Sunday, April 7, 2019

Podcast Recommendations… Seeing Celebrities and more – Q&A April 1

Hello! How’s it going? Over here it’s going…busy! I have a long list of To Dos – most of which have deadlines. Luckily one of those to do list items is…Answer the questions from the Instagram Story box. Boom. I just did! So the latest set of your questions is on video below! I also shared it on the @RunEatRepeat Insta Stories and it’ll be saved in April Q&A if you miss it after the first 24 hours.

These questions are about my favorite cookbooks, podcasts, playlists and more…

funny runner meme @RunEatRepeat Instagram

April Q &A – 1

What are your favorite cookbooks?

I don’t really use cookbooks… but I love having them. I probably stick to the Food Network, magazines or Pinterest when I need inspiration for dinner ideas or other recipes. But I do have a few cookbooks handy at all times. They’re great coffee table books – so pretty!!

These are the cookbooks I have on my shelf right now:

Super Foods Super Fast by Julie Montague – I interviewed her for the podcast! Check out Julie Montagu on self care Run Eat Repeat podcast episode 64.

Run Fast Eat Slow Nourishing Recipes for Athletes by Shalane Flanagan and Elyse Kopecky

Good Food. Good Life. by chef Curtis Stone – I met him at an event in Los Angeles last year. It was for a fancy food blog event in a gorgeous house in the hills and he did a cooking lesson and then we ate amazing food. Check it out here – Fancy Los Angeles Dinner with Chef Curtis Stone

curtis stone food blog cooking lesson la 1

curtis stone food blog cooking lesson la

Did you do the Encinitas Half Marathon since you were in San Diego?

No I was going to my little brother’s band performance.


Podcast recommendations! Besides yours of course…

Lately I love podcasts that recap reality TV. I actually didn’t watch any reality TV when I was house-sitting for my friend for 5 weeks!! And I didn’t really miss it because I kept up with a few podcasts.

I think the best reality TV podcasts are:

Heather McDonald Juicy Scoop

Watch What Crappens

Bitch Sesh

Watch What Happens Live – the show is shared as a podcast

Reality Life with Kate Casey


For other stuff… my favorite podcasts lately:

The Happier Podcast

Savvy Psychologist

Curiosity Daily

Crime Writers On Serial


Oprah’s Super Soul Conversations

And make sure you’re subscribed to the Run Eat Repeat podcast!

RER Podcast logo


For the egg freezing is it to get a surrogate in the future? Or do they reinsert your own eggs into you?


Have you ever seen anyone from Vanderpump Rules out in California?

No but I should at least try the new Witches of WeHo wine! While eating pasta of course…

stassi classic gif its not about the pasta gif


New Running Playlist April 19


Can you share your playlists?


I know you listen to podcasts etc., but will you share a Spotify playlist for races?

Yes! I’m sharing my new running playlist for this month here on Spotify – Run Eat Repeat 4.19

running playlist April 19 spotify


Can you talk about egg freezing? I’d like to do it but it would be good to hear your experience…

Yes – more posts on the egg freezing process are coming soon. If you have specific questions – let me know. Email me or leave them below.

Go for a run funny runner instagram meme via Run Eat Repeat

Got a question? Ask in the comments or in the Instagram Story Box!

Follow @RunEatRepeat on Instagram for more!!



The post Podcast Recommendations… Seeing Celebrities and more – Q&A April 1 appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat

Is it okay if I *just* focus on weight loss for now?

Female, 29, 5'6. SW: 172 CW: 159 GW: 148

I've been doing CICO on and off for the last three years. I've never seemed to be able to maintain my habits because I experience a major shift in my life and fall off the wagon (I'm an emotional eater, and a social eater, and just a plain glutton). This year, I moved apartments and fell off for about three weeks. I recognized it for what it was and hopped back on.

Before I fell off, I was doing it all. Running three times a week, yoga twice a week, and walking my dog two miles the other two days. I've been doing this for three years and I've never hit my goal weight. I understand that weight is just a number and I should only use it as a guide, but it's a goal that I've set and I want to reach it. Is there anything wrong with replacing my running and yoga with walking the dog until I get down to my goal weight and then reintroducing those exercises to build muscle and tone my body?

submitted by /u/ideletedmyaccount_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Maintenance after hitting goal

38m 5’8” 227>47 lbs=180. I laid down drinking in October and decided to get back on the CICO diet to find my gw of 180. I feel like I have achieved my weight loss that I originally set out to do, along with an additional bonus of quitting smoking three weeks ago. I recently have been able to start running again to get some sort of exercise in. The thought of maintaining is really messing me up due to feeling that I am either starving on a diet or binging on food- no in between. almost like eat all the stuff I have been missing for the last few weeks before I get back on the diet and set a new goal weight. I still want to drop another 10-15 lbs but feel like I need a break from the diet. Any tactics or ideas to help while in my maintenance period?

submitted by /u/joshm626
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Some things I've learned after losing 30 lbs (so far)

For my weight loss journey, (since September '18, down about 30 lbs), I decided to do CICO and aim for around 1500 calories a day, considering my weight and activity and all that. I've been great at writing down my calories (I tried the Lose It app but it tended to overestimate my TDEE and I ended up only losing 1 lb one month, so I'm back to pen and paper which works for me.) I have noticed a couple of things about my experience with cheat days, cravings, etc that I wanted to share here:

  • About once a month, I do a 'no counting' day. I don't necessarily binge or go crazy, but if I know I'm going to a party, or somewhere special with high calorie stuff, it's nice to have that room to just enjoy the day without fussing. I heard someone once say that something to this effect - "one day's food isn't going to make you skinny, and neither is one day's food going to make you fat." I had a no count day a few days ago, had some donuts I haven't had in months, and loved them. They were horribly bad for me, high in calories, and absolutely delicious. And surprisingly, I was glad to get back to saner eating and counting the next day.

  • I heard something else that made a lot of sense - don't screw up twice. We all have off days, off meals, cravings, bad decisions. Allow yourself the 'mistake', but don't compound it by giving up and making that same mistake the next day, and the next day. That's how we slip back into bad eating, is by saying 'well I screwed up by having that xyz yesterday, I'm useless, might as well have another one today."

  • No food should be off limits - sometimes a small bag of cheetos is exactly what you need in your life. Just add it to the calorie count and keep going. I find that even though it's a bit more expensive to have smaller servings of things around, it's better than having the jumbo bag around that's all to easy to keep dipping into while watching tv.

  • I don't 'eat back' calories from exercise, even on days when I swim and bike. It's really not a good idea. Exercise is great, but it's not a huge factor in weight loss.

  • I'm somewhat of an emotional eater, and sometimes I really crave things just based on wanting them, not on hunger. I have great willpower, but sometimes I sort of know I won't be in the right frame of mind to 'resist'. So sometimes I thwart myself a bit - I pop a Halls lozenge and let the strong menthol flavour sort of 'ruin' the tastebuds temporarily. Just try eating something yummy after you've had a lozenge. You either won't do it, or you won't eat much more of it.

I don't know if these are helpful, I just wanted to share my thoughts after having (finally) some success losing weight.

submitted by /u/Pippa_Joy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Another fresh start after about a million others.

Hello! I'm an 18 year old male who has been struggling with weight issues and obesity for basically all my life. I was pretty hefty when i was born and kept piling on the pounds as i grew older.

But when I was 15, something in me snapped. I had enough. I did'nt want to be known as the fat kid anymore. The class clown whose weight served as the brunt of many, many jokes. I started starving myself. I would literally only eat a single bowl of oats and a banana each day.

It worked, and i lost nearly 70 pounds in three months. It felt FUCKING AMAZING. From being morbidly obese to nearly underweight. The comments and compliments i got, being able to fit into pretty much anything i wanted to and the new wave of self confidence, I loved it.

Eventually i gained a few pounds due to a major exam that was coming up, but nbd, i managed to work it off a few months afterwards. The shit really hit the fan when i went to a new school however. It was extremely stressful, and to put it simply, I felt like shit most of the time.

All hell broke lose. I turned to food for comfort again and relapsed almost completely. I had sworn off sweetened drinks for two years at that point, but you guessed it, i started guzzling them again like theres no tommorow. I gained 20 pounds back.

Long story short, here i am now, feeling really drained. For the past year or so , I've made tons of promises to my friends and family. "I'll start the diet tommorow!", but as they say, Tommorow never comes. I honestly feel really ashamed, they must think i'm full of shit by now.

Well, today is hopefully the mystical 'Tommorow' i've been always waiting for. I hope this post gives me a boost and spurs me on to work atleast slightly harder to achieve my goals. Thanks a ton for reading guys, and to all the warriors on the weight loss journey, best wishes and much love :)

submitted by /u/Amracool
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My story of depression, weight gain, anxiety, and the beginning of weight loss

In February of 2014, I weighed 190 pounds. I had just been in the hospital for a month due to an accident where I lost half of my left hand. I was prescribed pain killers for the chronic pain, and sent on my way to relearn how to live with half of a hand (index and thumb only).

The hardest part for this was the fact that I had been drumming since I was 7 years old, and now, at 24, I couldn’t hold a drumstick. After a few months, my wife noticed the hallmark signs of depression; the malaise, the lack of motivation, the sleeping, the overeating... so I went to a therapist.

It was working. I was making some progress, and feeling better, but between physical therapy 3 times a week, visits to my pin specialist once a month, visits to my orthopedic surgeon twice a month, visits to my plastic surgeon who do the muscle transplant and skin grafting once a month, and therapy twice a week, the copays were getting a little much (Yes, USA.) After 6 months, it was time for me to go back to work. I couldn’t keep all these doctors appointments and continue with my life, so I cut physical therapy down to once a week, and stopped seeing my therapist. This is when I started in on my downward spiral.

From the beginning of 2014 until September 23rd, 2018, I began to abuse my pain killers to self medicate for the depression, mixed with alcohol and weed. I was able to fake the “happiness” to the point where people didn’t ask questions. I was able to sort of fake the motivation; instead of being depressed, I was just viewed as having poor work ethic. The one symptom I couldn’t beat back was the over eating. I ballooned up 90 pounds. 270, as of a month ago.

September 23rd, as previously mentioned, was when I decided to get clean from the opiates. That followed a further cycle of depression, where others noticed and I had to seek professional help. I saw a psychiatrist, who prescribed me with anti-depressants, therapy, and addiction meetings. The anti-depressants really worked. As I’ve been taking them, I became remotivated to be better, my anxiety about death led to a positive outcome rather than a negative one; I wanted to get healthy.

On March 6th, I made the decision to stop drinking soda with my lunch, and drink sugar free energy drinks or use artificial sweeteners in my coffee. By a week later, my plan changed. I was going no sugar at all. After two weeks on no sugar, I lost 20 pounds. I needed to keep going. I bought a gym pass, I stopped buying my lunch everyday and make a spinach, oranges, carrots, and grilled chicken salad everyday for lunch. Sometimes dinner too. Now I’m watching calories. I went out to breakfast yesterday with my wife and kids and for the first time, as I scanned the menu looking for numbers, for the first time I was looking for the number of calories and not the price. I’ve never eaten this healthy. I’m 7/7 this week on workouts, and today when I knew I wasn’t going to be able to go to the gym, I took my kids outback to play and while they were playing, used my jump rope, did push ups, sit-ups, squats, lunges, stepped up to my retaining wall and back down a bunch of times... I got a good work out in, even when I knew I couldn’t go to the gym. I’ve never been this motivated in my life.

I’m now down 32 pounds, it’s been 4 weeks and 3 days. I’m pushing harder at the gym. I’m counting every single calorie that goes in my body. I used to think people who did this were crazy and would never have dreamed of it; but I’m tired of being a fat ass, and I want to live to see my daughters get married, not die of a heart attack at 40.

Well, this rant turned out to be longer than I planned. I think I just needed to get it off my chest. If you end up reading it, cheers, and thanks for entertaining my inner thoughts. If you don’t... tl;dr was depressed, ballooned in weight, got treatment, no I’m resetting my life.

submitted by /u/jdbrew
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Has anyone tried something like eMeals or Eat This Much? What's your take?

From what I gather, they're both programs where you pay $5/month to get a meal plan and shopping list tailored to your caloric/macro needs and food preferences, and eMeals also comes with an option to send your list to a local grocery store so it's ready for you when you go there.

I've struggled with weight loss in the past and typically what trips me up is that I don't love cooking as it's time consuming, and find it much easier to either eat something premade or order takeout. I put off grocery shopping because it's too time consuming until there's nothing to eat in the house and I'm ordering pizza every other night. I'm like this in most other aspects of my life as well, but with weight gain it's more noticeable because it's a physical issue.

A lot of the time I have a very small amount of free time so if I go shopping one night I don't have time to make dinner or shower or get ready for the next day that same night (I usually end up getting a microwavable snack on those nights for dinner).

About a year ago I decided I was going to start an intense diet full of clean foods and with a strict calorie limit, and I found that while I was able to lose weight and I enjoyed the diet, it wasn't sustainable because of the sheer amount of time it took. It seemed like I was always deciding on dinner, shopping, cooking, or preparing food in some way.

Has anyone used any sort of program like this?

submitted by /u/bloodredpepper
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from loseit - Lose the Fat