Saturday, March 23, 2019

Does anyone else feel like the challenge of weight loss was too built up as an almost impossible feat until you tried it?

I feel like I would have started sooner had I known how straight forward it could be. I'm not saying it is easy by any means, but based on what I read on Reddit and how people react to weight loss it always seemed like this almost unattainable feat to me. Then I just started going to the gym one day and simply eliminated eating between meals. I stuck with one gym visit per day, limited my snacks to just one before bed, and cut out fast food. I don't really count calories too often, I just make sure I don't eat when it's not meal time. It's definitely been a significant change in my lifestyle but I have lost 22+ pounds in less than three months. I never realized it would be so relatively "easy". Honestly, anyone can do this by just committing to a few simple rules you set for yourself. Additionally, I've found that eliminating cheat days has worked well for me. It muddies the waters too much in my opinion.

submitted by /u/nightpanda893
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Onederland at last! 34lbs in 2 months! + Progress Pics!

I really looked forward to making this post when I started and right now I don't have a ton of enthusiasm, but I felt I owed it to myself to make a post.

I normally keep a constant weight throughout the week and then on weekends it just sheds off. On Friday morning I weighed in at 200.1lbs. I skipped breakfast and lunch just because I needed the dopamine hit of seeing 199. When I got home it showed a beautiful 199.9lbs.

I drank a lot of Vodka yesterday to celebrate, did a lot of peeing, and this morning I weighed in at 197.0lbs.

I have my ex to thank for breaking my heart and causing my brain to flip a switch and decide I'm not going to fall into the trap of life-long obesity and severe hypertension. I started off pretty poorly with my diet, eating 600-1000 kcal/day. That lasted pretty much the entire first month. I still struggle a bit to hit over 1,000 naturally but I have plenty of calorie-dense foods I use to stuff in an extra 500 kcal at the end of the day.

Anyways, I was 231lbs on January 31st, the day I kicked out my ex. Today I'm 197 (actually 198 because I just ate), and am looking forward to the coming months. I really hope to hit my goal weight of 150 by the end of the year, and possibly get down to 135 somewhere down the line.

A lot of weight fell off at the start, water weight of course, but here's the breakdown of my weight loss by dates I logged in MyFitnessPal:

Jan 31 - 231.6

Feb 09 - 219.0

Feb 14 - 216.5

Feb 18 - 213.5

Feb 24 - 212.7

Mar 03 - 208.7

Mar 07 - 207

Mar 09 - 204.8

Mar 12 - 203.2

Mar 15 - 202.6

Mar 19 - 200.8

Mar 22 - 199.9

Mar 23 - 197.0

I've gone to the thrift store already to celebrate and buy a few pieces of smaller clothes. I've gone from wearing size 40 pants (actually barely squeezing into 38) to loosely fitting into 36. I've gone from squeezing into XL shirts because I hated the idea of 2XL to comfortably wearing Large.

197 is actually the lowest weight I've hit in about 9 years. in 2010 I was in 9th grade and weighed 195lbs. I rose up to about 225 by the end of high school and then dropping down to 197 in 2015 when I flew from Ohio to Florida to meet up with a beautiful girl I met on Habbo Hotel. She moved to Ohio with me and I ballooned from 197 to 246 in 2017. I was able to bring that down a little, but I stayed in the 225-235 range up until she decided she needed additional men in her life in January of this year.

My goal weight of 150 would be the lowest I've weighed since 5th grade when I was 5'0.

Anyways, here's Wonderwall the progress photos

submitted by /u/Ketoznia
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Sunday, 24 March 2019

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

Daily journal.

Interested in some side quests?

Community bulletin board!

If you are new to the sub, click here for our posting guidelines

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

2 days in and feeling 50/50

16 F 5’6 221 lbs:: So I’m two days in to counting calories and I feel excited to and I am doing good I feel, I have been counting everything I have been able to pull myself away from most urges to snack right after a meal and overall have been feeling good about starting this process my mom and sisters are very supportive and are encouraging me for healthy eating. But both these first two days I have gone about 300-600 calories over my limit. And I feel sorta like a failure. It’s not like I want to stop I am going to continue but I feel like I’m getting off on a bad foot. And it’s not like I pig out all day I start food and solid and it’s not until dinner time that I go over. I guess I just need to figure out the right rhythm for me. The only thing giving me a bit of hope right now is that I’ve barely started and haven’t really found my footing yet but I hope to find that footing. And hopefully get into a groove where I can be under calorie every day and start my weight loss journey! and sorry for the long rant lol

submitted by /u/erinmuch
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Am I Losing Too Much Weight?

Hey all, this may be a strange post here, but lately I've wondered if I've lost too much weight, and if my thinking about my weight needs to change.

A year ago, I weighed 212 pounds at 6'0. I wanted to lose weight, so starting in June I counted calories and started doing cardio regularly. The weight started to burn off, and 9 months later I now weigh 150 pounds. As I lost weight, comments from my friends in family went from "Wow you look great!" to "You're looking really thin" recently.

My problem is that I'm still having a hard time of being perfectly content with my body. I'm still experiencing body dysmorphia, and I've been told that what I thought was stomach fat might actually just be loose skin, which means my stomach has never looked as flat as I wanted to.

I hit a plateau with weight loss in December when I was 165 pounds, so I thought I was done. But then I started weight lifting in January to tone my body, (which might mean that I should be eating more calories now that I'm working out more than I used to, while still eating like I'm on a diet) which is what lead to me losing more weight.

I'm so used to eating like I'm on a diet, that trying to eat enough calories to maintain my weight and to gain some muscle has been really hard. (My calorie calculator says that I should be eating 2400 calories a day to maintain my weight, which I am no where near reaching.)

I just feel like the battle with my mind and body has done a complete 180 from trying to lose weight to trying to now maintain it, because I don't want to be under 150 pounds at 6', but at the same time I'm worried about gaining weight back that I worked to lose.

Has anyone else experienced this? Just wondering if there are other stories or advice out there.

submitted by /u/hangusinthelouvre
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Finally below 230 again!

I'm retired Army. I was never as big as I was when I moved to this new city, at 251. A combination of depression meds and an undiagnosed hormonal condition was sending my weight slowly upward and I was at a breaking point. Imagine one time casually climbing a bombed out palace for fun and now having fat rolls. Sad times.

When I moved I decided to make weight loss a priority. I found an exercise program I like that can work around my disabilities and have been going 3x a week (started at 2, working up to 4). My new doctor spotted the hormonal issue and I'm on meds to address it.

I struggled with meal prep for a long time, but when the first five pounds came off it was so motivating. I felt like if I could lose a little without diet change, maybe I could lose way more with some tweaks.

A couple weeks of meal prepping down just for lunch and I am down to 226. I am iffy about the slightly droopy skin right now but know it will tone up as I keep losing. I feel really psyched up... like, if I can lose the same amount I've lost, I'll be under 200 again! I'm getting my fit Army body back (well, some of it)! The next move is to do fruit or egg white breakfast at least half the week.

This small success is really motivating me and I wanted to share. Reading the stories here really helps. You're all real people putting in the work. Thanks for helping me do the same.

submitted by /u/deadlyhausfrau
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

NSV Finally feel confident in photographs!

F/28/5'6"/SW(this time around): 206/ CW:160/GW:145

I'm 46lbs lighter and while I'm not at my goal weight yet I finally feel confident enough to jump into photographs! It's been years (around 10 at this point) since I've felt this comfortable. I went from un-tagging nearly every photo that was uploaded onto facebook to keeping them all. I think this has been my favorite victory so far. I can't tell you how many pictures I've skipped out of with my kids. I'm glad I get to build that portfolio up!

CICO has been my friend along with working out (I love all the group fitness classes- especially the dancing ones). I try to go to those once a day Monday-Friday. The weekends are usually my lazy days and have typically resulted in some wild eatting. I generally stay under 1600 calories a day. I hope to hit the -60lb mark by the time I get to my 1 year mark with the gym at the end of May. This has been the furthest I've gone with my weight loss hoping not to hit any more potholes in this journey. I've spent this past month maintaining (ish) to say the least. I've got 15 more lbs to go-wish me luck!

submitted by /u/nthomas1014
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from loseit - Lose the Fat