Monday, November 26, 2018

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Tuesday, 27 November 2018

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submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Is anyone else struggling without salads?

F 26Y 5'5" SW:241 CW:221 GW:150

Since the CDC reported another outbreak of E. Coli in romaine lettuce last week, I've had to throw out all the salads I had prepped for the next 2 weeks. I'm really struggling with finding something else to eat during lunch. I've gone to the drive thru for my last 2 shifts and I can't shake my old cravings. Thanksgiving weekend triggered my BED and now I feel like I'm free falling because my planned and prepped meals are ruined.

I guess I'm looking for ideas, encouragement, or just someone to listen. I've been in this weight loss road for 3 years and I'm feeling defeated.

submitted by /u/colette_terie92
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

my mom keeps making comment about my weight and how i am gaining back what i've lost so far. it's really messing with me. advice? support?

i'll try not to ramble too much, but here's the deal...

i started losing weight in february of this year at my starting weight and hit my current weight around august. since august, i've been on and off counting depending on the week. i was felt mentally drained from counting so hardcore over the past months and i wanted a break. this past month, i haven't been logging because i just couldn't bear to do it.

i've been overweight my entire life and my relationship with food is pretty messed up so, i know i shouldn't just be not logging. i eat it for sadness, happiness, and just because. it's easy for me to get in the mindset of, "oh i already ate this today, today is ruined! might as well have this, this, and this." i am really working on it, but since this has been a lifelong affair, it's going to take a lot of time to mend it. not to mention, it's hard for me to take notice of my weight loss as it is. i've lost just about 40lbs which is huge on my 5'2" body, but i often still feel i look over 200.

i'm trying to get back in the habit of logging, but i have been getting back into weighing everything out and logging. these more relaxed months i've managed to eat a maintenance. the past month though, my mom has been making comments that are really making me discouraged. she says things like, "how much have you gained back?" "are you gaining?" "i don't want you to gain back", sometimes while feeling my side. she'll give looks of disapproval when i am eating or say that i am hungry. i've gained maybe 3lbs (some of which is water weight from thanksgiving), but i feel like i've gained back everything.

i love my mom, i really do, but she doesn't understand. she's never been overweight and does not struggle with any food related issues. she has helped me and i do appreciate it, but i am an adult and this is my decision. i try to explain to her it's more than just not eating and there's so many mental aspects. her comments are really fucking me up though, even if they come from a place of genuine concern. i don't know how else to say it to her. i don't need her to police my eating or to make me feel guilty when i am having a day of maintenance. plus, even when i am counting i can have something that's "bad" just a portioned out version.

am i being too sensitive or are my feelings justified? is there a different way i can explain to her what she says really messes with my mental state when it comes to weight loss / eating?

thank you for reading!

submitted by /u/gloom-ish
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

F 21 5'7" 210 to 178 pounds in 3 months (I need some advice)

Hello, I started my weight loss journey at the end of August this summer. I lost 20 pounds in the first month and since then it's been pretty slow going. When I look in the mirror I don't see a difference. Just 5 years ago I was 130 pounds and I feel like a cow compared to then. I know I should give myself more credit but I'm still not happy with my appearance. I've hit a plateau and I'm feeling even more discouraged. On top of that none of my clothes fit me which makes me feel even worse. All my clothes from before I lost weight are way too big. All of my clothes from before I gained weight are still too small. I guess I just wanna know if anyone else has felt this way while losing weight. Thanks

submitted by /u/Casual_Nurse
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My weight loss journey.

195lbs to 152lbs in 3 months. 1.5 years later currently 145lbs.

Comparison picture:

I’m posting this because I try and motivate others to lead a healthier lifestyle. Not only physically but mentally. Weight gain and being unhappy with your body, to me, is a huge factor in one's mental health.

Anyway, here is my story.

Got to a rough spot in my life where I wasn’t happy with myself about 2 years ago. I was at my heaviest at 195lbs. I was tired, depressed, and generally unhappy with my life; failing relationship, terrible work environment, and of course my weight.

I tried working out and dieting but never committed. I continued to eat poorly and go to the gym maybe once or twice a week. I wasn’t noticing any results and quickly became discouraged.

1.5 years ago I hired a nutritionist and workout coach. This was the best thing I could have done for myself. I made some changes, stayed consistent and am now where I am today.

I never lifted before starting this and gained all of my muscle during the past 1.5 years. This is the biggest I’ve ever been from a muscle standpoint and will continue to lift for the aesthetics.

My results are from a combination of intermittent fasting and carb cycling. Lots of protein, weightlifting, and cardio. I’ve noticed my energy is much higher and making healthy choices is easier than it was before.

I’m the happiest I’ve ever been with myself and my body and only keep pushing towards a better version of myself.

I’m open to answering whatever questions you may have.

submitted by /u/BabyRCF
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Does the accepted TDEE math not work for anyone else?

Hey all, I’m a short female (5’1”) who has been at this weight loss game for a while now. I’ve lost over 60 lbs and am about 15 from my ultimate goal. However, I’ve found that if I follow tdee/bmr estimates for how much I can eat in order to lose 1 lb/week I don’t lose at all. In fact, I have to eat significantly less than that (a few hundred under) and even then the loss is less than 1 lb/week.

Does something happen when you calorie count for a significant amount of time? Does your body get more efficient at holding on to the fat? I’m not thin at all currently so there’s no reason for my body to want to hang on to the lbs.

Or maybe bmr/tdee doesn’t change with your weight as linearly as previously thought?

As a side note, yes I do weigh everything, no I don’t eat back exercise calories, and yes I have adjusted my calculators now that I’ve lost weight.

submitted by /u/Ukneekorn
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Am 55 and had great results with Intermittent Fasting

Just wanted to share this with those that might be on the fence about trying Intermittent Fasting ( or might now know about it ).

I started a work sponsored weight loss competition at the beginning of this year. Intermittent Fasting had been on my radar and decided to give it a shot.

It worked beyond my wildest expectations.

From January to June I went from :

221 to 150 lbs

35% body fat to 15 % body fat

42 inch waist to 29 inch waist

And best of all - not a single sick day since I started. My dentist even commented on the improvement of my gums.

There is a ton of good info and research online about Intermittent Fasting. I have yo yo dieted for decades and never would I have believed I could have seen results like this. It worked so well that I blew past my original goal weight by 30 lbs.

Just wanted to share a success story for those ( especially for those around my age ) who are wanting to lose and not sure how.

submitted by /u/Jobijuanfaster
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from loseit - Lose the Fat