Thursday, November 1, 2018

Let's make some abs (Diet review)

So I've been struggling to lose weight for a while now and for about the past 8 months or so progress has been really slow. Everytime I make a step forward, I end up another step back somewhere else. Now, there's always things I can't control and that's part of life but I want to review some of the things I can control. So I'd like to hear some areas I can move some things around, make some tweaks and continue pushing forward.

Current stats:

Age: 31

Height: 6'1

Weight: 225-230

Goal Weight: 187

Activity Level: Sedentary

Gym Level: 3 days week (Lower Body, Upper Body, Conditioning)

11AM: 1/2 cup Oatmeal (bobs red mill old fashioned) 32g Peanut Butter (Kirkland Signature)

2PM: 2 Hard Boiled Eggs

4PM: RX Bar

5PM: Handful of cherry tomatoes or an RX Bar or another Hard Boiled Egg, Skyr (One of these, not all)

7PM: ~16oz Chicken Breast, 6-8oz of basmati rice, depending on hunger levels

That's a pretty ordinary day for me. I try to keep that most days and that should give me a large enough deficit to lose weight.

I've played with a TDEE calculator before and that says my daily caloric need should be around 2300 for maintenance. Last time I went over 2k I literally start gaining 1 lbs per day. Honestly, the biggest boon to my weight loss was going to burning man, where I put my diet on hold and ate whatever I wanted because I figured surviving was more important. So ate everything I wanted for 10 days and lost 10 pounds. That's how I ended up at 225.

So any thoughts to help improve this? I'd really like to hit my goal weight before next summer.

submitted by /u/ghostoutlaw
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Why does weight gain/loss have to be so uneven? :(

So I've always been generally pretty skinny, but lately I've gained about 69 pounds over a 6 month period and it just.... bummed me right out. I am painfully aware that even when I was skinny I had some jeans-destroying thunder thighs (to the point of every pair of jeans I owned were worn out right on the seams of my inner thighs from them rubbing together all the time). When I lost like 15lbs, I could see it disappear from my stomach and my calves, but my thighs got bigger as I lost the weight. And now, I've gained back the 15lbs plus a few more and now my stomach is where all the weight is going and it's just so confusing when the fat goes to different places each time it comes back.

Any suggestions for some work out songs they jam out to when they're feeling really low and out about their weight loss journey? I'd love some new tunes for the "let's do this" gym trips.

submitted by /u/detrimentaltacos
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Going vegan for the last 20 pounds

Hi everyone - first of all, I want to thank this community, it's helped me so much on my journey.

SW: ~220 CW: 175 GW: 155. Nonbinary (assigned female at birth, femme presenting) 5'6. Start dress size range: 16-20, Current dress size range: 8-12. My age: 22

I'm making this post for a couple reasons: (1) for others, who are just starting their journey, to see what I've done (2) for myself, as a marker. looking back, it's crazy to see my own posts from when I was over 200 pounds.

I lost my weight in 3 main phases:

(1) College: I started college at my heaviest. By the end of college, I dropped about 10-15 pounds, averaging between 195-205 as my "normal range"

(2) Summer after college: This summer, I dropped to about 180. Intermittent fasting is largely to thank for this - I lost 20 pounds with minimal effort, and it was amazing. I also am a vegetarian (have been for almost a decade), and I currently eat primarily Whole Food Plant Based (WFPB), with some egg and cheese.

Some general weight loss tips I have:

-Don't count calories, just stop eating processed foods. Look into it, do your research, but dang, it makes a whole lot of sense, and has worked wonders for me.

-Intermittent fasting is magic.

-Be nice to yourself. If you beat yourself up after binges with shame, you're just telling your brain food=shame=fat=you=worthless, and it's a vicious cycle :/

-I learned about fashion once I fit into my first size 10 pants, and fashion has really inspired me to keep going.

(3) Phase three, the final phase:

-I recently started work, and I find that when I work from home ("WFH") for a week, I'm able to be incredibly controlled about my eating, but when I'm at work, there's sweets and eating out, and I put on the pounds. The last few weeks have been a lot of fluctuation on the scales. Every week, I end up having a sugar binge, and it feels awful, painful, and I'm bloated. Worst these binges have done is get me up to 185, but usually they get me +3 pounds by the end of the week, and then I get down to 175 again by Monday. It's a mess.

-I used to be vegan, and for me, it's always seemed like the "right" thing to do, but I just don't do it for convenience. Although now, sitting here bloated and fat, I'm realizing that if I didn't eat dairy or eggs, that would eliminate the sweets I encounter at work, and I'm not the type to go out of my way for sugary foods, it's just the temptation that gets me.

-So... I'm going to do WFPB vegan, give it a try, and I'll get back to you guys in a month or two, and hopefully I'll (finally!!!) be posting my before and after pictures then. I'm ready to lose these last 20 pounds, and I think embracing this vegan lifestyle (when I'm eating well, I'd say it's already 90% vegan), is the path to success for me.

Anyway, fellow loseit friends, please wish me luck!!!

submitted by /u/yeahIliftbra
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Day one post

Hi r/loseit This is the first time I've ever posted any kind of details about myself online, but this community has convinced me it’s worth it.

I am 25F 5'4" and currently weigh about 160lbs. I have some serious chronic pain problems and joint instability which have impacted my ability to exercise for many years. My goal weight is 140 and while I used to be that person who lived and breathed at the gym the last few years have been rough.

I graduate college and went from 135 to 175. I gained 40 pounds over the course of year because I let my activity levels drop when I moved to a boring part of the country. I managed to drop about 15 of those pounds over the course of a year in graduate school doing CICO and riding my bicycle, and my inspiration in part was this sub. I love the community here and how kind everyone is.

I've recently had to stop weighing myself and calorie counting though as I tend to get a bit obsessive about those kinds of things and it was driving me insane. I’ll start up again in a few weeks when I’m feeling more stable.

I have been eating around 1200-1500 calories a day for nearly three years now. My former job required a lot of physical labor that took a toll on my joint injuries, so it seemed like diet was the way to go but it wasn't enough. I realize now that I experienced a slowing of my metabolism which was why my progress tanked and why any slip-ups in diet seemed to have dramatic and immediate consequences.

So, after using the calculator and seeing that my calories should have been enough I decided it was time to get serious about fitness again. I started swimming 2-3 days per week and rock climbing once per week about 6 weeks ago. I've also increased my calorie intake a little and while I haven't seen any dramatic weight loss (as happened to me in college) I have been feeling a LOT better about my body and my fitness levels.

starting about three weeks ago I started going to a gym 3-4 times per week. I cut my pool time to two times and I'm still rock climbing every chance I get. This has helped me immensely in being okay with my calorie increase. I've never been an unhealthy eater, so it was really starting to eat at me (no pun intended) that even the slightest deviation seemed to add to my weight. The pain was becoming a problem too. Both my shoulders and my knees are unstable, and it seems like 160 is my limit. Any heavier and I can’t go a day without serious pain problems and inflammation which I have felt self-conscious about for years.

So, this is where I’m at now. My job is completely sedentary for the moment but has very flexible hours, so it’s allowed me to really increase my exercise. I’m now going to the gym 3-4x per week, swimming 2x and rock climbing on Saturdays. I’ve been following this schedule for 3 weeks now and I’m not having too many problems with pain or muscle soreness. I’ve historically been a very active person and I’m doing my best to accommodate my pain/inflammation problems with my anxiety over calories.

I’m not sure if I’m looking for tips or encouragement or what, but I do want to say that hearing people talk on this community and reading the support they receive really gives me a boost in my motivation to lose fat-weight and stay strong. I don’t have a lot of people to talk to comfortably about this, so having the opportunity to join a community like this means a lot!

Thank you r/loseit!

submitted by /u/thequarkcollective
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Struggling With Weight Loss - Family / Friends Say I'm In "Starvation Mode"

Hi all,

I know starvation mode is talked about on here a lot and I'm struggling with coming to terms on why I can't lose weight. I am an avid CICO proponent and stand fast in the "eat less, move more" motto.

However, I have not been able to lose weight despite my efforts and was recently diagnosed with a pituitary micro-adenoma (a tumor on my pituitary gland) which is causing (hopefully) low testosterone. My doctor did bloodwork twice and I came back with testosterone levels of 236 ng/dl. I am a 30 year old, healthy, male standing 6'2" and 240 lbs, with approximately 25% body fat. According to my doctor, the average 30 year old male has a testosterone measurement of between 600-800 ng/dl, so I have about 1/3 the testosterone of an average 30 year old male.

Anyway, enough about my health background. I'm relatively active person, I play soccer occasionally and I go to the gym regularly (3-4 days per week). I usually lift weights for approximately 1-1.5 hours and, depending on how much energy I have, I might do 10-20 minutes of relatively light treadmill cardio. According to my fitness watch, I burn between 300-500 calories during a workout (sometimes more if I'm on the treadmill for a while).

So, my BMR is approximately 2,300 and my TDEE is approximately 3,160 as "lightly active" (I have a desk job M-F 8-5). I've been eating in the realm of 1,800 - 2,200 calories per day with the goal of losing at least 1lb per week. I track my calories through My Fitness Pal and try and be as truthful as I can about drinks, snacks, etc. Based on my BMR of 2,300 and a deficit of 500 calories, 1,800 is about where I should be and then I work out a few days per week and I do not eat back the calories spent on working out. So, if I burn 500 calories at the gym and eat the minimum of 1,800 calories (it's usually closer to 2,000) then I'm still at 1,300 calories for the day.

My brother, girlfriend, and everyone else is telling me that I'm not losing weight due to being in "starvation mode". I try to explain to them that that's not the case because I'm still well above what would be considered starving myself (<800 calories per day). My brother is an avid gym goer and power lifter and is 6' 240 lbs and very strong. He keeps telling me that I should be eating 2,500 - 3,000 at a minimum to lose weight and the fact that I'm only taking in 1,800 - 2,200 calories per day is starving my body and having it hold onto fat and burn my muscle (for the record, I've always had a really hard time trying to put on muscle, if I can put on any at all).

I don't know if they are right and I'm eating too little, or if it's my testosterone that is not allowing me to lose weight. I'm scheduled with an endocrinologist later this month to go over steps moving forward and possible surgery, but I've stopped working out for the last month because I've become discouraged that I can't seem to get below 230 lbs.

I apologize for the long post and I'm happy to answer any information questions I have missed. I look forward to hearing from you all to see if you can point me in the right direction.

PS: My brother has given me the below links to persuade me that I'm eating too little:

submitted by /u/outlawdog13
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Post-birth thoughts about weight gain.

Before I got pregnant I lost 100lbs and went from obese to normal weight. It definitely left me with some loose skin and some areas (looking at you thighs) that I was less than happy with.. When I became pregnant I was so happy that I was going to enter that journey with not only a healthier body but also a healthier mindset. Of course I endulged some in those 9 months cause, who are we kidding, cravings are intense! And while I think it's definitely important to eat healthily while pregnant, I didn't want my diet to dictate my happiness at that point so I avoided the scale.

I gained approx. 40lbs.

My son is 6 weeks tomorrow and I know that 6 weeks isn't all that much in that grand scale of things but I am truly struggling mentally with those extra pounds, much more than I did while still pregnant. I miss my clothes that I worked so hard to fit into. I miss the compliments that my weight loss brought on (my husband still compliments me every day about other things so I know how selfish that sounds). I used to savor those rare treats but now I feel guilty every time.

I want to get back to where I was, and I slowly am (lost around 15 pounds), and yet I feel totally lost this time around. Most days I am too worn out to even think about counting calories. I don't really snack during the day, thankfully, but I know my portions are bigger than they need be and not always very healthy. Walks with the stroller is my only work out. I know what I need to do. I've done it before. Why does it seem impossible?

submitted by /u/7UnicornsUnited
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Newly Instituted Timeline for Weight Loss

Well, it's official. I have the worst life, and am going to get paid to spend a week in the Virgin Islands next May. Woe is me, I know! But, also, now I actually have a timeline for losing weight. Any tips on how to transition from "I'm going to do this the healthy way no matter how long it takes" to "I need to keep this healthy but also I want to look good in a bikini dammit"?

For context, this is a semi-work trip - my boss is a member of a hoity-toity senior executives only social/learning/club/group thing. I'm helping him (and by that I mean I'm doing the majority of the work) plan a retreat. SO I'll be working but also expected to be a good sport and participate and 'be the life of the party' as necessary to make sure it's an exceptional experience. Hence the desire to be confident, which will entail looking decent in a bathing suit.

Anyone have any tricks for motivating myself? On the one hand this is all super awesome and I'm so lucky, but on the other UGH I was hoping to avoid a timeline!

submitted by /u/Qwenwhyfar
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from loseit - Lose the Fat