Friday, March 22, 2019

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Saturday, 23 March 2019

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submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Pics: 209 lbs (95KG) - 165 lbs (75KG) GW 141 lbs (64KG)

Hey all,

Thought I’d just post my progress so far to give people some motivation.

Mostly done via IF, keto and 1200isplenty (combination of all). Started in August 2018, actually hit 156 (71KG) in November and then went to India for work and put on quite a bit. Currently sat at 165 lbs (75KG). My latest picture is basically how I’ve looked since December 2018. I’ve maintained (intentionally for the past 3 months), about to jump back on that weight loss wagon.

2nd photo may be NSFW.

209lbs (95KG) - 165lbs (75KG) -

Apologies for scars, I had a double-lung transplant in 2017.

Edit: yes, I am in hospital, hence this post... I’m bored as hell.

submitted by /u/DylanP93
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

2,277 calories...

... is the number of calories i’ve eaten in the last week that were derived 100% from unnecessary treats — cookies, ice cream, chocolate, a cinnamon roll, donut, etc. I’ve been plateauing with weight loss and I decided today to actually look how I’m spending my calories because if I’m doing one thing right it’s being brutally honest and logging everything!!

2277 calories — that’s 0.65 lbs! That I ate solely in treats I didn’t need..

.. but folks, I have a SERIOUS sugar addiction. I want to give it up, no actually, I dont, I want to reduce it to a reasonable amount. But I fear that the only way to get ahold of my sugar addiction is to go cold turkey and quite frankly I DONT WANT TO!!!(throwing an epic tantrum here!)

So I’m a bit stuck. If anyone has words of wisdom please impart them.

submitted by /u/barenylon
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

NSV: The emergency vet didn’t recognize me

TLDR at the bottom

I’ve lost .2lbs shy of 85lbs since February 2018, and just over 56lbs of that was lost since November 2019. I’m just over 5lbs away from a healthy BMI, and just 25 away from my goal weight, it feels so good! Weight loss has been awesome, but the overall improvement in my health has been even better. I have a couple of chronic illnesses, and addressing them has been my primary goal, weight loss is actually just a pleasant symptom of the lifestyle I have to follow in order to reduce the impact of my illnesses on my life.

Last summer, I got a puppy, and he’s nearly a year old now. He’s been great for my weight loss and recovery. During a flare, when I wouldn’t usually want to get out of bed, go for a walk, or move at all, I know that someone I love is relying on me to care for him, give him a workout, and make sure he has a good day even if my day is shit. Best motivation in the world.

Unfortunately, he’s needed to go to the emergency vet on two occasions in his short life. When he was 5 months old, he got a nasty virus and needed to get immediate help in the middle of the night. We’re lucky to be only a few miles away from a great 24hour animal hospital. He had to be hospitalized for a few nights to get round the clock care. I visited him every night he was there and was lucky to be able to talk to the vet each time I went in.

This past week, we had an incident at the dog park where a poorly socialized dog bit my dog. We took him the emergency vet again, since our regular vet couldn’t see him after their normal hours. I was happy when the same vet walked out to greet us. He even recognized my dog, called him by his name and remarked how big he got over the last 6months....but didn’t recognize me. He was openly confused about the situation. First he apologized because he “must have confused my dog with another of his patients of the same breed and age”. He double checked my dogs patient file and seemed even more puzzled. I thought maybe there was some type of clerical error that was tripping him up, and assumed he must just not remember me clearly since he sees so many owners and patients on a regular basis. Then he asked “Did your girlfriend, or maybe a sister or someone bring him in last time? And come visit him when he was hospitalized?”. I finally realized the problem, and told him that I’d been the one to drop off and visit my dog when he was sick the last time, and that I’d just lost some weight since we’d last spoken in person. He stared at me for a few seconds looking utterly baffled and exclaimed “WOW!” before apologizing profusely for not recognizing me and explaining that he hadn’t forgotten who I was because I was the only owner who’d ever visited their hospitalized pet so much. I told him not to apologize since it was probably one of the biggest compliments I’ve ever received. He helped my pup out and gave him some nice pain killers and antibiotics for his bite. We both left feeling a lot better than when we walked in.

This incident came at just the right time. I’m struggling with seeing my progress lately. I still feel like the fat girl who looks like she’s on her deathbed. I used to describe myself, quite accurately I think, as looking like a bloated corpse, and even though I’m no longer suffering from most of those symptoms that made me looks so awful, I still hold onto that image of myself. It feels really good to be unrecognizable, it forces me to accept that I don’t like look like that sick fat girl anymore, because I’m not her.

TLDR: Took dog to emergency vet when he was 5 months, took him back now that he’s almost a year old and vet didn’t recognize me due to my weight loss and health transformation.

submitted by /u/fibroptimism
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I feel beautiful and it's a strange feeling

Within the last year I have gone through a lot of life changes. The biggest one being able to learn to love myself. Before I started this journey I can only remember a couple of times where I wholeheartedly believed that I was beautiful. Now most days of the week I feel beautiful. I was putting on a sports bra yesterday and was just wearing high waisted leggings and the bra and I felt pretty damn confident, almost enough so to go work out in just a bra and leggings. This was a major realization for me. The weight loss helped my confidence but I made the decision to love myself. If I hadn't learned to love myself the weight loss would not have been enough for me to actually feel confident and happy with who I am. It's strange to say that I AM beautiful and mean it but I do, I really do.

submitted by /u/Arista5656
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I joined the 160's club!! 5 lbs away from goal

Super excited this morning. I hit a weight loss plateau few months ago and gained like 6 lb in 2 months over the holidays. Joined at gym at the end of December, doing mostly HIIT and weight training. Today officially down 15 lbs and 6% in body fat. From 184 to 169. My goal weight is 165 so getting super close! I also got frustrated with the lack of progress in the midsection area and thought I'd be stuck with a permanent pooch. Since I changed my diet to high protein, low carb my weight began shifting pretty rapidly and I've lost 3" off my waist, so I'm super stoked about that! 🎉😁


submitted by /u/thisconditionallove
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My weight loss story: Going from 350 lbs at 13 to 200 lbs at 15

Now, this is my first time on Reddit and I've wanted to get into some new communities so here I am. Anyways on to my story

Throughout my whole life, I was obese. I had type 2 diabetes and severe breathing issues at the age of 10. I turned to eating tons of unhealthy food due to my pain of not having my father in my life. At the age of 13, I ballooned up to 350 lbs. I wasn't happy in life, I didn't get experience the same as my peers. I was severely bullied throughout my whole life for my weight. I was slowly killing myself with my diet. I've been in the hospital multiple times for having asthma attacks. I knew I had to make a change or I could die at a young age. Doctors had been telling me that for years. So I started my journey, I went through ups and downs. I started going to the gym and lifting. Started doing cardio and eating at a caloric deficit. I've used the pain of my childhood to motivate me into becoming a better person. I'm gonna keep grinding and I want to spread my story. Love Y'all 💪

submitted by /u/funkmanofit
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from loseit - Lose the Fat