fat