Monday, November 26, 2018

My weight has taken over my life

I used to be a healthy girl and was happy with my body. Now I’m just fat and getting fatter all the time. My husband and I divorced 6 months ago, and I have full custody of our children. This makes it even harder for my weight sake. In just those 6 months I have put on about 40 pounds. In the 10 years we were married I gained about 100-120 pounds. We had 4 kids and I never really lost weight from my pregnancies. I guess I just got so settled in that I let myself go, but now I’m so stressed that I’m getting fatter, even faster than before. Currently I weigh 280 pounds and I am only 5 foot 4. My doctor has diagnosed me as prediabetic. I’m only 28 and I had a heart test that said I have arteries and veins that are being clogged up, leaving me at a higher risk of heart disease. I have had asthma since I was a kid but now it has restricted my weight loss efforts. I am barely sleeping, I always have food to snack on with me, and I eat food even when I’m not hungry. I don’t want to pass my habits on to my kids. My oldest is 11(I had her when I was a high school student and I dropped out), and she is already getting big. Her last appointment she was 4 foot 8 inches tall and weighed 140 pounds. My others are still healthy but I need to lose my weight before they all pick up my habits and become elephants like me. Please help if you have ideas

submitted by /u/MossyStew777
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Questions about spot reduction & genetics

So starting off I’m 25, 6’1, and 276 pounds. My most noticeable fat is stored in my stomach and chest. My upper body strength is non-existent and all my strength is in my legs. They’re visibly muscular/skinny, which leaves my body looking disproportionate. I’ve always been someone who walks everywhere, and I used to actively play games that involved running. Now, my question is; 1. Are my legs like this due to genetics, or is it because most of my exercise has to do with using my legs? I’ve been told that, because my legs have to carry so much weight on them (upper body), they’re inevitably gonna look better / be stronger. 2. If that’s the case, would that be considered a form of spot reduction/gaining?

Sorry if it’s a stupid question, but I’m just trying to understand as much as I can while starting my weight loss journey.

Last question is, 3. Is Cardio (mainly treadmill) alone enough to lose fat from my upper body? I know that question might sound ridiculous, but I’ve got the concept of running = solely working out your legs stuck in my head and I just really need someone to disprove it for me so I can get it out of my head. I’ve read so many articles online that contradict one another that I’m left more confused than before I started. This sub has definitely helped motivate me and I figure getting these questions answered by people who have experience and might’ve been in the same boat of confusion as I’m in now would be my best option.

submitted by /u/Snatchedt
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[Please help!][Diet] I'm noticing a severe lack of information for Men

Long story short: Originally lost almost 100 lbs, but I've gained and yo-yo'd so much in the past 2 years that I've lost around a total of 220-250 lbs, but gained most of that back. Now, I'm sitting at a 60lb loss from my starting weight (CW is actually 260-265 now).

I have NEVER had a healthy relationship with food. Most of my weight loss was due to depression (I struggle with depression daily, which usually causes me to over eat, but I went through a really hard time that caused me to be physically sick at even the thought of eating or food. I literally could not stomach any food for months. I had to force feed myself) and starving myself. I was never really taught what a health diet was. Health Ed would just go over a chapter of things like "Well you should consume 2 and a half cups of veggies a day" which means fuck all to a 10-13 year old kid who has no real control over his diet. I lived with my mother who was always working, and only rarely would she ever make a dinner (which was almost always just a prepackaged lasagna meal or the like), so I would just eat whatever I found in the kitchen. On top of all this, I was going to school at the same time that the FDA took bribes/lobbied into promoting grains as the group you need most of. So this already messed up my image of meals.

Now, years later, I'm paying for it. My body has no idea what a healthy meal plan is. It constantly yearns for unhealthy foods. I sometimes will break the addiction, but one slip up causes me to lose it completely. I'm tired of being ashamed of looking at myself in the mirror. I'm constantly told I'm attractive and I still manage to get plenty of dates, but I do not believe any of it. I don't believe I'm attractive, and my mind automatically dismisses anyone who says I'm good looking. I've made many mistakes in my past that I constantly work on myself to make sure I never make them, and I think part of me is subconsciously punishing myself for hurting others by eating.

So I've tried looking up a healthy daily meal plan. Not even for weight loss, but just what a normal mid twenties male should eat on a daily basis. And I only found one thing that doesn't mean shit. Two cups of 'veggies' doesn't mean anything to me. Two cups of corn? Two cups of canned corn? What is any of that?

Everything else is just for getting 'lean' or 'building muscle.' Not a single thing seems to actually talk about what a regular healthy day of eating looks like for a man. But there seems to be a ton of information for women.

I'm not a body builder. I used to work out, but it has always made me sick and I hated every second of it. Even when I just did daily jogs for almost a year, I hated all of it. I'm fine with 20 minute walks a few times a day, but actually working out is a complete dread and every inch of my body and mind hates it. So all these meal plans for "Building muscle" and "getting lean and toned" is useless to me.

It shouldn't be this hard to know what you should eat daily, or what an average day of eating looks like for a man. My most healthy meal plan I've had and stayed on for more than a few weeks was:

1 boneless skinless chicken breast baked (slightly seasoned)

1 frozen bag of veggies (400~ calories)

3 fried eggs

2 pieces of toast

some sort of jam or jelly (If I had it available. Usually I didn't)

And usually a sandwich (tuna) or another frozen bag of veggies (Usually the bag)

And that worked for awhile for losing weight. But I ended up falling off the wagon again, because this isn't really healthy, and I was still hungry.

I drink tons of water (I know exactly what my urine should look like, and drink accordingly. That, I have down to a T. Although I should take more sips instead of gulps).

So please, someone tell me what a healthy male diet is. Not for losing weight or building muscle, but just an average daily meal plan looks like. I have a fitbit Ionic that tracks my calories burned, and I usually sit between 2800-3500 calories burned a day. (4200~ when I used to jog)

submitted by /u/Lavanthus
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Can games like Wii Fit help me lose weight?

I’ve been overweight for the majority of my life. Currently I’m 15 and 220+ Lbs. I’ve always wanted to weigh less, but I could never find a good motivation to keep me going with anything. No one I know who is overweight actually wants to lose weight.

I was browsing YouTube the other day, and after watching a video it clicked. Fitness games

My one and only hobby is video games (which is partially why I’m overweight...) But I think a game like Wii Fit could actually give me the motivation to exercise.

I just want to know: is Wii Fit actually an effective weight loss strategy?

I have Wii Fit Plus and the balance board, so I wouldn’t need to spend anything.

submitted by /u/wt_anonymous
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Monday, 26 November 2018

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

Daily journal.

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submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I’m struggling so hard with not letting criticism of weight loss from “fat acceptance” and “anti diet” people get to me.

No one has said anything directly to me so this is really seriously all an internal, mental thing.

I just am struggling so much with letting go of my fury and disappointment around these awful, misinformed ideas that weight loss is inherently “disordered,” that food addiction is somehow “a lie made up by diet culture.” Recently I’ve even been reading some people saying that “emotional eating is a valid coping skill.”

I used to buy into it all and used this BS rhetoric to enable my awful eating habits—fast food everyday, even more whenever I was feeling depressed or guilty or happy or anxious or lonely.

It kills me to know that there are more people like me out there, reading that stuff, and buying into it because these “health at every size” gurus are good at manipulating people’s shame, enabling what imo is self-harming behavior NOT self-soothing (!), and probably too deep in their own shit to realize they themselves have battles left to fight.

Whenever I see this stuff (which I don’t have to, I should just block people who post it and not seek it out—this is true) I get so discouraged.

I also have OCD, and I am constantly doubting myself and my sanity. So this bullshit makes me obsess over the fear that I MUST secretly have an eating disorder that everyone else can see and I can’t, or that I’m a “bad feminist,” the list goes on.

It fucking sucks man. I’ve lost 30 pounds and I feel proud of myself but god it would be so much easier if I could just stop letting these awful external opinions undermine my confidence in my decision to lose weight. Why the frick do I have a brain that insists on gaslighting itself at every turn?? Shit is whack.

It’s also hard because I can tell my therapist is personally against weight loss—when I mentioned it she got visibly skeptical, passed some judgment on my physicians recommendation to lose weight to improve my health—and that makes me totally unable to let my guard down around her enough to benefit from our sessions or trust her expertise. I also said I wanted to find a new therapist and she asked me to come back for another session to be sure. I dunno. I just feel like I can’t trust myself.

Anyway reading “anti diet” shit makes me feel so defeated. I wish it didn’t. But, it does. I’m not going to stop losing weight, eating well, or exercising because of it. It’s just frustrating.

Does anyone else relate to this at all? I feel like I’m the only one who toils over this moralistic bullshit, I wish I could turn off my brain haha.

submitted by /u/saturnsrevengebody
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Online Weight Loss Meetings? (Like Weight Watchers)

I had an idea from another interaction I had on this site.

People report that Weight Watchers is super effective. I don't think that has anything to do with the plan. I don't see why it would be better than CICO. I think the personal support and accountability are the main reasons it helps people.

I do not see why something like this couldn't be replicated online, although I'm not sure exactly how.

This sub is good, but it lacks the 'accountability' factor. Nobody will realize if you don't come online here for a while. It is also not personal at all. People don't really get to know you and get invested in your success.

A group video call like Google Hangouts would be good in theory, but it can be hard to get a word in edgewise if there are too many members.

Does anyone have any ideas about how something like this could work?

(Stats to appease the bot: F 24, CW: 177 GW: 120 HW: 190)

submitted by /u/MotivationPositivity
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from loseit - Lose the Fat