Monday, November 26, 2018

I don't like to be embarassed...but here is me and my intent to change my future (pics of me in undies)

I posted here last week regarding my situation on my weight and depression, etc. I suffer from various mental illnesses, 2 specifically related to my weight gain. I have been suicide attempt free since December of last year. I have been going to therapy religiously. I have been taking my medication religiously. Over all, I am 80% in a better place to begin a weight loss regimen yet again.

So here I am...this is me, me, and me. These are the most embarassing pictures I will ever take. Why am I putting them on here? Accountability. My pictures are now on the internet. These are things that should motivate me to continue my weight loss goal. I don't want to be this embarrassing me anymore. I want to change me. I blurred the face, but if you see my past posts, my face is fully visible.

Anyways, I got messaged by a friend who asked me about keto last week. I started it in 2011, and now, thanks to her, I will start it again in 2018. She told me about Mealime. I don't tend to follow meal plans too well, but this app seemed a bit different. You get a choice of recipes and you cook them yourself. This puts the hardest part of planning meals...choosing the meal, out of mind.

I began with my first mealplan from the app. The first meal I wanted to tackle was the Zucchini & Beef Skillet. Unfortunately, I am a lazy person, so I wanted to meal prep in order to make my meal planning even easier. So I went grocery shopping and purchased about 2 weeks worth of food.

I made the first meal which turned out DELICIOUS. I had bought a generic food saver, so I intend on using it to store foods that could get freezer burn. This helps to keep the flavors in and also helps me store any groceries that could potentially spoil.

Week 2 meals are going to be even funner to make. I'm on day 2 of keto, replacing all sugar with sugarfree or sugar alcohols.

I hope I can make the necessary changes to continue a healthier lifestyle and lose the weight I so desparately loath. Hearing the positive comments from this community helps to fill the emptiness I feel inside. I know my mental health is the most important, and as I work with that, I will work on my physical health. As with my first round of Keto, it will be hard at times, and I will fail a few times. I need to remember that when I fail, I can stand right back up and try again. Sometimes when you are defeated, especially with Borderline Personality Disorder, you fall into a spiral of self deprication which sends you down an anger and despair spiral. I will need as much motivation as I can get. I am scared. Scared I will fail. Scared I am making to little of an effort, too late in my life. Here is day 2. lets do this.

submitted by /u/Pumpkin_Spic_latte
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[3generationweightloss] Update: Week 3, Day 22

Starting Date: 11/4/2018

Daughter 5’ 2”

SW: 131.2lbs CW: 125.8lbs CGW: 125lbs GW: 118

Mom 4’ 11”

SW: 186.7lbs CW: 179.1lbs CGW: 180lbs

Total Weight loss: -13lbs

Grandma will be coming back soon from vacation. She’ll come back in our stats next week. Mom had a hiccup this week and was a bit upset but I continued to remind her that she’s in the 170’s… way better than she thought she would be last month =). We’re looking into her diet and maybe I’ll introduce her to myfitnesspal to keep track of her foods (I don’t want it to be too overwhelming for her).

This Week’s Goals:

  • 8,000 steps 
  • 34 oz of water 
  • 120 jumping jacks 
  • At least 7 hours of sleep (especially mom) 
submitted by /u/3genweightloss
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Well here goes nothing

Hi all,

Today marks my weight loss journey. I (23F) am currently 221 pounds standing at 5'9.

I hold all my weight in my arms & belly and I have finally reached my breaking point. It has affected me mentally and physically. I've been on this weight loss journey for almost two years now with no actually effort. Over the weekend I shopped for new sports bra's, t-shirts, and running shoes (thnx black Friday) to get started. Went to Aldi's and grabbed all fruits/veggies/white meat and glass/plastic tubbies for meal preps.

My thing is I kind of want to start a YouTube for this weight loss journey but am Insecure. I love all the motivational channels but I never see woman with my height or body structure. If I was to go to the beach in a bikini atm I would look pregnant with no shape/curves. I am aware that is due directly to my diet (hense why I'm changing/ fed-up). I wonder if i should just do my weight loss privately or start a YouTube just to document my journey to help others with the same height+body structure as me..... thoughts ?

submitted by /u/trisheyyx3
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Does my weight loss math check out?

I’m M, 30, 70 inches tall, 230 pounds .

Various TDEE calculators average to about 2200 calories, assuming a desk job.

Google says it takes 3500 calories burned (which I assume also means under TDEE) to lose one pound. And assume I burn 3500 calories a week through exercise, and average 1700 calories of food a day.

Then per day, (2200-1700)=500 calories burned daily from eating deficit, plus 500 calories per day from exercise. So 1000*7=7000 calories burned per week, 7000/3500 = 2 pounds lost per week.

Of course this is all an estimate. But does that seem like the right way to look at it ? On the TDEE calculator I could have put a higher level of activity which would give a higher TDEE but it is easier to look at this way.


submitted by /u/nai3b
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

So I somehow lost 10lbs

As the title states I somehow lost 10lbs without me even realizing. What happened was I was rear ended in the beginning of October and wasn't able to go to the gym consistently until a week ago. During this time my eating was okay, I ate what I usually ate, but probably had a bit more unhealthy food then I usually did. When I finally got to get back to the gym I weighed myself and found out I dropped from 160 to 150 and I've been comfortable at this weight for almost a yr (being 6ft that's kind of concerning), but I really did not see any visible changes to my body. I just wanted to know if there is any possible reason for such a weight loss because

submitted by /u/raptors_13
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

4 Mouthwatering Mug Cake Recipes for National Cake Day

Gobbled Too Much? What to Do Next

Thanksgiving is officially over so let’s talk turkey: Did you overcome the urge to splurge or did you cave to the cornucopia of diet destruction?

According to research from the Calorie Control Council, the average American consumes more than 4,500 calories and a shocking 229 grams of fat during a typical Thanksgiving dinner.

And though it is widely understood that it takes 3,500 calories to gain a pound—meaning Thanksgiving excess doesn’t typically translate to huge amounts of weight gain, the problem is this: Many people never lose the one or two pounds of extra stuffing they accrue during the holidays.

6 Easy Ways to Lose Weight this Fall

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In a recently released Harris Poll, a third of respondents reported gaining weight during the two-month holiday period between Halloween and New Years Day. Of those that gained weight, 75 percent said they gained five or more pounds; 34 percent said they gained 10 pounds or more. Scary stuff considering that a 2000 study published in The New England Journal of Medicine revealed that holiday weight gain is not reversed during the spring or summer months. This means that even if your yearly weight gain is confined to five pounds over the holiday season, within five years, you’ll have gained a whopping 25 pounds!

So how do you avoid piling on the pounds this time of year? You get back on track with this DIY detox plan. You pick up right where you left off with your healthy habits so that one day’s fall off the weight loss wagon doesn’t become a permanent stay.

Drink fluids

Flush out the toxins of turkey day with a continuous flow of fluids. Stick with water, which will fill you up and cleanse your system, or plain green tea. Clinical studies suggest that green tea extract may have a positive impact on metabolism and fat burning. If coffee is your beverage of choice, forego all cream and sugar today. You’ll save on calories, sugar and fat.

Our Top 6 Fall Produce Picks

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Avoid sugar, fats and salt

After a big splurge, it’s important to reestablish a taste for food that isn’t drenched in sugar, salt or oil. Load up on extra fruits and veggies today, and choose lean meats or fishes seasoned with herbs and spices so that the fats you do eat are healthy ones.

Hit the gym

Torch some calories and give your body a reboot with a good sweat session. Don’t go so hard that you hurt yourself and won’t be able to return to the routine for another week. Helpful tip: Get moving in the morning. Studies suggest that exercise can help suppress hunger hormones post-workout. By working in an a.m. workout, you may negate the need for a mid-morning snack.

Fill up on fiber

Fiber doesn’t just help you stay fuller longer, it helps restore your normal digestive function as well. Both benefits are especially important after a day of feasting. Fruits, veggies and whole grains are great high-fiber choices. Considering making a smoothie full of fibrous greens, flaxseeds or chia seeds and your favorite fruit to sweeten it up. Or chow down on a large, colorful salad.

Review your weight loss wins and weaknesses

Take some time today to assess how you did yesterday. With more holidays ahead, use your lessons learned to craft a slim-down strategy for the future festivities. Consider finding some healthier replacements to have on hand through the holidays. Nutrisystem offers a variety of delicious and guilt-free grab-and-go foods that are great to take with you as you holiday shop or hit the party scene all season long.

The post Gobbled Too Much? What to Do Next appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf