Monday, November 26, 2018

Questions about spot reduction & genetics

So starting off I’m 25, 6’1, and 276 pounds. My most noticeable fat is stored in my stomach and chest. My upper body strength is non-existent and all my strength is in my legs. They’re visibly muscular/skinny, which leaves my body looking disproportionate. I’ve always been someone who walks everywhere, and I used to actively play games that involved running. Now, my question is; 1. Are my legs like this due to genetics, or is it because most of my exercise has to do with using my legs? I’ve been told that, because my legs have to carry so much weight on them (upper body), they’re inevitably gonna look better / be stronger. 2. If that’s the case, would that be considered a form of spot reduction/gaining?

Sorry if it’s a stupid question, but I’m just trying to understand as much as I can while starting my weight loss journey.

Last question is, 3. Is Cardio (mainly treadmill) alone enough to lose fat from my upper body? I know that question might sound ridiculous, but I’ve got the concept of running = solely working out your legs stuck in my head and I just really need someone to disprove it for me so I can get it out of my head. I’ve read so many articles online that contradict one another that I’m left more confused than before I started. This sub has definitely helped motivate me and I figure getting these questions answered by people who have experience and might’ve been in the same boat of confusion as I’m in now would be my best option.

submitted by /u/Snatchedt
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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