Tuesday, November 27, 2018

How can I help my sister?

Hello all!

I've been a lurker on this sub for a couple months and its helped me lose my first 10 lbs (woo!) and I was wondering if any of you have any advice. My sister has been steadily gaining weight over the last few years and it's getting to the point where I am worried about her health. She's probably about 80-100 lbs overweight and she's continuing to gain weight. Being on my own weight loss journey has been really eye opening and I would like to help her if she needs motivation or tips but I don't want to bring it up and make her upset. I know I'm not responsible for her health and I can't make her do anything she doesn't want to do but has anyone else dealt with this? Is there anything I can do to help her get started?

submitted by /u/radcheese
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MyFitnessPal + Fitbit Calories?

Hey guys, just starting my weight loss journey. Hi!

I just started using MyFitnessPal and weighing/measuring my food, but I also use a Fitbit. I synced them together and now if I exercise, MyFitnessPal subtracts the calories I burned on my Fitbit from what I ate, and tells me that I need to eat the remainder to hit 1200 calories.

Example: 1200 (goal) - 1200 (food) + 325 (exercise) = 325 (remaining)

My question is, should I be aiming for 1200 calories regardless of exercise, or should I be eating that extra 325 calories so my net calorie intake is 1200? For context, I'm 30 lbs overweight and trying to lose 2 lbs/wk.

Thank you for your help!

submitted by /u/hidinginthereddit
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2P3kBBb

I just lost a bunch of weight. Now comes the hard part: Learning how to feel normal.

I've recently had weight loss surgery and lost a lot of weight.

My weight has fluctuated all my life, and I've managed to lose weight briefly at times before exploding back bigger than ever-- hence my decision to get weight loss surgery. The surgery was successful. I've lost 45 pounds in the last two months and I'm on track to be thinner than I've ever been in my adult life.

The other day I met up with a particularly outgoing and expressive friend. While with her I realized that despite looking and feeling better than I've felt in many years, I couldn't bring myself to feel confident and outgoing. Especially when posing for photos, I felt this insane mental restriction that prevented me from being goofy, happy, or even smiling. I don't know what I was afraid of? Maybe that I'd be the fat guy embarrassing himself? I still feel like someone who weighs closer to 300 lbs than someone approaching 200lbs. I still feel out of place and that I'm taking up too much space. I still feel ugly and undesirable. My anxiety and nervousness made me so lame to hang out with and I felt like I ruined the day.

I know it's irrational. I look in the mirror and see a reasonably handsome guy that has a reasonably normal body. I believe I'm a very nice, albeit very quiet, good person. Over the years I've lost confidence in myself and became very low-volume and soft-spoken. I feel extreme anxiety being around large groups of people because I've always thought that I didn't look like them and didn't know how to be like *them*.

In time, I'm sure I can learn to feel the way I look. But for now, in my mind, I'm still that tubby quiet loner.

Anyway, just needed to get that out there because I'm hoping I'm not the only one and therapists are expensive.

submitted by /u/Unlucky13
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2r8058I

Wedding dress victory

I made my first post here a year ago and since then my weight loss journey has had its ups and downs. I was at my heaviest ever in April 2018 when my wonderful boyfriend surprised me with a proposal. I was incredibly happy, but seeing pictures from that night made me realize how far I'd let things go and how badly I needed a change. Fortunately, there's nothing that motivates quite like an impending wedding!

I started on keto shortly after and had great results. I lost 30 lbs relatively quickly and didn't feel like I was working all that hard to do it. I was running 5k with my mom about 3x per week, and eventually got to the point where I didn't have to stop and take a break halfway. People were beginning to notice my weightloss and I felt great.

Then the wheels fell off the wagon with a silly slice of cheesecake. Which turned into two, and then five, and then one remarkable stomach ache later, I was out of the swing of my diet. I had worked hard, why shouldn't I eat a whole box of cheez-its? Well regaining 10 lbs was why - moderation has never been my strong suit.

But I got back on the horse, on and off keto, but more than just controlling what I was eating, I worked on developing better habits. I don't have to finish everything on my plate; I should sit here for a few minutes before I go get seconds; if I'm not hungry, I shouldn't eat lunch just because its lunch time and I brought tasty leftovers. I was working on developing a new relationship with food.

Another habit was continuing to run, and going to the gym a few times a week to get back into the habit. I loved lifting in high school, and I wanted to feel strong again.

So that brings me to this week, and what a week it has been! On Sunday, I weighed in at 45 lbs down from my starting weight - and in a healthy BMI range for the first time since probably middle school. Yesterday, I ran 5k in 26 minutes and 13 seconds, which blew my old PR out of the water by nearly two minutes. I felt fast! And today, I stand here in my wedding dress that I ordered 6 months ago, and I am drowning in it. What was the perfect size just a short time ago is now going to require some serious tailoring, and it might just be the happiest $250 I'll ever spend.

I get married in April, so I'm hoping to lose this last 20 lbs by then, but even if I don't, I'm so proud of how far I've come. I have developed good eating and exercising habits, and despite the misery that is grad school, I'm making time for me. I must acknowledge the unwavering support of my wonderful fiancé, who has even gone so far as to ride his bike next to me while I run and cheer me on (he has a knee injury and can't run himself).

Thank you for reading and sharing my happiness with me :)

submitted by /u/fatgirlrunning3
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2r7jDdB

Weight loss, ?dysmorphia? and vanity sizing

I’ve lost about 15kg / 33lbs in the past 6 months, and while it’s not a drastic change, it’s quite a big change (at least it is to me).

Since they (some article by HuffPost) say 15lbs is about one size down, and 30+ lbs should be about two sizes down, right? But I’m generally pretty pearish and most of weight is in my thighs, so while my clothes generally fit better, they also fit a little weirder. My jeans and leggings hug my calves pretty nicely, but on my thighs...they just flare around the widest part of my hips and hang loose on the hips. There’s a 10inch difference between my waist and hips, and while tailoring is an obvious option I can’t really do much in the way of leggings.

I don’t know what my problem really is, I’m just very anxious when clothes shopping, not because “what if I lose more weight?”, but because “what if I don’t fit in to size _____ pants anymore?”. I’m used to trying on clothes from the largest size down (I’m in asia, the largest size is usually an XL or maybe a size 16 or 44 in US/EU sizes) and naturally the gap between size XL, L and M aren’t that big either. With vanity sizing, that’s even scarier, because most clothes go S,M and L, and that’s all the info you have besides visually eyeballing the shapeless garment. I won’t know if I’m to big for an L or too small until I try it, and when I do try it stresses me out when I can’t fit into the size L pants, because it makes me feel like the weight I lost is insignificant and unnoticeable.

submitted by /u/jaguhs
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2SdLaFJ

Strength training

I have been very sedentary throughout my life and I am pretty certain because of that I have next to none in terms of muscle mass (also because I have dieted back and forth which also lowers muscle mass) and I realise that just counting calories isn't going to help in the long run. I am finding it difficult to stay in a calorie deficit to lose weight and I have tried many types of eating like keto, paleo IF. Been working with a therapist and well we can't seem to find an answer to me eating large portions.

To my question, anyone know of a guide that talks and guides you about strength training from a weight loss perspective? When I google it I get websites that contradict the information of the other and most don't even seem to understand weight loss in the first place. Perhaps there is a subreddit specifically for this? I'm not sure.

submitted by /u/SpellbladeAluriel
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2zt7wvQ

Need Help Interpreting Doctor Visit

(This could get long...) So- I’m female, 60, 5’1”, CW 172. I am at my doctor’s office for a two month follow up to get lab results for mostly thyroid. I had just changed to this integrative doctor the beginning of September, after being seen by internal medicine for ~20 years. I became so fearful of the too fat going to get diabetes going to get metabolic syndrome blood pressure too high lecture that I had developed some sort of doctor’s office PTSD or something, and couldn’t even force myself to go for an annual visit, and had run out of thyroid meds, and had not been taking it because they wouldn’t give me a refill, and everything was effed up. I was also at my highest weight of my life this summer, but down about 5 pounds from that thanks to half-hearted calorie counting and failing. (I’ve been down to a pretty decent weight, but some life stuff happened a couple years ago and I gained it all back and more.) So back to today. I’m about 15 pounds lighter than the visit two months ago, and roughly 25 pounds less than my SW. I’ve been eating 1200 calories of homemade food, higher protein, lower carbs, no grains, potatoes, legumes, alcohol. So my liver enzymes were back to normal. The doctor is of course pleased, and says, okay, you’ve done it! Now we just have to get the thyroid dialed in. I’m like, but I really want to get down to 130ish. She is horrified. My liver will not be happy because it has to filter all the toxins out of the fat I’m losing. My gallbladder will, I don’t even know, do something awful. Okay, I’ve read that gallbladder issues are common with rapid weight loss, and especially with a diet of under 1200 calories. The doctor says, no more than 10 more pounds, for this year (and she does not mean until January 1st, she means a year from when I started losing). I say, but I can remember being 135, and was 150 only two years ago! She is quite adamant that I’m at a fine weight now. Still obese, not even down to overweight. I don’t want to make her angry, but I also don’t believe 172 pounds, or even 160, is an appropriate weight for a 5’1” tall female. I work in health care, I have a kind of active job of walking, sitting, moving patients around (lifting). I have recently started running again. I’m fairly athletic by nature, and have run a bunch of marathons and even a 50k trail race, and after that, was really into long distance cycling, working up to a 600k (in one shot) ride, and then cycling to work every day for a year. So, I’m pretty healthy in terms of athleticism, although not at that level now, but I still have nice muscles and a good base- I could go out and run a half marathon tomorrow if I needed to. And diet wise, I’m completely off fast food, prepared food, added sugar, alcohol- I’m cooking everything myself, fresh whole foods, organic, lots of cultured foods- so I feel like my diet and exercise are squared away. Is it true, then, that if I continue to lose weight at a slowed-down to make Doctor happy rate of a pound a week, my liver/gallbladder will not be able to handle that? I mean, they can’t handle being obese, either! I feel pretty let down. I expected a reaction more like, great job, keep up the good work. Do I actually need to worry, if I’m careful to not go under 1200? I’m feeling baffled...

submitted by /u/ssnake-eyess
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