Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Weight loss fluctuations are truly random

Just wanted to share a little story from a few days ago.

Last week, I was tracking everything. I did not go past my calories and I stayed in my deficit. No increased activity, no restaurant food, nothing. Sunday morning when I weighed myself, I was 1.5 pounds heavier than last week. I ate normal though and was in my deficit so I was confused .

Yesterday when I weighed myself, I was now 3.0 pounds lighter. I have no idea where that 1.5 pounds of body weight came from. Usually if I go out to eat with some friends I avoid the scale for a few days since I know my weight is gonna fluctuate and I would get discouraged. This was the first time I have ever seen the fluctuations with my own eyes and as everyone says, these fluctuations happen out of nowhere.

submitted by /u/Clorobiana
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I've decided to let myself loose a bit and take a break from weight loss.

First time posting about my weight loss on Reddit Some background info: 22F; 5'1; SW: 176lb; CW:146lb

So I started putting a lot of effort into losing weight at the end of May this year. It was the first time I actually saw changes. Before I knew it, I lost 30lbs in 4 months. I put so much time, effort, and focus over the summer working on my diet and exercising. I even managed to maintain it for a bit when I started school again.

However, for the past month, I've been on a plateau. My weight hasn't budged much other than fluctuating a bit. I've been busy with school, work, and house chores, so I haven't been working out as much/hard as I normally do, but I recently began jogging regularly again. In terms of dieting, I haven't been doing too well and tend to overeat out of stress, so I haven't been eating at a deficit lately. I've gotten into the habit of stepping onto the scale first thing in the morning. Seeing no change has been frustrating, and I can't help but be hard on myself at the slightest increase. After sorting out my thoughts, I've decided to take a step back and accept that losing weight isn't my priority right now. As much as I want to keep at it, I just have too much on my plate. I don't want my frustration to drive me to any extremes. This is simply a mindset change to accept how things are they way now and to appreciate what I have done so far so I don't lose it. Hoping I'll be able to jump back into it when I'm able to.

submitted by /u/Iridescent_Euph0ria
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Losing weight for MS

32F 5'6/SW 288/ CW 200/ GW 165

Sorry, this is a long one.

A year ago today, I was at my heaviest at 288, and my life changed forever. I was diagnosed with MS. The doctor said that I needed to lose weight to deal the disease. At that very moment, I was determined to make a change starting with how I eat. See, I grew up on unhealthy habits. Then I got older, didn't know how to cook and takeout was easy, Uber made it easier.

I started grocery shopping, learning how to cook healthy meals best I can without hurting myself (MS caused me to lose feeling in my hands.) Eating better, working out on my stationary bike, walking to work, was just enough to get me started. I was losing slowly and I okay with that.

Then the pandemic hit and I lost my job. Something happened, something clicked. Instead of getting depressed, I started walking. First I stayed in the neighborhood and gradually extended it more and more. Then out of nowhere, I started to run. Still extending how far I went. Sadly the running had to stop last month after a very bad fall and aggravated the arthritis in my knees. I had to adapt and switch things up. Now I walk 10- 12 miles every day, making sure I get at least 25,000 steps.

Since losing, I've struggled to see what everyone else was seeing. They would say, 'Oh you've lost so much weight' 'You look so good' but my instant thought was 'why are you lying to me.' I never looked at myself in the mirror until a week ago. I saw my collarbone. The collarbone is what made me realize what I've accomplished. Not the fact that I went from size 22 to 14/16, the collarbone. And then I saw how slim my face had gotten. Recently Facebook showed a memory and I saw how heavy I was, it was shocking. The hardest part in all of this is learning to take a compliment as I'm getting a lot of them. Not used to those

To celebrate the weight loss and my 1 year MS anniversary, I'm going skydiving today.

submitted by /u/dspoon88
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thinking of joining a Gym

I’ve been on my weight loss journey for about 5-6 months now and my losses have started to slow up a bit so I was thinking about joining my local gym. Problem is that I have been overweight/obese all my life and never really done anything in the gym so wouldn’t even know what I should be doing when I go? I recently bought my first house so paying for a PT isn’t really an option at this stage, I’m more just looking for some general tips on what I should be doing/using and how long I should be exercising for.

Bit of background info M28 6’3 and I started my weight loss at 190kg (418lbs) currently weigh 146kg (321lbs)

Cheers for any help 😊

submitted by /u/Omp_Stomp
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I am now a size 16 (UK) jeans with muffintop!

I'm very happy with that :) I never thought I'd see 16 again except on a house door ( I was 22/24). As my clothes get loose on me, I'm getting rid of them immediately. I find feeling things slightly tight is an incentive and I don't get a false sense of security (because I'm still fat, just not as fat!). Being honest my weight loss (and fitness drive) is HUGELY influenced by COVID and I'm hugely focussed on getting my BMI down. I still have 2 points to go before I move from "obese" to "overweight" but getting into size 16's is such a lift! Happy Wednesday people. Is anyone else COVID driven, or is it just me being a scaredy cat?

submitted by /u/Dogwarden
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My family is not supportive of my weight loss

I am trying to get healthy and eat better and I have lost some weight, but my mom is being a b**** about it. I am doing it for myself and my health, but she's always making rude remarks about my weight loss. She finds small reasons to nag at me and even today she was like "let's see how long you keep this charade up" and it made me so freaking angry. As someone who has been overweight her whole life AND was constantly body shamed by her and the rest of my family, I feel so defeated. I've never felt beautiful or confident ever in my life. I want that now more than anything. I want to be strong and healthy. On top of that I am a grown adult who is trying to lose weight in a healthy way because I know it will help in other aspects of my life (energy, concentration on school work, stress relief, health, etc) so I don't know what her issue is. I want to feel confident so I am trying my best to keep going. I am trying to block out her rude remarks, but I broke down tonight. I still have 25 pounds to lose and I know I can do it, but the comments from her are really getting to me. It's like she's jealous that I am finally doing something about it. That she won't be able to criticize me about my weight once I lose it or something. My weight has always been something my whole family joked about and nagged at me about and I hate it. I am so angry with her. I am stuck at home this year because my college is closed because of COVID. I have no choice, but to deal with her nagging. Has anyone else experienced family members turning on them and being unsupportive of their weight loss/fitness journey?

submitted by /u/Any-Nectarine118
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Advice on Phentermine for Weight Loss? Am I going nuts?

Hey guys, I am 25/Male. I have been dealing with hypothyroidism for about 13 years now, weight loss have been an issue for a long time but I have always been able to manage it. My weight would fluctuate but nothing I couldn’t control with some healthy eating and working out. 5 years ago, when I was 20 years I was in the best shape of my life when I torn my ACL/Meniscus. For over a year I didn’t do anything to make sure I fully recovered and couldn’t come back full forced, during that time I went from 165lbs to 245lbs. In 2 years I was able to get back down to 185lbs through boxing and running and obviously a lot of dieting until 3 years ago when I got injured again. Now, I am weighing 270lbs and for the past 2 year I have done literally EVERYTHING I know to lose weight, Keto, Whole 30, “The military Diet”, I even tried water fasting and couldn’t accomplish anything significant. After 2 years of hell my doctor (who doesn’t really know my like that), decided to put me on Phentermine/Topiramate 37.5/100mg. I started taking this medication on Friday, didn’t feel much until Sunday, as far as I know, until I literally started feeling nothing, I feel like I have severe depression, I feel nothing, I don’t want to do anything, I sleep all day and stay up all night, I feel meaningless, I feel extremely scared for absolutely no reason. No, I am not having suicidal thoughts, I am extremely self aware as I have dealt with depressing in the past, I just am not sure if this is worth it or even normal. I honestly feel like I’m going crazy. Can anybody shine a light on my situation? :) Thank you.

submitted by /u/ManagerConfident
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