Friday, March 29, 2019

Hi r/loseit. This is me!

Hi all. I'm trying get serious about weight loss but I'm too self-conscious to talk to friends etc. about it in IRL. I've seen the amazing community spirit here and want to join in! (There's a TL;DR!)

So, I've never been skinny... ever! I was a chubby kid and I've been a fat adult, and now I'm an obese adult. I'm 34, about 5ft 5in and I peaked recently at 245lb. I hate the mirror.

I quit smoking about a year and a half ago and I let emotional eating taking over. This year I need to quit that!

I started excercising about 3 weeks ago - just low-impact, high-energy cardio sessions at home (see self-consciousness) at least 4 times a week, but aiming for 6. I am really trying to make being active the first habit I latch on to. Aside from being more careful and curbing my late-night emotional munchies, I hadn't been worrying too much about food and dieting, I didn't want to take on too much too fast, but I've found because I'm being so active that I don't want to fuck it all with crap food - so I'm definitely making more and more better choices as the weeks go on.

Carbs and coffee were my downfall. I have 2 young kids and breads are so quick and easy to just grab and go. I would also drink maybe 6 sweet milky coffees a day, 2 of them might be lattes if I'm out or at work. I was grocery shopping one day and came across coconut green tea. It has changed my life! It's completely replaced my coffees and I don't miss it at all. I'm sure my body doesn't miss all that sugar either - I feel so much "cleaner" physically and clearer mentally already, so I'm excited to see how much better I can feel!

So that's me, in a long and rambly nutshell. Hopefully in 6 or 12 months I'm still here and posting a progress pic!

All advice is appreciated :D

TL;DR: I quit smoking, I handled it badly and now I'm obese and kind of addicted to late-night snacking. Started excercising 3 weeks ago, eating better so I don't undo my all my effort, quit my 6-a-day coffee habit (happy accident) and now I feel great!

submitted by /u/whaleyfedup
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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