Thursday, March 28, 2019

Scales not going down, can you guys explain why?

So I've been dieting properly for about six months now, I've lost a stone so far, it's been slow going but this is the first time I've ever lost weight properly and it's directly thanks to you guys and r/fatlogic. I believed all the HAES stuff before discovering these subs, once I learned properly about CICO the weight came off very easily.

Now here's where my problem comes in, I'm eating 1200 calories a day, but honestly most days I'm under that. Over the last three weeks I started moving a lot more. I went from a basically sedentary lifestyle to one of lifting things all day. I've been sprucing up my parents garden and working with my mum too, she cleans and it's quite physically demanding. I've started feeling sick all of the time so my parents asked if I'd been tracking the extra calories I've been burning every day. I checked how many calories I've been burning and it averages 2000 a day. My clothes are fitting better by the day, in fact the clothes my mum and dad gave me to work in are falling off me now, we've noticed insane changes to my body in an extremely short space of time. I've even lost three inches off my waist which averages at an inch a week.

So why isn't my weight going down? My calorie defecit works out that I should have lost 8 pounds, I have noticed my strength increase daily but from everything I've read it literally isn't possible for a female to put muscle on at that rate. Also, because I didn't factor in the extra calories burned everyday I haven't been eating anywhere near enough to grow muscle.

I'm just really, really confused, I know I should be happy that my body is changing but I'm just getting so frustrated seeing no change on the scale.

Can any of you explain what the hell is going on with my body? Is it water retention? Am I an X-man who builds muscle like a freak (my brothers suggestion)? I'm just so confused and the lack of weight loss is making me not want to eat (I've struggled with disordered eating my whole life).

submitted by /u/QueenGreen1
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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