Saturday, November 24, 2018

From hiding in giant, black, oversized clothes to celebrating in something tight and red :) First goal weight achieved just in time for our holiday card!

8 Months, 60+ lbs lost, 3 dress sizes down, and moved from "obese" to the low end of "overweight." So much inner confidence gained. It's hard for me to look back at the last holiday photo because I can see my depression, anxiety, and suffering hiding behind my fake smile. I remember that day and throwing on the biggest balloon of a shirt I owned to try to hide in, feeling weird and nervous that a photo of me was going to be sent to every family friend we have. I was such a dark cloud of reactive, angry self-consciousness that I didn't even realize how negatively I was impacting our family time, selfishly focused on my own unhappiness and not letting there be space for a fun photo moment. This year I didn't even think about what I was wearing, I just ran outside and had fun with my family taking the photo with them. I can see my smile is genuine, and I have to remember that this weight loss journey has always been more about my mental health and my relationship with myself and my body than it is about vanity (although vanity plays a pretty major role tbh haha). So today I am pausing to be grateful for my discipline over the last 8 months and achieving my first goal weight! I just picked a number that felt too big for me to achieve so I'd have something to reach for, and now that I'm here I'm so motivated to keep going and know that nothing is impossible. My family has been super supportive of me, which really helps, and my friends have been so sweet in putting up with me suddenly talking a lot about food and fitness and celebrating my excitement... but this sub (as well as r/progresspics) has been *the* most helpful thing on my journey. You all are so brave in your vulnerability, and give such great advice, information, and support. I truly feel like this is one of the most hopeful and inspiring places in the world and I rarely talk to anyone here. But really guys, thank you so much for showing me there are other people on this journey, for showing me what is truly possible and in such a short period of time, and for always being so positive and supportive of each others growth. If anyone ever wants to reach out I'm here and available to make more friends on this journey- I would love to support others as I've felt supported! Thank you, everyone :)

Progress from last year's holiday card to this year's:

submitted by /u/moxieflux
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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