Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Help with MyFitnessPal app: should i eat the calories it takes out from exercise?

This is my first time posting in this sub and i'm not sure if this questions are allowed, but i can't find an answer!

So, I just started my weight loss journey this week ( I need to lose about 4 kilos) and i'm on a 1.200 calories diet

The thing is, the app keeps subtracting the calores i lose from walking (usually my whole commute to college) and it's usually about -100cal (today it was just 70)

It kind of says: 1.200 (objetive) - 761 (food) + 70 (exercise) = 509 (calories left)

Should i eat then those 500 calories left? Or keep to the initial 1.200? I tried to read some info on the app, but english is not my first language so it's a bit hard for me to fully understand I didn't modify anything on the app, i just downloaded it and started using it, it tracks my steps on its own

submitted by /u/flor-e-ncia
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2FHLhbi

F/33/5'6''/155lbs What 100 miles of walking can do to you

So we spent Thanksgiving in Spain this year and it has been an eye opening experience for me as far as weight loss is concerned. With all the museums and chapels I was logging around 10 miles a day for at least 10 days. I was absolutely not watching calories, not getting enough rest since there was so much to see and explore. We are back home and today when I weighed myself I was 2 lbs down from 157lbs. I had plateaued for approx 4 months and no amount of exercise, diet was helping. I am currently doing Intermittent Fasting, I run once a week, I try to watch my portions, I avoid pizza/pasta/desserts but NADA.

What I believe truly helped me was being in a happy state of mind, portion control (small meal sizes compared to the US) and ALL THE WALKING. Losing 2 lbs over 100 miles is not an achievement at all. But it made me realize that losing weight and maintaining it is not hard if you have a healthy life-style. I noticed that the portion sizes in Europe are much smaller than the US, there aren't a myriad of "targets", "Walmarts", "7-Elevens", etc., people walk everywhere etc.

submitted by /u/cutekatzchen
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2KJ2MqB

Hydration Challenge Update

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Splenda. The opinions and text are all mine.

Hello! It’s time for an update on my Hydration Challenge! For a lil refresher… I set a goal to switch up my drinking habits a lil bit. Although I drink a lot of water – I was drinking A LOT of seltzer and extra vitamin drinks and other random sips.

My main goal was to get control of my seltzer addiction. My other goals were to make fancy iced tea – which I figured would be great in case I ever made a friend and they came over. Then, I could keep this hypothetical friend with the promise of more delicious tea.

I made a delicious Strawberry Iced Tea with fresh strawberries, green tea and SPLENDA® Naturals Stevia Sweetener. I really liked it! And it was super easy so that’s a double win.

Light Strawberry Iced Tea recipe with stevia (533x800)

I also tried different fruit and tea combos. I used frozen peaches and blueberries for different variations on it.

Since I first made this challenge for myself the weather has gotten cooler (at least it’s cool for me – but not cold relative to places with actual seasons). Even though it’s not full on crisp Fall weather and beautiful orange leaves everywhere – I still really love Fall! It’s my favorite! It’s the best running weather! And I love warm Fall flavors like cinnamon, pumpkin spice and chai tea.

Hot tea

So I’m starting to transition my tea habit from iced tea to hot tea. And I love it.

Lately I’ve been making a vanilla tea or pumpkin spice tea with SPLENDA® Naturals and a good amount of milk. It’s sweet, creamy and I like it pretty hot. So comfy!

Hydration Challenge update (2) (450x800)

Let’s review my hydration goals and see how I did…

Hydration Challenge Goals:

  1. Drink my entire water bottle before drinking other ‘fun’ beverages. After coffee since I drink that before running. This includes low calorie drinks and seltzer. >>> Update: I did this about 80% of the time. Which is good enough for me – so I’m good with that.
  2. Limit myself to 2 seltzers a day. >>> Update: I just realized I’ve started to drink more now that it’s getting cooler and I’m slacking on making iced tea. But I was doing well with this one for the month of the challenge.
  3. Make a batch of iced tea every other day. (One batch lasts about 2 to 3 days when it’s just me drinking it.) >>> Update: I bought a special pitcher for iced tea and made it really easy for myself to make it. I think that’s a good way to ensure you stick with something – set yourself up for success!

Overall: I think I did really well with the hydration challenge. I did discover new iced tea combinations I like! And I was drinking more water.

I’ll continue to update my latest tea and iced coffee obsessions on Instagram and Insta Stories so follow @RunEatRepeat to keep up!

The post Hydration Challenge Update appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat https://ift.tt/2E0MrNq

[NSV] I went to try on pants at Target...

I realized yesterday that all of my pants are literally hanging off of me. I also noticed that my size 16 pants were feeling loose but didn't think much of it. Well, I get to Target and start grabbing all kinds of pants in size 16, then for the hell of it I think "let me see how far away I am from a size 14." Now, skinny jeans used to be my enemy...I hated them and they were always unflattering on me. Unfortunately I don't really get a choice in being too picky because of my budget, so I just decided to try it out. I tried on a pair of 16s, in the skinny jeans style, and they looked pretty good. I noticed some room in the waist but pants don't usually fit well over my butt so I moved onto the next.

Grabbed the 14s, again, just to see how far away I was from that size. I held them up and thought... these are too small. I bet they won't even fit over my thighs. Slides leg in...fits. Slid my other leg in...fit. Pulled them all the way up...they fit. Zipped and buttoned them without struggle. I was shocked. I have never been this size in my adult life. I almost cried but then just couldn't stop smiling. I am so proud of myself, and I can't wait to experience more victories!

Background/How I did it: I committed to a lifestyle change, and made a commitment to start taking care of myself mentally and physically in August of 2016. My highest weight was 306lbs, my starting weight at the beginning of my journey was high 200s (298-289lbs probably). I am now currently at 213lbs...a total loss of about 93lbs. I am hoping to get to Onederland by the end of the year. I know my progress has been super slow but I had more of a focus on my mental health in the beginning and am just now getting to the physical parts. Despite my flimsy commitment to weight loss, I still did it. I started with tracking calories, cutting out foods that didn't make me feel well (red meat, dairy, processed sugars). I failed a lot but I never fell off so hard that I gained again. I was vegan for awhile but it felt too restricting, vegetarian for almost a year but as I kept losing weight I felt I needed more lean proteins and I eat chicken and fish for that. Still vegetarian most of the time though. I also walk a minimum of 30 min a day, when the weather is nice I hike a lot, run, kayak, swim, and other fun outdoor stuff (running on the beach is one of my favorites). I might join the gym for the winter to do some weight lifting and cardio.

submitted by /u/realisticred
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2Rdv9iJ

15 years of weigh ins

(M/45/SW290 (2004)/ CW 209/ GW 189)

I’ve been lurking here and r/fatlogic and r/fitness for months, and you people have inspired, taught, and entertained me into the best shape of my life. I’ve been studying at my health journey this morning by looking at my weight stats, and have some thoughts:

  1. This graph illustrates whichever narrative you cling to: all of my weight loss attempts were successful. All of my weight loss attempts were failures.

  2. Each one of the “high weights” correspond to a big change in my life, which I almost always did not navigate through in a healthy way. Examples are: job changes, state to state or country to country relocations, divorce, surgery, depression, alcohol abuse. These “high marks” are really low points in my life story.

  3. Inversely, I’ve been at my happiest and most effective during the valleys in the graph.

  4. There are examples of many diets or lifestyles that absolutely worked for me: daily running, no exercise at all, weight watchers, juice fasts, whole food, vegetarian, vegan, low carb, Keto, Carnivore, intermittent fasting.

The HAES posts that diets don’t lead to long term weight loss for most people infuriate me, but based off of the research I’ve read seems to be true. For most.

Diets are easy. Weight loss maintenance is really effing hard. I’m pretty sure I’m capable of doing difficult things that other people can’t do, and I think you are too.

15 years of weigh ins

submitted by /u/DunningKrugerExprt
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2Aso4UB

Hiring a personal trainer broke my plateau

I was stuck at 232-235, losing and gaining the same three pounds for three months, and it was really frustrating.

Someone on this board, I don't remember who, recommended I see a trainer and add strength training to my program. My trainer went through my diet, moved me to My Fitness Pal, increased my protein macros, recommended I drink 100oz of water every day (65 oz is not enough she said), and started me on a strength training program. The trainer is expensive, but worth every penny. I was afraid the muscle gain would slow the weight loss, but that was not my experience.

In the last month, I have lost 6-7 pounds. She gave me some exercises to strengthen my back and is building up my knees, and I feel so great. I know a lot of people can lose weight quicker than me, but for a middle age lady, I am doing pretty well.

This loseit board is so great. Thanks to everyone, it is so inspiring to see all of your progress every day.

submitted by /u/pho_phanatic
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2BBmDVm

So many questions.... If you guys can help.

Good Morning Everyone,

I, like so many others it seems, am trying to start on this weight loss journey once again. (Of Course around the holidays) I have tried and tried and I always fall off the wagon. I am 32/F/5"2 183 lbs. and I feel like since I am so short every lb I have just makes me look so much more blobalicious. I just went to disney and all those ride pictures they take just make me look so HUGE and I am! Its so sad. I have got to get it to work this time. Its starting to effect (affect?) my health.

Anyways, one of the main things I need help with is energy. I have a desk job and usually by the end of the day I am drained for some reason and not motivated. I want to try and stay away from caffeine as much as possible. I try and sit on a yoga/pilates ball at work and try and "hula hoop" circles with my abs or bounce for a bit, but its just not helping much at all. Anything you guys can recommend?

My current diet is this:

-Plain Oatmeal with Honey for breakfast

-Ham and Cheese sandwich for lunch

-Some sort of prepared chicken and steamed veggies.

-Snacks include fruits, and veggies.

Goal weight: 150lbs

Need to lose 33lbs.

I am short on cash and dont have the money for organic foods, tons of just meats and veggies, or the gym. Going to the grocery store to buy healthy foods just costs SO much money. Am I doomed?

ALSO, if any other short girls have recommendations on your diets/workout plans etc anything would help.

Sorry for all the questions just need a little help.

submitted by /u/fueledbychar
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2r6IxKf