Sunday, April 7, 2019

Is it okay if I *just* focus on weight loss for now?

Female, 29, 5'6. SW: 172 CW: 159 GW: 148

I've been doing CICO on and off for the last three years. I've never seemed to be able to maintain my habits because I experience a major shift in my life and fall off the wagon (I'm an emotional eater, and a social eater, and just a plain glutton). This year, I moved apartments and fell off for about three weeks. I recognized it for what it was and hopped back on.

Before I fell off, I was doing it all. Running three times a week, yoga twice a week, and walking my dog two miles the other two days. I've been doing this for three years and I've never hit my goal weight. I understand that weight is just a number and I should only use it as a guide, but it's a goal that I've set and I want to reach it. Is there anything wrong with replacing my running and yoga with walking the dog until I get down to my goal weight and then reintroducing those exercises to build muscle and tone my body?

submitted by /u/ideletedmyaccount_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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