Thursday, March 28, 2019

Successfully Losing Weight For My Wedding

Hi Reddit

Let me start by saying that this post is not intended to be a humble brag or snotty or anything like that. I have been reading a lot of forums related to weight loss, and see a lot of horror stories and negatives, and just feel like it would be nice to have a different perspective documented on here because if I'm Googling it, maybe someone else is too.

I got engaged in August 2018, didn't do anything weightless related at all, bought a dress I liked but felt self conscious in in February, and just started some very casual weight loss efforts in the month of March which have been very successful. My wedding is at the end of August (so, five months to go). I am 5'11 and started at 168 lbs, but am currently down to 157 after my month of being good. I should also add that I was prescribed a diuretic by my doctor for some health related issues, but I was down to 160 before I went on the diuretic, so if you look at my comment history on reddit and see discussion of said diuretic, I have a pretty good idea presently of how much weight-loss I can contribute to the meds I am on. I'll also add that I am gluten free (not by choice, I have celiac) and a pescatarian in case anyone is interested.

I had a turning point about a month ago while talking to a friend who is Keto about some of the changes he has made personally in his own diet. He talked to me about how he only eats things he really wants... for example, carrots. Is he eating them because he LOVES carrots? Or, is he eating them because in his mind they are healthy and therefore he should eat them? Something clicked for me when he said that, and it resulted in me thinking more intentionally before I eat things. When I make a salad for example, I pause and think to myself "do I really care about these chickpeas? Or, would I be happier with some extra avocado?" or "will this slice of cheese make any difference for me on my sandwich, or would I be happier with a piece of chocolate?" or even "do I actually need this piece of boring Hershey's chocolate right now, or would I enjoy a freshly baked cookie tomorrow?" In addition to this, I have moderately upped my activity (although I have decreased the intensity) and have been consistently hitting 12k steps a day when previously I was hitting between 6-10k.

I wanted to share this perspective because in just one month I feel so much happier, healthier, more awake, and energized. In addition, I am at my lowest adult weight and really did not put in much effort. In the past when I have dieted and exercised I have gone hard and made it a really unenjoyable experience for myself which as you can likely imagine has resulted in me not keeping up with my efforts. For anyone out there who is getting ready for their wedding and wants to shed some additional pounds, I would really encourage you to be kind to yourself and to slowly and carefully shift your mindset instead of torturing yourself with restrictive diets and aggressive workouts. After all, no one wants to be a bridezilla, and a hungry bride-to-be is almost certainly going to be a grumpy bride-to-be.

If I can help anyone in any way, please don't hesitate to let me know. I am happy to share more of what I have been eating, creative meals I have made, delicious snacks I have not restricted myself on, etc.

TL;DR -- For the first time in my life I feel like I've finally "got it" when it comes to eating healthy and losing weight.

submitted by /u/throwaweighhhh
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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