Friday, March 29, 2019

Small rant on people who are anti-alternatives when it comes to treats such as low cal packs/low calorie alternatives. What do you guys think? What has been your experiences on the subject? I have a really hard time with satisfaction and getting sugar to a normal intake.

I was looking up low calorie ice cream brands and came across comments in which were frustratingly anti-non-natural one, but worse was the idea that eating just a little be of the regular stuff was better. The entire point of being able to polish off a 310 cal tub ala breyers for instance is because that same person is likely to polish off a Ben and Jerry's half baked tub as well. People who often choose these options is because they have addiction/sugar based issues and are trying to find something to mitigate the damage. Is it optimal? Of course not, but for many it's more than just a physical craving. When I grew up I was given treats as a reward for being good or just normal. I was actively punished with lack of treats when my behavior was perceived as bad. My psyche is totally damaged from this thought process (among other things from childhood that were outright abusive, but that's neither here nor there) and it makes it that much harder.

I also read a study on the theory that some people have a lowered pleasure response to stimuli. Meaning in a simplified way, 1 cupcake will make most people happy and satisfied, but for someone with the lowered response/receptors 3+ cupcakes are needed for the same level. This explains why some people can eat a whole tub of ice cream and then finally feel temporarily happy/satisfied where others would balk or feel sick doing half that or even less. it's also possible that this is genetic, not even always learned in the same way any addiction works in the diminishing returns fashion. Which makes it even more imperative to figure out and explains why some people have a harder time going cold turkey than others.

If this is correct, then it's not a matter of will power if one is satisfied with a piece of chocolate and another needs a row of cookies to feel the same thing.

What has been your guys experience in choosing alternatives or even going cold turkey? I am having a absolute hell of a time cutting out desserts. I'm trying fruit with the tiniest bit of honey or just fruit outright, which I love, but it doesn't satisfy that mental component at all. Cutting cold turkey is really hard and I relapse if I break for some small thing. I've figured out a few trigger foods and brands that set off a chain of inability to stop, but it's definitely the biggest hurdle I face in weight loss.
I'm debating on getting a breyers delights tonight.

There is another factor too, though this might be partial desperate excuse, but stress causes the body to hang on to more weight and I get really stressed out being unable to have treats. I feel worthless and like I did something wrong, so it's really hard to find a balance to make myself not stressed out (I stress about other things too, so it's just a cherry on the cake so to speak to) So having these lower calorie options is a viable option to me, so long as it fits in the caloric intake as my diet is CICO and my body is REALLY stingy with sugars and fats. It just will not lose almost anything unless I am 1300 or lower.

So it's like sitting in a rock and a hard place, at least that's how it feels. I hope I am not alone on this front because it's something I definitely struggle (cry in a corner for real) about.

submitted by /u/Sinvanor
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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