Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Grieving depression reversing all my progress

So recently I’ve been having a pretty tough time. I suffer from depression and I take meds which have helped and this year i’ve made a lot of progress towards my weight loss goals but recently one of my pets passed away and the depression is hitting me pretty badly. I know grieving is normal, but that mixed with the depression feels like it’s killing me. But what I hate most is that I’m back to my old ways of emotional eating. I was doing sooo well? Taking my own meals to work, tracking calories well, losing at a steady rate. But now, I’m bingeing before work, during work (I work at a fast food restaurant, and I only just overcame my cravings at work and now they’re back again :( ) and after work. I’m “treating” myself because I’m sad, but this has been going on for almost a week now. I’ve miraculously only gained back 4lbs, but I’m sure if I keep going like this I’m gonna end up back at 230, and i’m so scared. But I can’t stop myself, I had a good morning yesterday and ruined it all by the evening, I was so disappointed in myself. I don’t know if I’m looking for advice or just needed to vent, but either way thank you for reading.

submitted by /u/woosunghyuk
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2UUkMCl

Monday, March 25, 2019

Starting again

About 3 years ago I started a 'weight loss journey' - I lost about 10kg in the first year (127kg to 117kg) and then gained a little big back leading up to my wedding. On our honeymoon I was turned away from a big ticket activity we'd planned due to my weight. I was devastated. Straight away when we returned home I started bootcamp and lite N easy and dropped 20kg in about 4 months which was great... Until I developed gallstones and ended up needing emergency surgery. It's been over a year since then and my weight is starting to steadily increase. I know I need to lose it but I'm trying to do it in a more body positive and loving (slower) way. Except I keep getting demotivated by slow progress. Has anyone got any tips on starting the whole weight loss journey again? And doing it in a way that won't make me judge every good by their calorie count? 😂

submitted by /u/amissy90
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2FsQCQ9

Tantrum Tuesday - The Day to Rant!

I Rant, Therefore I Am

Well bla-de-da-da! What's making your blood boil? What's under your skin? What's making you see red? What's up in your craw? Let's hear your weight loss related rants!
The rant post is a /u/bladedada production.

Please consider saving your next rant for this weekly thread every Tuesday.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2OpFF65

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Tuesday, 26 March 2019

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

Daily journal.

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Community bulletin board!

If you are new to the sub, click here for our posting guidelines

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2JCLrCA

Trying to loseit is putting a strain on my relationship :(

I don't know if this is the right sub to put this in, but I just need motivation and advice :(

SW: 89kg/196lbs CW: 68kg/150lbs GW: 66kg/145lbs

I've been doing weight loss on and off since 2014, and now I'm down to the last few pounds until my goal weight, which will put me at 24.9 BMI. Last year, around February, I started doing CICO and lost almost 8kgs in around 4 months. But since July, I've maintained at 67-68kg/148-150lbs. Given, I didn't do CICO as religiously anymore, and because I started dating my current SO so there was a lot of eating out happening.

Now, the SO gained a few pounds since then, and he wants the two of us to lose weight together. He's very sporty - loves running, soccer, badminton, hiking; and while I like hiking, I cannot get myself to run (the 30-minute duration of doing and thinking nothing except "Go on the next step!" is torture for me). So I go the CICO and yoga route. But now: it's not working. I lose a pound the first week, only to gain it back the next. And now, my frustration on not losing weight is being released, unfortunately, on the SO.

The worst part is that he's losing weight quickly. He is so motivated - he runs almost daily and barely eats dinner. So when he gives me news of losing a pound, I'm happy but it tears me apart. Why can't I do it like him? Am I lazy? Am I hopeless?

It also sucks that he wants to push me to lose until I reach mid-range of BMI, stating that it's easy to fall back into being overweight if I choose to sit on the edge. He's probably right, true. But I want to lose weight happily, if that makes sense. I don't want to do weight loss in a way that I end up crying about food I am not able to eat.

I'm really tired, and I honestly don't want to resent the SO, especially since he only has our best interests in mind. Also, yes. We have talked about this. He has told me that I can stop if I want to: but I feel that if he gets fit while I stay in a rut, I'll be more resentful.

So, I guess, what I want to know is if, this time, to loseit is worth it?

submitted by /u/melukia
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2Ub650C

Lost weight but not clothing sizes

I've lost about 60lbs (5'6 ~260> 200lbs). I've still got a loooong way to go to get to my UGW still, I know, but I'm sort of discouraged by the lack of real change in my clothing sizes.

I still fit into everything I wore previously. Like I suppose I technically now, snugly, fit into smaller sizes that would have never fit before, but it's not like my old clothes are "falling off" or anything, by any means.

This is especially true for pants. I've been in the same pants size for FOREVER.

I hear so many stories and accounts of people having to go buy all new clothes because nothing fits them, and it leaves me feeling so envious. I thought that would be the case after dropping 60lbs....(?!?) does it really take 100lbs of weight loss before I'll go down just one pant size??

It's so discouraging to see the numbers on the scale go down, but look the exact same.... Even in the progress photos I take of myself, the changes are so very small. :(

submitted by /u/Kanganew
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2FwLN8D

So frustrating!!!

Does anyone else just get so frustrated that you don't know where to turn to without making a scene? I am one week in my weight loss journey, and a little over ten pounds down. Most of that it water weight, but I am still feeling better and building better habits. I started this journey for my health, and that is what is partially causing my frustrations today:

You see, my roommate is a drug addict. But not the seedy drug addict that everyone knows has a problem, that would be too easy. My roommate is the drug addict that everyone thinks is fun, but no one ever sees her when she's "not fun." We share a single bedroom in a dormitory, no more than five feet apart at all times.

She's been stealing my healthy groceries, ruining my exercise clothing by using it as vomit rags (apparently you can throw up if you smoke too much weed, who knew?), and trying to sabotage my weight loss by comparing it to her "totally real" eating disorder. No, she does not have an eating disorder; she changes what she "has" every week, but has never been to a doctor to receive any diagnosis. I believe she just does it for sympathy. This roommate of mine has been telling our mutual friend group that my blood work is a sham, and that I just want to lose weight to look like her. (That is not true, and even if I wanted to, I am nine inches taller than her. To look like her I would have to cut off my legs up to my shins!)

I am exercising more and eating better to lower my cholesterol and strengthen my body so that I can live a long, happy life; losing weight is secondary in my mission, but a perk. Now my friend group is trying to respectfully ask me to share my motivations, but they don't seem to trust me with my answers. I am about one politely phrased question away from blowing up in everyone's face.

Honestly, I can't wait for the day that I am successful in my health and fitness journey, and she's too doped out to even know left from right.

TL;DR: Druggie roommate is sabotaging my weight loss by telling our mutual friend group I am copying her eating disorder, which she does not have/changes every week. My friends are now constantly asking me if I am actually exercising/eating better/losing weight to be healthy, and I am close to losing my mind. I can't leave my dorm because it is too late in the semester for a room change.

Edit: spelling

submitted by /u/iamwritingathesis
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2U9kASJ