Saturday, March 30, 2019

Tell me your weight loss/regain stories

I feel like in most weight loss forums, the people who are/have successfully lost weight have the spotlight, and those who have tried and encountered hardships are pushed aside.

The point of these forums is to learn from and support each other, so with that in mind I would like to ask the following of my fellow r/loseit subscribers who have lost a substantial amount of weight then regained some/all of it back. Did you know it was happening? Were you aware you were in the process of gaining back and didn’t have the power to stop it, or did it suddenly dawn on you that you had gained back, and it came as a shock. Are there any warning signs you would tell people who have lost weight to look out for in regards to regain, and is there anything you wish you had done differently.

I myself had (past tense) lost over 70kg, and during the past 3 stressful months at university have regained around 5. I am fully aware that my old stress eating habits have come back with a vengeance, and what’s worse, I keep telling myself I will be able to undo the damage I am doing now because “I am so close to being finished at uni, and then everything will be better.” I have returned to the old cycle of, “As of Monday I am back on the wagon”. Well, 20 Monday’s and counting...🤨

So how about it r/loseit, tell me your stories. How did you avoid/ not avoid the dreaded regain? I have no intention of sharing them, but maybe we can find wisdom in each others experiences.

submitted by /u/rx_coffee
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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