Saturday, March 23, 2019

Am I Losing Too Much Weight?

Hey all, this may be a strange post here, but lately I've wondered if I've lost too much weight, and if my thinking about my weight needs to change.

A year ago, I weighed 212 pounds at 6'0. I wanted to lose weight, so starting in June I counted calories and started doing cardio regularly. The weight started to burn off, and 9 months later I now weigh 150 pounds. As I lost weight, comments from my friends in family went from "Wow you look great!" to "You're looking really thin" recently.

My problem is that I'm still having a hard time of being perfectly content with my body. I'm still experiencing body dysmorphia, and I've been told that what I thought was stomach fat might actually just be loose skin, which means my stomach has never looked as flat as I wanted to.

I hit a plateau with weight loss in December when I was 165 pounds, so I thought I was done. But then I started weight lifting in January to tone my body, (which might mean that I should be eating more calories now that I'm working out more than I used to, while still eating like I'm on a diet) which is what lead to me losing more weight.

I'm so used to eating like I'm on a diet, that trying to eat enough calories to maintain my weight and to gain some muscle has been really hard. (My calorie calculator says that I should be eating 2400 calories a day to maintain my weight, which I am no where near reaching.)

I just feel like the battle with my mind and body has done a complete 180 from trying to lose weight to trying to now maintain it, because I don't want to be under 150 pounds at 6', but at the same time I'm worried about gaining weight back that I worked to lose.

Has anyone else experienced this? Just wondering if there are other stories or advice out there.

submitted by /u/hangusinthelouvre
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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