Saturday, November 24, 2018

Lost 37lbs/17kg in 6 months, now I can hear my own breathing

Title seems a bit clickbaity but this is word for word an exact summary of what happened. I went through a pretty strict dieting regime and went from 154lbs/70kg to 117lbs/53kg in 6 months (I'm a 5/7'' male by the way)

Well this morning when I woke up I had the strangest sensation. Every time I breathed, the sound of the air rushing and leaving my nostrils and mouth was amplified in my left ear. It was even worse when I spoke (I live with others) during breakfast. Every word I spoke had an almost jarringly sharp spike in my left ear again, like someone suddenly turned up the volume to max every time I said something.

So I decided to research this and I found the issue - Patulous Eustachian tube. It's all there. The symptoms and the cause (rapid weight loss).

It's been stuck with me the whole morning. I'm going to try to last the day but if this doesn't go away, I'm going to visit a doctor. I decided to post this to remind you all to be careful with dieting. It's easy to get into the cycle of eating less and seeing the numbers fall (I know that was particularly addictive to me) and I've recently felt like I'm bordering on underweight with where my numbers am and now I've gotten struck with this annoying issue. Lose weight but do it healthily guys!

Edit: If anyone has any advice on how I could deal with this problem I'd be reallythankful

submitted by /u/Amerphose
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Is Losing 25 pounds in two months too fast? (Among other questions) 22/trans male. SW 247 Sept 27, CW 222

First, let me start off by saying I am not asking for medical advice. I have already consulted a weight clinic (at Massachusetts General Hospital, the first weight clinic of its kind in the country) and had my orientation and I’m waiting to be set up with my team there (endocrinologist, MD, nutritionist) and will most definitely be asking my doctors these questions but it could be 6-8 more weeks before I have my first appt. I also see a psychiatrist biweekly, a therapist weekly, and I’m working with my trans medicine doctor to get my hormones balanced right now. So believe me, I’ve got the medical part covered, I just want to ask some questions in the interim while I’m waiting on my weight clinic appts. I most definitely have an eating disorder. I either binge all day, or I restrict so far that I’m in starvation mode and everything I eat is immediately stored as fat. Last year I was restricting to 600 calories while working 2 full time chef jobs and my hair started falling out. In the past 4 years my weight has gone between 250-190 three separate times. Each time I lose the weight, I lose it super fast, and then keep it off for a couple months or even sometimes a year before gaining it all back in 6-8 months.

1) is 3 pounds a week average too quick for the first two months of weight loss? At first I was losing almost 5 pounds a week, but I was freaked out by that so I started eating more.

Right now I’m doing 1600 calories a day, fasting from 12am-3pm (I’m a chef and my work schedule is 2pm-11pm and I sleep from 2am-10am) and I don’t eat any processed foods. Everything I eat is being made from scratch and contains no artificial ingredients. All I drink is water and coffee with some whole milk in it. I also try to keep my carbs below 30% of my total calories. I don’t eat fast food, drink soda or any sugar or artificial sweeteners, or eat out except every month or so we order takeout Chinese food.

2) how do I account for my calorie needs related to my level of physical activity at my job? I am a chef and I’m on my feet all day. My phone tracks my activity and I average 13k steps a day, 30 flights of stairs (and usually I’m carrying 25+lb loads up the stairs) and that means I’m walking about 4 miles a day. Right now I’m not exercising outside of work but I hope to add the gym back in soon.

3) I have been seeing my regular doctor and my vitamin D was horribly low so I’ve been given a supplement but that’s less diet and more New England winter. I also take fish oil and a multivitamin. Are there other vitamin tests I should be asking for my doctor to check? I’ve been having a lot of issues with my health lately and I am sort of in between competent doctors so I’m having to demand tests that a competent doctor would normally know to order on their own.

Does anyone have any other advice?

submitted by /u/Christiannan
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Need Some Advice Please

I have a really hard time getting motivated and staying motivated. For a while now I have wanted to lose weight in order to feel better about myself and to look better. There was a short period in high school where I lost a lot of weight and felt good about myself. It was accidentally caused by a complete 180 in my eating habits to where I wasn't hungry most of the time and only ate dinner. I attribute this depression but not realizing I was depressed.

Fast forward 4 years and here I am 60lbs heavier than I was in high school and feeling awful. I have been away at university and gained nearly 20lbs since starting this semester (transferred to a new school and am doing pretty good with grades). I have been trying to get motivated to go to the gym with my roommate but have only been there once the 3 months I've been at school. Honestly, I am embarrassed to go by myself and don't know where to start, its not a lack of time to be able to go. I also have wanted to start eating better but it is really hard to eat healthy at school.

This is not helped by the fact that I have social anxiety that strikes at the worst moments and depression. I have re downloaded lose it onto my phone, which I used before in high school to lose weight. This summer, while I was working, I managed to get somewhat motivated and started to intermittently fast which helped me lose some weight but all that was lost once school started.

So I would really appreciate some advice on what to do to help me get started in getting serious about weight loss? If it helps I am 5'6" and 198 according to my scale at home, though my family has told me its "broken" . Right now my goal wieght is 140lbs and I would really like to get into a workout routine, as well as eat a lot less and better. I'm thinking that once I come home offically for break that I start waking up at the same time on the week days to walk with the dog and maybe work myself up to jogging and then to running. I want to try to get this routine down then so that once next semester starts I can continue it then. My concern is that I'm saying and thinking these things but wont commit and will just remain unhappy and feeling awful about myself.

I know that I need to start slow but any advice is very much appreciated, thank you!

submitted by /u/shitswordmcnotbow
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

On Being The Elephant In The Room

F, 18, SW: 256 / CW: 235 / GW: 15 / I, like many people who grace this subreddit, have been overweight my entire life. I have experienced many unbelievable things, good and bad, that I consider myself lucky to have had the chance to live through. Crazily enough though, I've never experienced many mundane things like shopping at straight size stores. I am friends with exclusively normal-sized people. Not on purpose, of course. It just happened like that. Since beginning my weight loss journey, I've found that talking through how being overweight makes me feel with my close friends can help me stay on track. The most articulate way I've ever expressed this would be by calling myself the Elephant in the Room.

That is to say, I often feel like a very big thing that everyone can see but will not acknowledge. I refuse to let my insecurities to stop me from living, but that doesn't mean I'm not aware of how I exist in the world. I can feel myself taking up more space. I can feel myself exhausting more resources than my thin friends. When a guy at a nightclub comes up to my girls and I, I want to say sorry. Sorry I'm the jigsaw puzzle piece that fits awkwardly. Sorry I'm the only bulb on the tree that doesn't work right. I'm sorry that I look like a cabbage patch kid inside a toy box of Barbies. I want to apologize to the photographers that took my family photos. I want to give my condolences to the retail worker who helped me pick out women's jeans when I was in elementary school. I would like to formally say grace to those who felt the impact of my chub these past 18 years.

That being said, this mentality causes me to do a great deal of checking. Checking meaning comparing myself to those around me- that girl has this many guys, that guy is with that girl who's this big, she has this many friends, blah blah blah. Constantly making sure that I'm not missing out. If this was Sesame Street, the phrase of the day would be: Left out. The Elephant in the Room who gets left out. Ironic, right? But in this time of giving thanks, I would like to impede upon you what I have learned: stop. checking.
I go back and I think of the times in my life where I felt the most alone. I realized that this was when I had the most friends. I had the most boys after me on a consistent basis. And yes, I was fat during those times. I don't even know how much I weighed then. Somewhere around 230-240. But I didn't as many friends as some people. I had less boys than some of my prettier friends. So that meant, I had no friends or boys. I was sad, alone, and destined to be that way forever. I would push people away, because I didn't think they could love a fat girl. I wanted to lock myself up into a box until I could lose the weight, and then pop out with a hot body and long, blonde beach curls. Harrison Ford with me, ideally. It's crazy- I was so busy worrying that I would miss out on the highlights of living that I missed the experiences that were right in front of me.

I'm losing weight right now, and I'm not going to stop for a long time. I am not saying you should be content in a body you don't like. What I'm saying is- being overweight is not a social death sentence. You deserve to live while you lose the weight. I see a lot of articles on the internet that say Everyone is Nicer to Thin People! Don't Try! or something like that. Is that true? Sure. I believe that. But I don't need the whole world to thirst after me. I don't need everyone to try and be my friend. The friends I have right now? They will be with me until the end. They saw fat me and thought, I love her.
If you're going to lose weight, I would not recommend doing it so the world will fall in love with you- the Elephant in the Room. Chances are, a lot of people already see you. You've just gotta put down your trunk sometimes to see them too.

submitted by /u/DeepMess9
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Progress Pic: 65 lbs down from 18 y/o to 19 y/o!

Just found a picture of myself ~1.5 years ago, and thought: holy shit, gotta put a progress pic together.

Here it is.

When I turned 18, I decided I wanted to lose weight. Was tired of being the fat kid. I weighed 200+ lbs. I'm now around 135. My parents — who are health nuts — had been forcing it on me for a while (controlling what I eat, forcing me to go the gym), but of course it never spoke to me. Then, one day, I was like: I actually want to give this a shot.

Gymming was tough for me when I was fat. It wasn't fun, either. I like doing things that are fun and rewarding for me, so I decided to just experiment with my eating. What worked for me was initially strict Keto + Intermittent Fasting + CICO, and then just generally healthy eating with CICO in mind. I worked with my parents to buy groceries and cooked cool low carb foods every day — this included low carb cakes, tacos, pizzas, Asian dishes, etc. etc.

I found the whole thing fun, to be honest. I enjoyed my dieting journey. It was painful at the very start, but quickly things changed.

I lost ~40 lbs on Keto in ~7 months, and then another have lost another 25 lbs through maintaining a healthier lifestyle.

If anybody wants weight loss tips please PM me!

submitted by /u/sup6978
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

57 lbs down. My weight loss and mental health journey.

Progress pics here

Lessons learned and TLDR at the bottom.

I began my journey last May, the day after my 25th birthday. I had just spent a week in Europe with my siblings and felt miserable the whole time. Sure I had fun and I love sibs bonding time but I was incredibly self-conscious in my 246lb body and very depressed (mostly unrelated to my body issues, but certainly a factor). My struggle with food had only been getting worse and worse since college: emotional overeating and binging, eating out and like crap, and no exercise whatsoever. It was so bad that I vowed, once again, that enough was enough and I had to make a serious change.

I’d been flirting with the idea of cutting out meat for a while for health/ethical/environmental reasons. Yet the studies about cheese being a contributor to mood swings and short term crashes had planted a seed in my brain. With bipolar disorder, any outside influences hurting my mood were really something I should be avoiding. So on my 25th birthday I got a cheeseburger, fries, and a chocolate milkshake and the next day, I went vegan. A few weeks after that, I downloaded MFP and started tracking my calories and as a clueless vegan, my nutritional breakdown (namely, protein).

I’m not going to lie, it was a challenging transition. It took about 3 months for my digestion to get back on track (tmi). I had to learn how to get enough protein. I took a vegan cooking class, since I didn’t know how to cook or what I should be eating. Sometimes it felt like I had to do double the work to get my proper vegan diet sorted out in tandem with only 1200 calories. But I figured it out and once I did, I started to feel great. No mysterious stomach aches. My menstrual cramps are virtually gone (tmi again). My energy went up (after going down initially). Best of all, the pounds started falling off.

By the end of June, I’d lost 25 pounds. But then, unfortunately, I was hit with a few weeks of mania, followed by one of the deepest depressions I’ve experienced since I was first diagnosed with bipolar disorder. I fell off of my healthy diet completely, though stayed vegan, and my weight loss stalled. I think this should serve as a lesson that neither losing weight nor being vegan will cure your depression. It won’t make you love yourself. It won’t be the cure-all to everything that’s wrong in your life.

My mom flew out and I got set up with a therapist and got back on medication. I got back into eating right, though not back on MFP. It took every ounce of mental energy to pull myself back into a healthy mindset, I couldn’t even fathom actively trying to lose weight. After a few weeks, when I started to pull up, I tried to get back into it but I became too obsessive about food and losing weight. It was doing more harm than good.

Then, I read a great book called “Women, Food, and God” by Geneen Roth and combined with other factors in my life, I was slammed with a revelation. I had been dealing with my emotions with food. Cliche and obvious, I know, but I’d never really been able to stomach the idea of examining the connection with a magnifying glass. I was trying to fill the hole inside of myself that was infinite and dark and shameful. But the truth is, there is no hole. I am complete, whole, untarnished.

After that, I switched to intuitive eating. I needed to listen to my body: mentally and physically. What was my health calling for? Luckily, I already had a house full of healthy foods, a repertoire of healthy vegan recipes and choices, and an understanding of calories that I could generally monitor without obsessing over. Most difficult of all, I learned how to eat without tv, music, reading, or anything else distracting me. I was shocked to find how full I could get with less food when I actually listened to my body.

The weight loss picked back up in earnest and I am now 189, 57 pounds down and only 4 pounds away from escaping obesity. I’m still working things out but I’ve never felt so confident in my own skin. I just ran my first 5k on Thanksgiving. I actually requested a solo photo shoot later that day and I was happy with all of the pictures! I felt so good getting compliment after compliment from family and friends about how beautiful I looked.

My journey is unique, as everyone’s is. But if I can to share a few lessons that could be helpful, here they are:

-Create mini-goals: where do you want to be at Christmas, your family vacation, your next birthday? Weight loss and fitness goals, in terms of results or effort (3x a week, etc) in bite-size pieces are incredibly motivational to me.

-Learn what works best with your body. I recommend being vegan but I know that doesn’t work for everyone. Maybe you feel better on Keto. Maybe you feel better with more traditional ratios but cutting out sugar and caffeine. Try something and listen to your body.

-Ditto with exercise. I like the elliptical and I tried my hand at training to run a 5k. But maybe evening walks are your thing. Or karate. Or jazzercise. If you hate exercising, you won’t do it. And unless you’re going ham, there’s no need to eat back those calories.

-If your mental health is what’s holding you back from weight loss, it is incredibly worth it to sort that out first rather than just pushing harder and harder and punishing yourself for not making progress with weight loss.

-Don’t quit. Even when you fall off the wagon for a month. Even if you have to take a break for reasons. Even if you “Day 1 again” over and over. You’ll get it right, eventually. Falling short is okay. You’re not truly failing unless you quit.

-Finally, start working on loving yourself *now*. It might take your whole journey to make it stick but practicing positive self-talk is the gift that keeps on giving.

TLDR: Went vegan and used MFP which took me half of the way. Had to stop to deal with my mental health. Switched to intuitive eating and it’s working very well in conjunction with my mental healing.

submitted by /u/Mrs_ChanandlerBong_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

From hiding in giant, black, oversized clothes to celebrating in something tight and red :) First goal weight achieved just in time for our holiday card!

8 Months, 60+ lbs lost, 3 dress sizes down, and moved from "obese" to the low end of "overweight." So much inner confidence gained. It's hard for me to look back at the last holiday photo because I can see my depression, anxiety, and suffering hiding behind my fake smile. I remember that day and throwing on the biggest balloon of a shirt I owned to try to hide in, feeling weird and nervous that a photo of me was going to be sent to every family friend we have. I was such a dark cloud of reactive, angry self-consciousness that I didn't even realize how negatively I was impacting our family time, selfishly focused on my own unhappiness and not letting there be space for a fun photo moment. This year I didn't even think about what I was wearing, I just ran outside and had fun with my family taking the photo with them. I can see my smile is genuine, and I have to remember that this weight loss journey has always been more about my mental health and my relationship with myself and my body than it is about vanity (although vanity plays a pretty major role tbh haha). So today I am pausing to be grateful for my discipline over the last 8 months and achieving my first goal weight! I just picked a number that felt too big for me to achieve so I'd have something to reach for, and now that I'm here I'm so motivated to keep going and know that nothing is impossible. My family has been super supportive of me, which really helps, and my friends have been so sweet in putting up with me suddenly talking a lot about food and fitness and celebrating my excitement... but this sub (as well as r/progresspics) has been *the* most helpful thing on my journey. You all are so brave in your vulnerability, and give such great advice, information, and support. I truly feel like this is one of the most hopeful and inspiring places in the world and I rarely talk to anyone here. But really guys, thank you so much for showing me there are other people on this journey, for showing me what is truly possible and in such a short period of time, and for always being so positive and supportive of each others growth. If anyone ever wants to reach out I'm here and available to make more friends on this journey- I would love to support others as I've felt supported! Thank you, everyone :)

Progress from last year's holiday card to this year's:

submitted by /u/moxieflux
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from loseit - Lose the Fat