Saturday, November 24, 2018

Falling off the wagon. Up 10lbs.

Hey all. I haven't posted much in this sub, but I've lurked since I started losing, and this community is one of my favorites on Reddit. So I'm making my first big post today.

About two years ago I first took the plunge into the world of dieting. I'm a 6'5" male and at that time I weighed 320lbs. Remarkably, my efforts really worked out well. I got a Weight Watcher's membership, used that rigorously for a year, lost a good 60lbs, cancelled my membership after pinpointing my bad habits, and lost about 25 more lbs. I felt extraordinarily proud to have lost almost 100lbs, was able to keep that weight off, and still eat food that I enjoyed. I stopped losing streak around 230lbs. Could stand to lose more, but felt good about my body and my habits.

Fast forward to today, and my struggle seems to have resurfaced. Now, before my initial weight loss, I was in really deep (cupcakes, pastries, candy, ice cream, fast food in abundance, every single day). While I'm not quite that bad again, I got on the scale this morning and noticed a gain. 10lbs up from where I decided I was comfortable with my weight stagnating.

It's frustrating because I've known that I've been slipping on my good habits for a couple weeks now: eating more often and eating less quality food. And what's worse is, I can feel the compulsion again. I've felt for so long now that I had really kicked it, that I really knew when to say no and when I had had enough. I haven't felt out of control of my eating habits since I started losing a couple years ago, but lately I just feel insatiable. Just last night after going to bed, and this was after a big dinner (Ham, mashed potatoes with butter, green beans, squash casserole), I got up and ate two chocolate chip cookies, two pieces of pumpkin pie, a slice of cherry pie, and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. That's just last night. I've been slipping for a couple weeks now. Sneaking sweets, stress eating, etc. The holidays are here, my job has been stressful, the weather is cold, my family is in town, I have a new girlfriend that also loves to eat: all of this is making me want to just keep eating all of the comfort food, and I feel like I need help.

This is bad. My binging habits are resurfacing and I'm feeling powerless to control them. Any advice for a comrade who's fallen off of the wagon?

submitted by /u/Tedigreez
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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