Friday, February 28, 2020

Trying to lose pounds but the scale won’t budge

Hey guys, I am looking for advice!! I recently restarted my weight loss journey. I am 23, 5’6F and 168 pounds. Im usually around 160, but 2019 was very busy and before I knew it I was 10 pounds heavier. I currently go to the gym. I lift weights and I try to do 3 cardio classes per week. Although I’m considered overweight I have always been very active and have always worked out, I just love food lol. I do count my calories (between 1200 and 1300 a day) and I am VERY diligent about it. I haven’t been drinking that much and when I do I log it. I work out about 5-6 days a week.

I know this is probably common, but how come when I just count calories without exercise I lose weight, but the minute I start incorporating exercise I gain weight?! This is the mental roadblock that I always find myself at which keeps me from continuing this journey. I did the inbody measurement test thing at my gym with a trainer, and it says I need to lose 25 pounds to be considered a healthy weight. I don’t think i could possibly be gaining muscle this quickly and it so frustrating to see the scale go up.

I know everyone says to not look at the scale, but it is the only thing that keeps me accountable. If anyone could share tips, their experience, anything I could do to lose fat or to help with a schedule about weigh ins I would so appreciate it!!!

submitted by /u/eraem
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

10 Ways to Give Your Morning Oatmeal a Makeover

What if there was a magic meal that could help make your waist smaller, cholesterol lower and heart healthier? Enter oats.

Oatmeal contains loads of a special fiber called beta-glucan. According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, consuming just one and a half cups of oats containing this fiber daily can help lower your cholesterol levels and control blood pressure.

Oatmeal is nutrient-dense, too. It’s a great source of manganese, magnesium, iron, zinc, folate and other B vitamins. It’s also full of antioxidants, which is probably why the American Heart Association recommends oatmeal as a heart-healthy meal. Combining oats with vitamin C only helps increase these cardiovascular benefits.

10 Ways to Amp Up Your Oats
Oats: So nutritious. So filling. So delicious.

And it doesn’t stop there. Oatmeal may boost your immune response, control blood sugar spikes, and help control your weight. Oats contain more protein and fat than most other grains. Plus, they’re gluten-free, making them a perfect choice for those with Celiac disease. This well-balanced meal will help keep you satisfied throughout the morning. Extra perk: Oats are relatively inexpensive so gaining these benefits by eating them everyday is completely budget-friendly. Even bigger perk? Nutrisystem’s got plenty of oat options on the menu!

How to Eat Healthy on a Low Budget

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One-half of a cup of cooked oatmeal (in water) counts as a SmartCarb on the Nutrisystem program. And, if you’re looking to create a flex breakfast, you’ll want to sit down to one SmartCarb and one PowerFuel.


Looking for some fun ways to pump up your oats?

Here are 10 ways to add some excitement, flavor and extra nutrition to your morning bowl of oats:

  • Fruits & Berries
    Add some fresh seasonal berries to your oatmeal. Berries add both natural sweetness and vitamin C to your bowl. Vitamin C boosts the cardiovascular benefits of your oatmeal and aids in iron absorption. Add your favorite berries to your morning meal to take your oats to another level (a cup of fresh berries counts as one SmartCarb serving on Nutrisystem).
  • Banana-Nut Oatmeal
    It’s simple to add sliced bananas, chopped walnuts and cinnamon to the top of your cooked oatmeal. And it makes for a restaurant-worthy breakfast dish. Bananas add even more fiber to your meal, plus potassium and antioxidants. One medium banana counts as one SmartCarb on the Nutrisystem program. Walnuts are rich in omega-3s and vitamin E. This little nut may boost your brain power, too (Remember: Two tablespoons of walnut halves count as a PowerFuel on Nutrisystem). Basically, this delicious dish is the perfect meal for both your mind and your heart.
  • Overnight Oats with Chia Seeds
    Overnight oats may be the quickest breakfast with the biggest health benefits. Have less than a minute to put breakfast together? Make oats at night and you’ll be able to grab them and go in the morning. Combine your favorite nut milk with oats, chia seeds and cinnamon. Chia seeds are loaded with heart-healthy fats, fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals. One and a half teaspoons of chia seeds count as one Extra on the Nutrisystem plan, while one cup of unsweetened almond milk counts as one Extra. Love chia seeds? Try this delicious recipe for Mango Vanilla Chia Seed Pudding.
10 Ways to Amp Up Your Oats
Work chia seeds into your oats for a big nutritional boost.
  • Unsweetened Coconut flakes
    Coconut flakes are crunchy and sweet, adding a hearty bite to your morning oatmeal. Coconut flakes also add fiber, heart-healthy fats and iron to your meal. Just watch your portions. A little goes a long way, and a lot goes right to your daily caloric intake. Stick with one tablespoon of coconut to keep the serving to one Nutrisystem Extra.
  • Zoats”
    Zoats are taking the foodie world by storm. Its zucchini in your oatmeal. Cooking the zucchini in a pan with the oats and water adds density, richness and loads of fiber to your meal. Sneaking in some vegetables to your meal anytime you have the opportunity will also help you reach your daily produce requirement. Learn more about this popular breakfast trend here.
  • Pumpkin Spice
    This one is easy! Add your favorite unsweetened nut milk and sprinkle some pumpkin spice for a fall favorite. One cup of unsweetened almond milk counts as one Extra on Nutrisystem.
  • Coffee
    That’s right. Add some instant coffee to your oatmeal. Cook it overnight or in the morning for a delicious and caffeinated bowl of heaven. Incorporating Nutrisystem Free Foods, like coffee, into your oatmeal is a great way to fill up with fewer calories.

Even More Benefits of Coffee

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  • Fig + Ricotta + Almonds
    A little fancy. A little funky. A lot of delicious. Not to mention, a little goes a long way. Try adding one-fourth of a cup of dried figs (one SmartCarb on Nutrisystem), two tablespoons of low-fat ricotta (half of a PowerFuel on Nutrisystem) and a tablespoon of almonds (half of a PowerFuel on Nutrisystem) for a tasty, nutritious twist. Look out brunch!
  • Apple Pie Oatmeal
    All you have to do here is chop up an apple and cook it with your oats. Top it off with cinnamon and you’ll be transported back to grandma’s table. One medium apple counts as a SmartCarb on the Nutrisystem program.
  • Nut Butter and Jelly
    Using fresh raspberries and your favorite nut butter, swirl together a childhood favorite. Nut butters are rich in omega-3s and the raspberries will give you a boost of antioxidants and vitamin C. One tablespoon of almond or peanut butter counts as one PowerFuel on the Nutrisystem program, and a cup of raspberries is one SmartCarb.
10 Ways to Amp Up Your Oats Nut Butter
Balance out the natural sweetness of fruit in your oats with creamy, salty almond butter (aka heaven in a jar).

The post 10 Ways to Give Your Morning Oatmeal a Makeover appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

238 to 227 in two months eating a European diet, How in the hell is this even possible?

So I'm going to be frank here. I've tried lose weight before with some moderate success but I've always gained the weight back. I was either working out at an unsustainable pace or cutting huge amounts of calories out of my diet.

However, I have recently found success in the most unexpected of places. I have began volunteering in my community, one of my volunteer groups meets once a month and at the end of our meeting there is a dinner. As a new member of the group one of my responsibilities is to help in the kitchen.

Now, this group, they have very sophisticated taste. It worked in a restaurant during college so I'm not useless in a kitchen, but it was clear that I was not up to par here; So I've been practicing at home to improve my cooking skills..... and consequently eating what I've been cooking.

I've been getting compliments and to my astonishment I've I noticed that I had nearly dropped 10 pounds when I stepped on the scale. The only issue is that my weight loss makes no sense.

My diet for the past two months has basically been curry, pasta, rice, and bread, with some roasted or grilled meat on the side. I'm making sauces or soups from scratch to go with it, so everything I'm making ends up being slathered in butter, wine reduction, or both. the soups and curry typically start form a roux so their all fat based.

I'm also drinking a ton, this group loves wine and I've had to learn how to pair wine with meals. I've gone from maybe a rum and coke or beer every other week to wine every other day.

I'm certainly happy, it all taste great, but I'm concerned about the weight loss. I frankly don't understand how this diet could lead to the results that I'm seeing? What are your thoughts reddit?

submitted by /u/Shyguy102
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss stalled?


Hi everyone! Long time lurker, first time poster - with a baffling question!

I have always weighed around 148-150lbs and been reasonably happy about it. I worked out 5 days a week lifting and cardio, and was getting nice and firm! However, life is weird and around Oct last year I stopped working out as much, and nearer Christmas, snacking more and by Dec 31st I weighed 156 and was squishy. I decided that this time I would reel it in properly - goal is 138 or thereabouts.

I have started tracking food through myfitnesspal (I was def eating too much sugar!!!) Measuring portions and hitting 1450 cal a day or slightly less which according to the tracker should be a .5lb loss per week. Since 31 Dec, I got down to 151lbs however the last three weeks I have totally stalled. Nada. Normally during my period, I put on a couple of lbs in waterweight but straight afterwards, that comes off along with an lb or so extra however this time... nada.

Considering how much better my diet has become - I always ate pretty healthily, but snacked constantly on little bits here and there, and I have totally stopped that - I am confused. Surely I should be seeing a slow decrease by now, or is it usual to stall for this long? I have also reduced alcohol to one or two drinks a week, and normally light beer, and my sugar intake has drastically dropped. I am always under my carbs for the day, but also normally under my protein (am vegetarian). I always hit or am slightly over my sugar recommendations (argh!) and fat is usually under or on the mark.
The one thing that hasn't changed, is I am not working out much - maybe once or twice a week. I am finishing a freelance project in the evenings and I just don't have time. This project ends this weekend and I am not taking on any more, in order to get my workouts back up to 4 or 5 times a week. Can working out kick start metabolism again?

I have read about this happening, but was hoping for some other first hand stories for motivation, because all I want to do is go eat curry and a whole pack of jelly beans. Or two.

submitted by /u/PuddMuppy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

1 year postpartum

My baby is going to be a year next month. I am 5'7 and weighed 69 kgs/152 lb at the beginning of my pregnancy. I was 18 kgs/40 lb heavier by the 9th month i.e 87 kgs/191.8 lb , I was huge. Colleagues said I walked funny, one guy kept asking me if I have twins in there, how much bigger I was getting. I dint really admit to myself but that wasnt funny and it made me feel like shit. I mean Fuck off dude, I am trying to just get through my 9 hours while 8 months pregnant.

I birthed a 4.5 kg baby and dint want to worry about the weight in the beginning. I weighed 82 kgs/180 lb on 5 june 2019 3 months post partum. I started counting calories and was at 73 kgs/161 lb on 1 Oct 2019 Then I took a little break from calorie counting for the next three months while doing just enough to maintain the weight. Starting jan 2020 weighing 72 kgs/159 lb I started CICO again and lost 1 kg, started intermittent fasting 14:10 this month and lost another 2.5. Today i weight 68.5/151. It never occured to me until yesterday that, that makes it 13.5 kgs/almost 30 lbs of weight loss. I never thought i d be able to loose so much while breastfeeding. I am so proud of myself.

submitted by /u/nicktreso
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from loseit - Lose the Fat


Hello people , Gender : M / Age : 22 / Target to be achieved : Weight Loss With Muscle Building So I started my weight loss journey back in June of 2019 and started at an initial weight of 292 lbs (132 kg), now since then the lowest weight which I got to was 261.2 (118.5 kgs) now since then I kind of worked out and kind of didn’t and gained around 19 lbs (9 kgs) again. Now when I was loosing all this weight , I started with doing cardio for like an hour and then weight training for another one or one and half hours and it was really intense and long , in the end as a result I did lose 30 lbs (14 kgs) , but didn’t had a muscle definition at all , and no change in the overall body look. I then gained some of that weight from December to January. Now I am at 279.5 lbs (127kg) , but am really motivated to lose weight . Now I have a calorie deficit diet but now I want to build muscles a , and a load of muscles. I have been working out since February 10th which , and have almost been close to 3 weeks and lost around 1-2 pounds of weight . I did minimise the cardio and started focusing only on muscle building , so I split my workout by 4 days of muscle building and 2 days of body weight training and cardio , I have see little definition in my shoulders and am happy about it. But my weight loss isn’t as fast as I used to have when I did an hour of cardio before weight training , 6 days a week. But by doing that I’m also losing my lean muscle which I don’t want. So my overall question is can I lose weight by lifting weights only? (I know it might take lot of time because I have to lose around 50 lbs) Or should I do HIIT and cardio a lot (PS I also don’t want to have lose skin in order to lose weight quick). Can I lose weight or in the future and also if i do hit a plateau can I break through it by intense weight training ?

submitted by /u/bhargavalous
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Starting out with chemical assistance

Hi all, 1st post here.

Wife and I are about to start a weight loss plan on Monday, involving duromine (phentermine) We were advised that in order to start IVF wife would have to get her BMI below 40 and the OB/GYN prescribed it. And that if I lowered mine it would improve sperm quality and count. Our stats are as follows. We are in Melbourne Australia.


M/29 H: 6’1” SW 210kg (~460lb) GW 120kg (~260lb) Work as an office manager, some labour Play American football half the year Walk my dog most days (American Staffy) carrying a 10lb dumbbell

Wife F/31 H: 4’11” SW 136kg (~300lb) GW 100kg (~220lb) Works office admin, no manual labour, short walk after work, Not keen on any form of excercise but joins me on every 2nd or 3rd walk

Our plan is to take our duromine dose in the morning 6:00 am with a piece of fruit. Wife will have a salad mix at work and I will be alternating meal replacement shakes and raw nuts for lunches. Will start off cooking dinners but may switch to lite’n’easy delivered dinners.

We have been prescribed a 3 month course of duromine and OB has done it before and thinks wife will be able to drop 30 kg or more in that time as her height weight ratio is so skewed.

I wanted to post here as a way to track our progress. Will take a before photo on Monday and post it.

submitted by /u/smeagolfinds
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from loseit - Lose the Fat