Thursday, March 28, 2019

Lost 25 pounds since Jan 1! 27F / 152.2>126.6

Pictures first:

Before: Now:

It’s been a really tough week for me (live-in boyfriend of almost 3 years broke up with me and I’m sick), so stepping on the scale today and seeing the 25 pound mark achieved really brightened my day!

Before starting, I was eating fast food daily, and typically multiple times a day. A usual day looked like a Dunkin’ Donuts latte for breakfast with a bagel, a Starbucks latte at work plus UberEats lunch, and Taco Bell or McDonalds for dinner, no exaggeration. I always used the excuse that I was too busy to eat healthy (I had been working full time while going to graduate school full time, so I am definitely very busy). As recently as December 31, 2018 I was out at a dessert party eating everything to celebrate the new year. I don’t ever do resolutions, but I just woke up on the 1st and realized I needed to get it together because I wasn’t happy with how I looked. I wasn’t happy having to take tons of pictures to find a couple that I liked or need to stand in specific poses to minimize the weight.

So I started. I dusted off my old MFP app and started CICO. It set my goal on calories to be 1270, and I just went for it. I stopped eating breakfast because I realized I was equally hungry by lunch and it didn’t seem to give me more energy or focus. I started drinking tea with no additives and mostly gave up lattes (I will get a skinny grande latte on rare occasion now). I found “lazy” healthy foods to eat so that I couldn’t use my excuse anymore of not having time. I started packing all my lunches - nonfat Greek yogurt, berries, raw veggies like carrots, grape tomatoes, light string cheese, deli turkey meat. Some combo of that would pretty much always be my lunch. Most importantly, I gave up fast food cold turkey. I haven’t had fast food since December, and wow has there been a change.

I didn’t expect to lose this much this quickly. I was thinking it would be about 1 pound/week on this deficit. But I also started a new job where I walk a lot instead of my old desk job where people always brought in snacks. Last month I also started going to yoga. And it’s been amazing how much things have changed. Now I love grocery shopping and feel good about my food choices. I feel much more in control of my life. This has particularly helped me get through this week, as I feel less inclined to spiral into total sadness. I am able to keep focusing on myself and my goals which is really needed.

There were two mottos that really helped me. “You don’t have time to not take care of yourself” and “be stronger than your excuses.” I worked a lot on flipping my negative thoughts into positive ones, and it’s really helped me overall in my life and in my weight loss journey. I still have about 12 pounds to go, and I’m ready to keep pushing on.

Apologies for any formatting issues - I am on mobile.

submitted by /u/saysomethingcrazy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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