Saturday, March 23, 2019

Onederland at last! 34lbs in 2 months! + Progress Pics!

I really looked forward to making this post when I started and right now I don't have a ton of enthusiasm, but I felt I owed it to myself to make a post.

I normally keep a constant weight throughout the week and then on weekends it just sheds off. On Friday morning I weighed in at 200.1lbs. I skipped breakfast and lunch just because I needed the dopamine hit of seeing 199. When I got home it showed a beautiful 199.9lbs.

I drank a lot of Vodka yesterday to celebrate, did a lot of peeing, and this morning I weighed in at 197.0lbs.

I have my ex to thank for breaking my heart and causing my brain to flip a switch and decide I'm not going to fall into the trap of life-long obesity and severe hypertension. I started off pretty poorly with my diet, eating 600-1000 kcal/day. That lasted pretty much the entire first month. I still struggle a bit to hit over 1,000 naturally but I have plenty of calorie-dense foods I use to stuff in an extra 500 kcal at the end of the day.

Anyways, I was 231lbs on January 31st, the day I kicked out my ex. Today I'm 197 (actually 198 because I just ate), and am looking forward to the coming months. I really hope to hit my goal weight of 150 by the end of the year, and possibly get down to 135 somewhere down the line.

A lot of weight fell off at the start, water weight of course, but here's the breakdown of my weight loss by dates I logged in MyFitnessPal:

Jan 31 - 231.6

Feb 09 - 219.0

Feb 14 - 216.5

Feb 18 - 213.5

Feb 24 - 212.7

Mar 03 - 208.7

Mar 07 - 207

Mar 09 - 204.8

Mar 12 - 203.2

Mar 15 - 202.6

Mar 19 - 200.8

Mar 22 - 199.9

Mar 23 - 197.0

I've gone to the thrift store already to celebrate and buy a few pieces of smaller clothes. I've gone from wearing size 40 pants (actually barely squeezing into 38) to loosely fitting into 36. I've gone from squeezing into XL shirts because I hated the idea of 2XL to comfortably wearing Large.

197 is actually the lowest weight I've hit in about 9 years. in 2010 I was in 9th grade and weighed 195lbs. I rose up to about 225 by the end of high school and then dropping down to 197 in 2015 when I flew from Ohio to Florida to meet up with a beautiful girl I met on Habbo Hotel. She moved to Ohio with me and I ballooned from 197 to 246 in 2017. I was able to bring that down a little, but I stayed in the 225-235 range up until she decided she needed additional men in her life in January of this year.

My goal weight of 150 would be the lowest I've weighed since 5th grade when I was 5'0.

Anyways, here's Wonderwall the progress photos

submitted by /u/Ketoznia
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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