Sunday, November 25, 2018

Best Gifts for Runners Head to Toe

Best Gifts for Runners Head to Toe – list of the must have presents for your favorite runner (or yourself) this season! Plus Cyber Monday deals and other promos!

Check out this list of the best gift ideas for runners. From head to toe here’s all gear your runner (or you) want to wear! And if you’re a runner looking for gift ideas – make sure you are specific with size, color and style when you’re sharing your wish list.

Best gifts for runners head to toe running gear

Ponytail Hat with Ear Cover – Hats, beanies and visors are a great gift idea because you don’t need to know their size. And there are some super cute and fun designs!

This hat is awesome because it also works to cover your ears. This eliminates the need for both a hat and ear cover in cold weather.

Beanie for Runners – For some reason runners seem to get new clothes and shoes but use the same old beanie they got from an expo at their first race. Now it’s faded and smelly… oh, just me? Nope.

If you run in super cold weather – you need a new beanie.

Low Profile Head Lamp for Runners – Safety first! And this makes safety easier since it’s light weight and an actual light to help keep you visible while out on the roads.

Runner Head Light –  Another headlight option for running in low light.

Air Pods aka Ear Pods – I’ve heard great things about these ear buds. Runners who usually say other ear buds break or slip out say these are awesome even in the sweatiest conditions.

Jabra Ear Pods

Aftershokz Wireless Bone Conducting Ear Phones

Running Sunglasses with polarized lenses

Ear Warmer Head Band – cold ears are no bueno when running. I love a simple warm head band that’s wide enough to cover your ears.

Reflective Neck Gaiter – add a layer of warmth and a layer of safety with this neck gaiter that is bright and has a reflective stripe.

Multi-Use Wrap Neck Gaiter – I’m newly obsessed with neck gaiters that can also double as a head wrap. And this one has a picture of 12 different ways to wear it!

Long Sleeve Running Tee for Men (that’s cute and can double as a ‘normal’ shirt)

Long Sleeve Night Life Running Tee for Women

gifts for runners women long sleeve night life tee brooks

Shop Now and receive a FREE Holiday Tech Tee with any order of $120 or more!

Black Friday Sale 400 x 300

Under Armour Men’s Gloves

Trail Heads Running Gloves

Gift Card for a Running Shoe Store or Sporting Gear Store – If you’re not sure what size or style of running capris/pants/shorts or shoes they wear – get a gift card.

Compression Socks – I love Pro Compression Socks. You can find discounts and offers from them all the time when you check out their site or mailing list.

And if you want Holiday Running Shoes… Brooks Ugly Sweater Shoes are the most fun festive running shoes I’ve ever seen!

They just sent me this pair and I cannot wait to wear them to all the holiday things!

If you need running shoes check out the Brooks Shoe FinderFind the perfect shoe for YOU with the Shoe Finder

Cyber Weekend Sale 600 x 300

What’s on your Holiday Wish List?

The post Best Gifts for Runners Head to Toe appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat

is variety the key to maintaining a healthy eating lifestyle?

My weight yoyo'd forever, I got to about 330 and was like "im not going any higher, not setting any new records for myself"

Some background (you can skip): I dropped 20 pounds or so since I started examining how I ate, since May. Basically I went to trader joes a bunch, had frozen food, got burned out of having the same thing. While I was going to TJs someone told me to do IF, and that worked!! Just, after several weeks I started lapsing and having breakfast again. After the end of summer, my weight loss stopped and yoyo'd a little bit, from 308-315ish. I stopped IF, I stopped going to TJs, started having braekfast again, stopped calorie counting. To this day I still hover around 310 so I'm proud of myself for the initial weight loss.

I went home, after a couple months of my weight yoyo'ing, and had thanksgiving. Had leftovers all the time, ate 2-3 meals a day with some snacking. And this was the good kind of leftovers with reasonably big portions- a good bit of stuffing, some turkey (no gravy) and candied yams. Helllll yeah. actually had that three times in one day! I checked the scale this morning once I got home and I lost weight, to my surprise - I had some candy and a bag of trail mix at the airport for my dinner. This just shows me that I can eat like a normal person and probably lose weight just eating 3 meals a day.

My go to is fast food. I have options. And if I'm sick of where i'm going I just choose another place, that has more options. At TJs I feel like I only have a few options, besides cooking. Am I constantly falling off eating better because I'm either restricting myself with IF, and limiting my options by laziness of not wanting to cook and do dishes, and by lack of variety in my choice of food options? The first one I can address easily, the last two are where the work comes in. I hate how I turn "on" and am health conscious for two months, wanting to improve, then for awhile I just either do damage control and maintain, or I do damage and my weight increases. It's rare that while I'm in my damage control phase, I've maintained. I just want consistency though.

I'd love to hear your thoughts!

submitted by /u/tingstodo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I had more confidence before I lost 60 lbs - looking for advice.

Hi everyone, this is my first post to reddit, but I think this community could help me through some things.

I (25F) have been overweight most of my life, but have recently lost 60 lbs. I lost 50 lbs fairly quickly over about 6 months through diet alone, and have spent the last 12 months adjusting to my body and new diet/lifestyle, starting yoga, working with a personal trainer, gaining muscle, and slowly losing 10 lbs more.

When I lost the initial 50 lbs I was very excited and posted a progress picture on Instagram and felt really good about it. However, when I recently passed the 60 lb mark, I did not have the same gut reaction. I want to be excited about reaching another goal, but for some reason I feel embarrassed. I feel embarrassed of the person I was before. I feel embarrassed that in almost a year I have only lost 12 lbs. I know that I have gained a lot of muscle, and that my body has still been changing for the better, but I do not feel confident.

Has anyone else experienced not feeling as confident after weight loss as they did before? What steps did you take to overcome these feelings? How did you become comfortable with your new body?

Tl;dr I have recently lost 60 lbs, but had much more confidence beforehand. Looking for advice to regain confidence and feel comfortable with my body.

submitted by /u/j-17-
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

NSV - Thanksgiving weekend could’ve gone a lot worse

I stepped on the scale this morning prepared for the worst. It has been three days of kind of forgetting I was trying to lose weight at all and I was prepared to see my body holding a lot of water. To my great surprise, I was only up one pound! I honestly was a little shocked and had to weigh myself twice.

In reflection however, I realize that I wasn’t out of control. I wasn’t overindulgent. I should be proud of how I handled a holiday out of town that literally revolves around eating.

Here’s what I did well:

  • tracking everything I could to the best of my knowledge

  • I did not go for seconds at thanksgiving or the day after thanksgiving lasagna dinner. I made a decent sized plate, ate it, decided to wait a few minutes and afterwards I really didn’t want seconds

Here’s why I thought I’d be up more on the scale:

  • booze, my weight loss enemy. Some heavy drinking Thursday followed by two more days of casual beer drinking

  • While I erred on the side of overestimating my calories, I was still above maintenance everyday

  • My hip has been flaring up so I only ran one day last week

  • No IF since Thursday. That extra 200-300 calories at breakfast really makes it hard to keep it low with the calories

So the important thing now is jumping right back into my good routine I keep during the week. Nonetheless, I’m proud of myself. Figuring out this kind of balance was a huge goal of mine. I feel like I enjoyed what I was eating, but not to a point of shame and discomfort.

I hope everyone in the US had a lovely, lovely thanksgiving holiday and wish everyone healthy days ahead.

submitted by /u/43followsme
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How much can you lose?

Hi all. I'm 24, female 5'7 and 168 Ibs at the moment.

I started my weight loss journey when I was 17 and weighted 286 Ibs. :( After losing 42% of my body weight my life has turned completely around but truth be told I'm nowhere near satisfied. I didn't gain any weight back but still I cannot stop obsessing about my diet.

For the past year or so it has been incredibly hard to continue. I feel like I'm consistently eating a very calorie restricted diet yet the scale is no longer moving. It doesn't feel like a plateau. I'm affraid I'm at the end of the road and my body just can't lose more weight.

Anyone else had similar experiences after loosing a large amount of weight? Is there a way of bypassing this ? Do you know any studies on the topic ?

I'm getting so discouraged.

submitted by /u/OmniscientMe
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Getting close to my goal weight! How to have a healthy relationship with the numbers?

5’ SW: 122 CW: 103 GW: 100

So as I’m nearing my goal weight, I’m noticing a this pattern that I look in the mirror and don’t think I look any thinner than when I started losing. I look at progress pics and I’m still not convinced I look different. Then I get on the scale, see the number going down, and instantly feel better and see the change. Rinse, repeat.

Has anyone else gone through this feeling? Have you gotten to a point where you just feel good about your body no matter the number?

I feel like I should already be at that point of being content. I know weight loss is about better health mentally and physically, but I don’t think my mentality hasn’t changed and that makes me feel like a fraud.

submitted by /u/snack_queen69
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Made it to my first goal weight, without cutting off any limbs!

I used to joke that the only way I’d weigh less than 150 lbs was to chop off a leg. Well I’m here today, all limbs intact weighing in at 148.2 lbs!! I am now at my lowest ever weight as an adult, three years after being at my highest weight of 242 lbs. Even in high school I remember my doctor telling me to try to get my weight down to 150, but of course there was no actual information about how I was to do this, just that I needed to lose weight.

Before finding this sub and learning about CICO and myfitnesspal I had tried everything. Fasting, liquid only diets, the special k challenge, hot sauce on everything, you name it I probably tried it. As soon as I found myfitnesspal/CICO three years ago my whole life changed! Its amazing what a little knowledge can do. I lost ~20 lbs right off the bat, but I didn’t realize I needed to recalculate my calories/would eat back all of my exercise calories, so ended up maintaining that loss for a year. For the past two years my weight has been steadily going down. Know that there were definitely upward spikes, either around holidays, vacations, or when I would start working out after some time off. Progress Graph

When I started out I researched the crap out of CICO, spending a good part of my time lurking on this sub. I would be so envious of posters with flair of 60, 70, 80, 90,+ lbs lost, and I would get pretty down on myself about having “let myself go” and get so heavy. Even though I knew I could lose the weight I really didn’t think I’d make it past 150. Now I’m here and my ultimate goal weight of 135 is only 13 lbs away! It seems so crazy to me that I’ve lost 94 freaking pounds!! And when I get to my goal I’ll have lost over 100!!

So how did I manage to lose 94 lbs? Well, as I’ve mentioned myfitnesspal has been amazing and pivotal for my success. I started by logging everything I ate, then I graduated to sticking to 1600-1800 calories a day. Side note: if you don’t already have a food scale, get one! It is so, so much easier to weigh out servings of foods than it is to use measuring cups/spoons!! I started pre-logging my food in the morning so I could plan out my day. I almost always pre-log a little dessert or some wine (or both) for the end of my day. I now meal prep breakfast and lunch so I can log most of my week ahead of time. I’ve learned to prioritize protein and try to plan my meals around hitting my protein goals. As a vegetarian who is lactose intolerant that can be tricky to do while maintaining a deficit! That said, I don’t really pay much attention to carbs or fat.

I’m currently eating around 1200-1300 calories a day. I 100% do not recommend starting this low if you can help it. It is hard, it takes planning, and it can very easily make you burn out if you aren’t sure what you’re doing. I’m now in a place where I don’t mind it and it's almost easy, but I also am very flexible with myself, which is something I’ve learned over the past 3 years. I could not imagine my 242 lb self restricting down to 1200 and sticking with it for 3 years! Some days it does not matter how much I want to stick to 1200, my body needs/wants 1500+, and that’s okay. Other days I have to really try to get up to 1200, that’s okay too.

Food wise I have not cut any foods out, nothing is “off limits.” I still drink alcohol, eat pizza and baked goods. I just do so with both eyes open, I log everything (beforehand if I can) and eat more mindfully of the calories involved. Going to have pizza and beer for dinner with friends? I'll have a high protein salad for a late lunch before I go so I'm not hungry for much. If I go over calories one day, I just try to do better for the rest of the week, no big deal. This is my life, I only get one. I’m not going to gain 94 lbs back just because I ate all of the cake one day.

Exercise wise I have been very active throughout my journey. I run, I lift weights, I walk a lot, but I wouldn’t say any of this has helped me lose the weight. It has helped me to be more fit and athletic, which is important to me, but the weight loss was 99% from eating less.

So for anyone out there who is just starting out, or wherever you are on your weight loss journey, know that you can do it, believe in and love yourself, you will get there. You too can lose the weight, without chopping off any limbs!

First progress pic from 242-198 lbs Face progress Progress pics

submitted by /u/BluLavender
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from loseit - Lose the Fat