Saturday, March 23, 2019

2 days in and feeling 50/50

16 F 5’6 221 lbs:: So I’m two days in to counting calories and I feel excited to and I am doing good I feel, I have been counting everything I have been able to pull myself away from most urges to snack right after a meal and overall have been feeling good about starting this process my mom and sisters are very supportive and are encouraging me for healthy eating. But both these first two days I have gone about 300-600 calories over my limit. And I feel sorta like a failure. It’s not like I want to stop I am going to continue but I feel like I’m getting off on a bad foot. And it’s not like I pig out all day I start food and solid and it’s not until dinner time that I go over. I guess I just need to figure out the right rhythm for me. The only thing giving me a bit of hope right now is that I’ve barely started and haven’t really found my footing yet but I hope to find that footing. And hopefully get into a groove where I can be under calorie every day and start my weight loss journey! and sorry for the long rant lol

submitted by /u/erinmuch
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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